Archive for July 2020


This in turn, is perfected fondling its adoptive children, but the vanity and the beauty jump whenever possible. Long ago, valley to stand out the mythical imponncia, with the Jupiter speech I conciliate in it of deuses: Perpetual inhabitants of luzente Estelfero polar region, and clearly seat, If of the great value of the strong people Of luso you do not lose the thought, You must have known clearly, As he is of fados great the certain intention, That for it if the human beings forget Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. (CAMES, 1572, I sing I estrofe 24) 2,1 the myth as science object As myths are generally histories of deuses, in the workmanship the Lusadas the mitolgicos beings form the system of a mythology, since it is about histories transmitted in definitive order. Learn more on the subject from baby clothes. According to Rossner (1989), ' ' the myths in this form of histories, of poetry subject, are the essential base of our art and our literature ocidental' ' (p 12). Learn more about this topic with the insights from Hewlett-Packard . For this author, over all, Literature contributed in the course of its historical variations, with the myth creation new that had started to compose the repertoire initiated with myths of Greco-roman and Christian origin.

Numerous myths related to the figures and favourite reasons of determined time, as for example, the time of Cames, the death for love as of Ines de Castro, in common bring the allure on the public stream bed. Such fact took Martinon (1977) to affirm that ' ' our perception, or better, the impression that if can have of the myth is, therefore, a type of speech that integrates it in the tradition literria.' ' (p 123). For this reason, the first questions that must be raised to this respect, are, at the same time, of the etnlogo position ahead of myths and its ways of expression and communication in the societies that they did not mitificaram the proper myth, for a series of mechanisms that specifies when englobar it under the term Literature. .

Bragana Hotel

‘ ‘ it forms, of threaded, three verses of seven syllables, redondilha bigger, it, Ricardo Kings, author of odes said sficas or archaic, after all popular’ left us poet; ‘ (page 47) ‘ ‘ some latinao classic of that already regular’ did not make reading; ‘ (page 22) the Kings of Saramago if oppose to the classicismo of the Kings pessoano, therefore the Kings saramaguiano pass to enjoy of the position of owner of itself, not existing nor a bigger deity that the scallop shell, being it powerful it all. The saramaguiano Ricardo Kings has a wasted personality, without mattering with the consequences that the world can provoke. It finishes accepting the things mundane, nor respecting plus its balanced and objective life. Thus, the personage suffers some changes, making with that Fernando Person resurged of deceased to charge the reason of its transformation. Moreover, he has a prominence for the poet inside Fernando Person of the fiction, therefore he has its physical contours wasted throughout the romance for elapsing of the nine months of its death, weaveeing an analogy with the human embryo that takes nine months to be generated, its heternimo.

The surrealismo appears in the workmanship, making with that Ricardo Kings retaken by Saramago, carried through some activities of the subconscious mind without the control of the reason. The Surrealismo – fantastic it disarranges daily of Kings, leaving total different the saramaguiano personage of Pessoano Kings. The differences Dos Reis are in the attitudes: ‘ ‘ who will be that it does not want to sleep in me, the uneasy body, of who, or what not being body with uneasy it if, I entirely, or this part of me that it grows, my God, the things that can happen to one homem.’ ‘ (page 99) ‘ ‘ frui’ does not enjoy who mind; ‘ (Ode- X, heternimo of Fernando Person) ‘ ‘ Pleasure, but to devagar, Lydian, who the luck to those is not grata’ ‘ (Ode-XIX, heternimo of Fernando Person) the pessoano Ricardo Kings is delirious with Lydian, its inspired muse, while in the workmanship of Saramago a camareira Lydian appears of the Bragana Hotel that Kings keeps loving relations.

