According to the discoveries of genetics, the cause of adultery – the desire for the best reproduction of kind. Like a law of nature, relating to both humans and animals, she aims to produce maximal number of children with the greatest chance of survival. So, if you believe the scientists, betrayal – especially an inevitable genetic strategy. True, changing the men and women to each other for different reasons. Why do men change? Studies show that about 57 percent of men can easily go to the contact, the proposal of a healthy and normal in the conventional sense of the word woman.
Strict rules of natural selection causes genital attraction for all individuals male all over – less possible mates. The increase in male sex is considered as the only way to ensure the genetic survival of its species. This phenomenon is so important that the partner is at times not even a woman. As for men sex – nothing like the opportunity to make a genetic contribution to the history of mankind, psychologists recommend the female half of humanity are to changes in her husband's philosophically: let investing. Especially at the beginning of life together, when, in the opinion of men, the increase of its sex can not threaten the integrity of the family.
Why do women change? Biologists had shown that women who change their partners, in most cases, the most actively doing it during ovulation. It turns out that the weak half of treason aims to to get the sperm of different males compete, thus providing, the best man win one of them. Any doctor – a gynecologist from the district health centers, wrote Sizanov Alexander, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Psychological Science, will tell you (if you can call it to be frank) that a quarter of fathers is very doubtful paternity. According to scientists, the woman as being designed to meet not only for their own life is brought into contact with several men still in order to be able to convince everyone that he is the father of the child. Nothing can be done, in primates, males are generally better dispense with the children who are considered their own. Outsiders also sometimes seek to destroy.