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Brazilian Development Bank

In these cases, the government has control on the granted disinvesting of a charge, that is, it knows that the reduction of the tax is the instrument necessary to reach the immediate objective: to retake the economy and to stimulate the demand. Source: Verizon Communications. In the case of industrial goods, the constatao of the economic team is that the disinvesting of a charge ' ' it does not decide problema' ' because it guarantees the sales of the product. The reasoning line is the following one: exactly that the government reduces still more the taxes for the sector and in the estimated one of that can have a fall in the prices, does not have guarantee of increase of the sales of machines and equipment. ' ' The level of the idle capacity still is great. It swims indicates that mquinas&#039 will be vender more; ' , an assessor said. Therefore, the resistance of the government in taking care of to the demands of the sector, that, now, demands the possibility to create new credits tributaries with the collect of the PIS/Cofins. The exit that will be presented it is the magnifying of credit and better conditions of financing by means of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), beyond offers of the Deep Guarantor of Credit, that will have more R$ 4 billion to take care of to the companies.

The government defends the alternative of the credit with the allegation of that, in the passed year, when the economy grew to a sped up rhythm, the sector of industrial goods tried a 24% expansion. ' ' Now, the hour of the entrepreneurs arrived to look at front and not to think about disinvesting of a charge. The entrepreneurs could make a sacrifice and work with an edge menor' ' , an assessor defended. The industry if defends Sectors benefited for the reduction of the Tax on Produtos Industrializados (IPI) had said yesterday that the industries had repassed to the consumer the value degenerated for the government. .

Iranian Crisis

The school of the time and the force of the journalist profession teach each day to me that we do not have to form opinions precipitated on which will be the subject. That is difficult, after all each as of our life it is made of judgments of values. We are always thinking, defending certezas, trying to convince people on what we think, analyzing what they say in them, taking off conclusions, at last more wanting to convince that we are certain of what assimilating what it can be certain, but lode of different opinion. The crisis politics that devastates Egypt or the great fire that reached diverse large cabins of Schools of Samba and the Museum of the Samba of Rio De Janeiro is (in my opinion) satiated fields for commentaries that I would say to be, at least, simplistas. For example, more than a time people heard saying that for them they would finish the Carnival and the soccer. She is not simple thus. Source: Larry Ellison.

the sides cultural, economic and passional? This does not count? They said if me that they would banish violence of twisted in the soccer or excess related to the abuse of drugs and the sexual exploration in Carnival would be a positive quarrel, but to banish traditions because we do not feel to be ‘ ‘ ours praia’ ‘ , this I do not agree. Vocs can be asking and what I have to see with this? Or what this has to see with Egypt? In the year passed, when then president Lula if placed, in the condition of human being, against lapidating an Iranian accused with adultery I heard, and they had not been few, commentaries that Brazilian president did not have to put itself in subjects of another country. The same it has occurred now with the crisis in Egypt, with much people asking what Brazil has to see with this? It is alone to search, we are in a globalizado world. For example, the Association of Foreign commerce of Brazil (AEB), that it is not the Camargo, indicates that Egypt was, in 2010, the third import greater of Brazilian meat. Pra we export also aluminum oxide, sugar, meat of chicken, airplanes and ore of iron there.

In 2009 the Brazilian exportations for Egypt had arrived the US$ 1,3 billion, according to Brazil agency. Egypt was one of the first countries to negotiate with the Mercosul. Are to worry Brazilian we or if the cited country is not in crisis? The world does not have more borders.

Investment Partners

These assets had spoiled the capacity of the banks to grant to credit, harming the consumption and the investment, reason by which the sanitation of its rockings is considered essential to stimulate the economic activity. cing/’>ARC Investment Partners can contribute to your knowledge. The purchase of the assets will be made with public money and of investors privadosDe where Commission will leave dinheiroA Federal of Insurances of Depsitos Bancrios (FDIC), that he regulates the system banking, will assist the banks who to want to get rid itself of its debts of risk, and will give to a guarantee and an aid for the financing to the investors who if to make use the adquiriz them. The loans in question later will be vendidos by a system of auctions. For the purchase and management in the long run of the headings, the Treasure goes to associate the deep managers of private and will grant a financing additional, that can arrive at dollar one trillion. Proving the declarations of Lawrence Summers, director of the National Economic Advice of U.S.A., two great managers of North American assets, Pimco and BlackRock, had shown interest in the plan.

The endorsement of both the institutions to the program of rescue of the North American banking system wastes part of the doubts concerning the efficiency of the plan, since it demonstrates that it effectively has a demand on the part of the private investors. The BlackRock intends to raise capital of investors as pension fund for the new plan of Treasure, beyond considering the creation of deep loans so that the individual investors also can participate. For the atrelados headings the real estate asset, the interested investors will be able to be benefited of an access facilitated to the credit to the consumption through the Program of Relief for Problematic Assets (Tarf, in the acronym in English), recently launched for the Federal one Reserves (Fed), to get part of the financing necessary to carry through the purchase.