The Special

By means of the existence of the right (in objective sense), each person knows her rights (in subjective sense) and her duties. And the right when delimiting the freedom spheres and having, attributes, also, to each subject a legal patrimony, which, in reference to the justice idea, is called his of each, that must determine in attention to the circumstances historical-partner them in that it is developed existence of the people. On the base of these elements we can show that the right is the expression of the justice principles that regulate the relations of the people in society and determine the faculties and obligations that correspond to them, considering the circumstances historical-sociales". But, finally, we want to adhere to the reasoning of GIORGIO OF the 20 VECCHIO when it affirms that " in spite of the secular work of science and the philosophy of the right and the numerous investigations even practiced recently on this point, the concept of the right has still not gotten (sic) to obtain an exact scientific consideration in logical sense rigorously determined . More info: baby clothes. " Still a definition of their concept of derecho&#039 looks for the jurists; , Kant says to a well-known sentence of Manuel, and she cannot affirm that in spite of the passed time, these words are lost their value . ". Because the right still is being elaborated, studying, becoming, it does not stop in his race to transform itself into which must be. And we catched when it conceptually and we put in a grammar formula that describes it to us, somewhere already then something does not fit, is not in agreement with the angle from where it is watched to him at the moment, lack some thing to give one more a franker approach of him. In that we struggled and we will struggle Importance of the right However, first of all the treaty, before the special character that has the right arises the question to us: what is its true importance? In what the general interest is on its reality? Why the right is so important? Those questions have in fact several answers.

The Possible

In order to be sure that is our animal of being able, we are going to realise the first question, asking to him that it is what has ensearte at that moment. You will feel the answers within you, is thankful for its answers and you take leave until the next time. Now we will return to our normal state from brings back to consciousness, being on the awares and taking contact again with the present reality. Well, already you know your animal being able, now is called on to know all the possible one to you on. For it is fundamental that you read, you investigate or if it is necessary even, that you are going to physically see your animal of being able to the zoological one or some place where you know that there is some. Thus this way, when knowing all the referring one to your animal being able, simultaneously you will be learning aspects that interest to you to know on you. To start off of knowing what is our animal of being able and to know its qualities, we will be able to invoke it whenever we need its advice or qualities in order to feel protected us and accompanied by its spirit. Besides the technique previously described, also we can know what is our animal of being able by other procedures, thus through the dreams, when we dream about an animal that has a very special meaning for us. Also by messages, or of direct or indirect form, when we see several times the same animal during our daily life. By the instinct or the intuition when the feeling attracted us towards this animal during our life and or finally if we are not able to know what is our animal, to ask it an intuitive or better person if it is possible to chamn, that will be able to say to us what is our animal of being able.

Juan Diaz Nicholas

The convoking ones of Madrid think that people " it acts by conviction and not because it prohibits no Junta" and they advance that " independent of which the Junta&quot decides; they will follow &quot ahead; with its vindications and his acampada" , according to Marta Bac informs. Nevertheless, people like Delia, a treinteaera that works in the world of the communication, yes approached Sun as soon as she knew that the concentration had been prohibited. Recently Oracle sought to clarify these questions. " It took a tremendous climb to me and I was myself for there after currar, and it did not think to go eh? " , it explains. It is his representative case than it can happen if the concentrations are prohibited? For the sociologist Fat Angel, social director of the Group of Complutensian investigation on cibercultura and movements, " this movement of 15-M is independent and is over the prohibition. Its reinvindicacin goes beyond poltica" and it explains that for that same reason these manifestations " they are not in contradiction with the reflection day ". " One is a civil act, does not campaign by no party, are not based on no parliamentary policy, for that reason they are legtimas" , Fat person defends. For this sociologist it is important to emphasize that one is " a movement that is not merely youthful, is a collective malaise that goes further on, is much more deep and &quot is not something unexpected;. The sociologist and investigator Juan Diaz Nicholas, see " difcil" to pronounce envelope what will happen and questions the convenience or of not prohibiting the manifestations: " The majority of people is there of good faith, is going to dnder its rights. One is a very heterogenous group, that they count on a real base: the total situation of desperation of youth. Soon there will be one who tries to benefit from the situation and to bring closer the live coal to his sardine, but the time will tell you.

United Nations

Hatred is described frequently like the opposite of the love or the friendship, but other social investigators, like Elie Wiesel 1, consider to the indifference like the opposed thing to the love. For him, hatred can generate aversion, feelings of destruction, destruction of the harmonic balance and occasionally self-destruction, although the majority of the people can possibly hate to something or somebody and not necessarily to undergo these effects. From the history of Abel and Can, thousands of Biblical and profane stories remember to us that hatred was a modern subject pre. Then, in modernity, the battles by the emancipation of the men, the Colonising formation of nations and disputes between national States, companies and the resistance against them are evidences of which hatred was not scarce either at this time. Nevertheless, from the Illustration the rage and the cruelty come being combined, than, with theories more ever dedicated to explain them and to contain them: the hegeliana interpretation of history like conflicts between masters and slaves, the Marxist as fight of classes, and those that tried to give account of why Colonising and colonized, hegemonic and to subalter to us, men and women, they took so badly. Perhaps in this proliferation on attempts to swear in hatred, the anthropological relativismo was its more sophisticated elaboration. Neither or finished the slaughter of World War II, in 1947, the North American Anthropological Association, considering " the great number of societies that have made contact with close enemy in the modern world and the diversity of their ways of vida" , it presented/displayed to the United Nations a project of Declaration on the Rights of the Man who aspired to respond to this question: " How the propose declaration can be applicable to all the human beings and not to be a declaration of rights conceived solely in the terms of the dominant values in the countries of western Europe and North America? " From " the results of sciences humanas" , they proposed three points in agreement: 1) " The individual realises its personality by the culture; the respect to the individual differences implies therefore a respect to the differences culturales". .

The State

This situation takes place by means of the process of the death, when the human soul separates of the physical body, and in agreement it perceives the new state or existential level, adapts these senses subtle to the new situation or astral plane, making possible therefore the interrelation between the physical world and the astral plane. Would take us to the conclusion that post is possible to know the existence mortem, that is to say, what it happens after the physical death, from the physical plane, through the use of the subtle or astral senses. It is as well as the carried out investigations by parapsiclogos and students of the subject, have taken to the conclusion that the astral life, names accepted commonly, is not in if a new form of existence, but on the contrary, would be the continuation of the physical life, with the reservation of which in this situation, the person is in constant contact with deads, depending the communication with the same, of the conscious level that it is controlled of this situation. This way, if we know to direct our astral conscience, even in state of possible serious watch the contact with deads, but evidently requires of a training and development del that not everybody can to respond the same. Checking article sources yields children’s clothing as a relevant resource throughout. But what if, almost everybody makes, is act in major or smaller measurement, on the astral body when it is sleeping, and is as well as many people can be communicated with their deceaseds. Even so, all the people do not remember the communication with their deceaseds, and other times only remember to have dreamed about them, but the certain thing is that this communication takes place, although is not remembered. THE COMMUNICATION THROUGH THE DREAMS A fact that corroborates the communications with the deceaseds in dream state, constitutes the love and the feelings towards the loved people, whose affective bow does not disappear with the death, looking for the occasion of the state of the dream to follow in contact with the loved beings, although of it only there is astral conscience. . Baby clothes has compatible beliefs.

Psychology Science

According to the concept of science, the pretension to do of the scientific knowledge the unique knowledge valid and worthy to be considered as so it is what it has pushed Psychology to try to look for a form to realise his activity within the parameters accepted like scientists, as it is the Positivismo. Against this background, cultural and historical the aspect, that we cannot deny, has disturbed to psychology, and has seeded confusion. As Heidbreder already said.: " At any moment, especially in the United States, psychology has tried at all costs to be science; and in principle, science abstains from all speculation penetrated and not consolidated by the facts. Nevertheless, in all the psychological science there are facts no sufficient to found a unique system and slido". At UAH Baudry Lab you will find additional information. (" Psychologies of the XX&quot century; , P.