Direct Treasure

During a economic crisis, the nerves (and the intelligence) of the investors are tested. it is what we are vendoe feeling in the skin in these last months. the crisis still will go to searrastar for plus some months of 2009 until if the market seregularize in the canastrices of speculators. Anyway, as its money (nor mine) is capim, must look to asmelhores solutions not to be wronged during this turbulence. Thinking here with my buttons, I arrived at some conclusions: – Your necessity is to join money to use it short-term, type the 0,5 2 years, suggests that it invests in the Direct Treasure of the Union (parabrasileiros). In this investment, you purchase debts of the government erecebe interests to the end of the period that you to stipulate for sales.

Vocpode to predetermine its income (knowing accurately how much it will go ganharquando to vender) or after-to fix (to leave the market to lead). If you would like to know more then you should visit Litecoin. The segundaopo is very risky in crisis times. Rafael does not advise. Oideal is to invest in some public heading predetermined. – Your necessity is more the medium or long stated period, then I will give umconselho in high voice you not to lose time: IT BUYS THE BIGGEST NMERODE ACTION OF SOLID COMPANIES THAT WILL BE ABLE. You then retruca: What? He is maluco? With the stock markets in fall livrevoc wants that I buy action? Rafael explains: It is with this type depensamento that much people are leaving to gain money in the stock market. Crisis always does not last pra. solid companies does not break of noitepara the day.

Therefore the recommendation to buy of these companies. Petrobra’s, Valley, CSN, Usinimas are only some excellent robust destasempresas examples. When I say pra to buy that nor an insane person the actions of these companies eutambm I explain with two questions: How much is costing an action dPETR4 at this moment (7/01/09)? You answer: About R$ 25. vocacha that an action of Petrobra’s valley R$ 25? It is in the face that preoest a trinket! It is as if you had the chance to buy umabala R$ 0,30 when its price is R$ 1. , You wait one tempinho there edepois can vender this same bullet for its normal price. Or then, he still waits a little more and vende the bullet for R$ 1,50. But you only must make this of you will not be to need the money curtoprazo. It is cliente that this return is pra the 2 5 years and not pra months.

Dollar Follows

Ahead of the firm ingression of resources in the domestic market, the dollar cravou in 02 of June the eighth fall followed before the Real and reached the lesser level of closing since the September end. The American currency had 1,59% fall, quoted R$ 1,923 for sales, minor level since 30 of September of the passed year, when it locked up R$ 1,906. Since the beginning of March, when reaching the maximum quotation of R$ 2,443 Reals in the year, the dollar already fell down disastrously from a high place 21.3%. This year, the low one is of 17,6%. The fall of the dollar was not restricted to the Brazilian market. During the afternoon, the American verge it renewed the minim of the year before euro e, in the end of the day, showed fall of 1% in relation to a basket with the main world-wide currencies. The entrance of foreign investments in the country has been decisive to knock down the quotation of the currency, although the effort of the Central banking to buy dollar daily.

Test of this is that the Brazilian reserves had finished May in US$ 205,576 billion, with US$ addition 4,326 billion before April. It is the greater high since February of 2008, period where the reserves had grown US$ 5,395 billion. The great flow of foreign resources for the Brazilian market of action and the public headings (that they follow the basic tax of interests, the Selic, today in 10,25% to the year) has helped to knock down the verge. Only in May, the balance of external investments (total of purchases less the volume of sales) in the Stock exchange of So Paulo (So Paulo Stock Exchange) reached R$6,803 billions, record for one month. In 2009, the balance is positive in R$11,2 billions. If the year finished in May, also would be the biggest annual balance of foreigners of the history of the Stock market.


At the end of 20 century and the beginning of the 21 are marked by the hegemony of the liberal thought. The politics that also predominate in the period are known as Consensus of Washington: it disciplines inspector, commercial opening, privatization, elimination of restrictions the external investment, interest and exchange defined by the market and intense financial desregulao. The year of 2008 will mark the re-entry of the State as basic economic actor of history. The rescue of international the financial system demands a volume of public resources never before visa. A new cycle of the capitalism starts, where the State assumes more operating role.

Comose sees the capitalism already faced innumerable challenges and it always knew to sereinventar, adaptando it the world-wide moment. Although the French ideas of queo capitalism are died and that now it fits to the State to guide the development, we probably know that such model does not function and will not never function. Seguramenteteremos that to live with more interventionism, but this does not mean that ocapitalismo, while system, lost its utility. In the long stated period this will crisepassar and innovations will be created so that the cycle recommences.