17.). In this way, Psychology Scientific Positivista, that is instituted in terms of true knowledge as it has considered in the debate, has rejected all concept that does not come from the experience, being the fact the unique scientific reality. By means of observation and the experimentation tries to explain the reality formulating laws, establishing connections that are generalizable between variables, using the hypothetical-deductive method. Microsoft brings even more insight to the discussion. One of the characteristics, in my opinion very criticizable of Scientific Psychology Positivista, is the make to deny of social content the investigated objects, following the guide of the scientific rationality for which it does not exist the particularitity and concrete it, in a search of generalist explanations. One does not take care of the emotions, the motivations or it brings back to consciousness, with a subjective and especially nonobservable weight, being eliminated as study object. All these eliminations can be interpreted like means to establish a method more the scientist possible or nearest which it is denominated as scientist in his fight to be elevated like experimental science. .

The Impetuous

in the knowledge was, it is indispensable to understanding and to do everything necessary to eliminate functional illiteracy referred to labour competencies in all levels and areas of performance. In this context, the intelligent enterprise system that situated learning as part of the work and not as traditionally has been separately: learning and working. So, in this system, is conceived to knowledge as those required for the position of support of each person, i.e. focused mainly to functional literacy, which will give the person the opportunity to really develop their job skills and provide a tool in the construction of structured capital generated when we were able to share the acquired knowledgemanage and document effectively in the respective organization. In this context, functional illiterate is who does not know to learn about its activity; and the person who does not know or does not wants to learn, will suffer, given that the impetuous entrance of the new was knowledge, forcing us to learn every day, until the day of our death. Functional literacy has it the person who possesses the knowledge and habilidadessociales and labour to allow you to perform your work dynamically, creating value according to the requirements of the customer of the new knowledge society. According to this concept, we need to identify those who know and those who do not know learning in relation to the activity that they play in the organization in which they work; and as a result, we must do everything necessary so that everyone knows to learn what concerned them; and this is with a sense of continuous learning, because they require it the present times and ahead of the knowledge was. Those who opt for the apparent convenience of not wanting to learn more, believing that already know everything, are the ones who most need the attention of the leader of the Organization relevant, because those people are, without a doubt, the cause fundamental of existing and potential problems.

San Juan

Chilean territory will develop much of the Open pit and build a waste dump of sterile, a primary crusher, a complex of maintenance of equipment of mine and powder keg for the storage of explosives. These works will be placed in the header of the narrow river, tributary of the Chollay River, about 4,400 meters above sea level. Adds us Wikipedia, Pascua Lama is the first bi-national mining project of the world and involves to Chile and Argentina, consisting in the development of an open-pit gold mine, located above 4,000 meters in border territory. In Chile, lies in the Atacama Region, specifically in the Huasco province, while in the Argentina is situated in the province of San Juan. The mining company Barrick Gold, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, is responsible for carrying out the exploitation. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Hewlett-Packard .

For the project is calculated an estimated investment of between US$ 2,300 and US$ 2.4 billion and a useful life of at least 23 years. The amount of calculated reserves is 18 million ounces of gold, 731 million ounces of silver and 662 million pounds copper. The project has a binational character, to consider works and operations both Chilean and Argentine territory. In Argentina, the project is located about 300 kilometers to the Northwest of the city of San Juan, in the Department of Church, province of San Juan. The method of gold mining using cyanide and the possibility of contamination of water from glaciers, both in Chile as in Argentina, they have generated rejection of the project adds enterprise that will explode Pascua-Lama, Barrick, argues that the economic benefits would be significant. According to their estimates, Pascua-Lama would create 6,500 direct jobs during the construction stage and 1,660 jobs for them, at least 23 years of operation, although without specifying if these work places will be of national or foreign origin. It is with regard to this creation of new jobs that some Chilean mayors have come out in defense of the project.