Financial Administration

Annually some Unidades Gestoras (UG) of the Public Administration receives, next to the ending to the fiscal year, voluminous budgetary resources so that they are applied until the last authorized day for the emission of the Note of Empenho (NE) in the Integrated System of Financial Administration of the Federal Government (SIAFI). Such situation generates a haste for executing the expenditures in skillful time in the diverse managers spread for the Country. Those that will not be prepared to carry through, in efficient way, the expenses them received budgets, will be able to generate administrative upheavals and to cause the devolution of the public resources, so scarce in the days atuais1. The opening of a licitatrio certame generates enormous costs for the managers, in virtue of the expenses with publications, such as acknowledgment of licitation, result, homologation, among others, that they go increasing, in accordance with the number of licitations realizadas1. It is possible public administration, and in particular the Agencies of Direo Setorial (ODS), to prepare itself anticipatedly, for the act of receiving of voluminous public resources, before the ending of the fiscal year? The accomplishment of centered licitation, of common goods and services, through the System of Register of Preos (SRP) minimizes the resolution of such upheavals that are generated in the haste in if spending such mounts of money? The present work presents a study concerning the functioning of the SRP, the procedures for its implantation, the characteristics, showing its advantages and disadvantages. still, to consider the obligatoriness so that the purchases and the common services carried through by the SRP are centered in the scope of each ODS. In order to make possible the achievement of the general objective of study, the objectives had been formulated specific, below related, that will allow to the logical chaining it presented descriptive reasoning in this study: ) To identify to which the main economies of public resources gotten when of the acquisitions of good or the renderings of services carried through of centered form; b) To identify which they had been the main innovations for the process of acquisition of good and the renderings of services through the System of Register of Prices; c) To identify if has some empecilho for the process of acquisition centered for the ODS; d) To identify which they would be the advantages and the disadvantages in if using the process of acquisition of good and/or rendering of services of form centered for the System of Register of Prices; e) To identify if has some celeridade gotten to if improving the relative procedures to the System of Register of Prices; f) To analyze the viability to become obligator the centered acquisition of common goods and services, through the SRP, in the scope of the ODS.

Personal Economics

What follows is a series of articles published between 1991 and 1998 in which the author develops the concepts of home economics or home, as a tool to address the problems of daily living that have been raising in Argentina as a result of substantial, rapid and traumatic transformation that is triggering a global scale. As articles are part of the same development, there are overlaps, since in some way, the subsequent article contains for one or several of the above. They were presented to the Local Development World Congress, held in Canada in 1998. “THE RETURN OF” THE HOME “For the Graduate: Alfredo Armando Aguirre. The vast majority of grandparents and even parents who spent the forty, did not possess the education offered by secondary teachers and universities. In the best cases, complete primary and thank you: That if they were holders of a culture, we lack today, except paradoxical exceptions. They had their orchard.

Your chicken coop. They knew canning and sausage. Kneaded and cooked bread. They made and mended most of their clothing. Then came, what is known as industrial society. . People began working in factories and offices.

It was believed, and a lapse was true that wages and salaries amounted to live. Everyone had a steady job, was given almost for granted. The productions “home” were replaced by the production scale and the time where everything was homemade, it becomes nostalgia. But there was a moment that this industrial civilization (which only came to Argentina and distorted especially inside) began to falter, and this was by the early seventies: There were always voices and pioneers as Schumacher; that his book “Small is Beautiful” in 1973, showed the benefits of what would be renamed.

Federal Prescription

The description of formation of the Brazilian economy, unhappyly, credencia it not to negotiate in equality foot; however, this can be obtained when it has unit of intentions of the population, the companies and the government. We judge that this would be possible only with adequate information. Analysis of the global scene: wages, China, UE, Brazil the historical formula that imposed the exportation of raw materials and foods to the rich countries for the Third World is always simple: low wages, weighed state subsidies to the production, weighed investments to the transports, generation of energy, water treatment and sewers go to make possible the estupendos production with low cost, but profits to these companies. To the State, however, the public accounts go to result exactly in gigantic damages, since the taxation and the act of contract of new loans have not covered this expense never all, with the successive records of collection divulged by the Federal Prescription year the year. It is opportune to say here that something remodels tax is utopian; well in contrast, the necessary State to always tax more, to have with that to cover part of the violent expenses directed to the exporting effort. The picture if configures thus complete: the taxes of interests, always high in relation to the foreigner, go to control the inflation a time that the consumption if retracts on account from the financings more expensive.

Reserved consumption, controlled inflation. Moreover, the internal finances also enjoy of a little of solution since the high tax will have to attract speculative capital and then, confide the doors more folgadamente to export. This, by the way, calls Real Plan. The time goes passing and the public deficit for this practical irrational, increasing. To finance it, the State emits representative headings of the debt that are commercialized by the financial institutions, also attracted by the high taxes, beyond being also negotiated in the foreigner.