Archive for October 2015

Investing In The Stock Market

Investing in the stock markets. More info: Charles Schwab. Stock markets – a way to financial freedom. In today's investment in the stock market is an important area and an integral part of every successful person. Intway World Corparation provides its partners of high-yielding investment opportunities in the stock market, helping them achieve financial freedom, the formula is: money, safety, increase on the way to prosperity, there are several stages. Step number 1. First of all, in order to save the initial capital necessary to learn to save money. The amount does not matter – 10% of their income, it is enough. The main thing to do it constantly.

Most people believes that the economy is something that makes you deprive yourself of what might bring pleasure. Therefore, they spend everything they earn money and live paycheck to paycheck, thus they constantly reproduce their poverty. Do not deprive yourself of hope to become a rich man. Discover a personal reserve fund, which will be supplemented by plotting monthly 10% of their income. Step number 2. What needs to be deferred to the money began to you work? They must be continually invest. Will be more profitable than your investment, the greater the chance that the savings will become over time a significant amount.

Step number 3. Form a long term investment portfolio – a set of different assets and investment tools to help you get the desired financial results. Step number 4. It is very important to constantly expand and diversify it. Diversification reduces the risk of investment portfolio without reducing profitability.

Investment Holding Company

Raska – browser-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game (BBMMORPG) economic and political themes, developed by the Investment Holding Company "Finam". The setting of the universe Raska is an alternative version of the real Russia and the rest of the world. The game has a mechanism that emulates the securities market – the movement of prices depends on the daily published and based on real events humorous news stories that they write as players themselves, and the authors of the game, as well as from speculative players. Some of the news announced in the form of podcasts. Prices of some stocks are tied to real RTS, MICEX Index, S & P500 Citizens "Raska" themselves create businesses acquiring land, buildings, factories and conduct their IPO. Enterprises "Raska" produce a variety of products invented by the players that the game sold in stores.

Most businesses has issued its shares on the market. At the March 2008 stock market game features more than 30 stocks, bonds and futures. Cartels "Raska" may create banks that make loans to businesses and citizens to play and make contributions to storage. In March 2008, "Raschke," came the first mutual fund. In "Raschke" inalienable implemented three branches of modern constitutional state: the parliament, courts, the executive branch.

Parliament "Raska" consists of 7 members selected by ballot on a voluntary basis from among the free citizens, "Raska" or members of the cartel for a period of four months. The main activity of the Parliament is the creation and updating of laws on which they live, "Raska", the Court "Raska" consists of 3 judges, selected on a voluntary basis from among the free citizens, "Raska" or members of the cartel for a period of several months. The main activity of the Court shall permit disputes and conflicts arising between players and companies, for violation of the law, "Raska", the timing and amount of punishment if found guilty. The executive branch, "Raska" presented "Higher Powers" (the administration of the game) and entourage. The main activity of Druzhina is monitoring compliance with rules and legislation, "Raska" actuation decisions of Parliament and the courts. Composition Squad leader is determined on a voluntary basis from among the free citizens, "Raska" or members of the cartel. Players have the opportunity to join a cartel with the construction of a hierarchical system and work together to influence market. Cartel players by buying a controlling stake, has an opportunity to participate in the management of this company. As of March 2008 in a game about 30 active cartels. Such of them as the "Troika Dialog", "Not Gonna Get Us" "Holding fourth power" – is one of the most powerful and influential cartels in the game. Acts committed by their members make a significant contribution to the play space Raska. Trade and chat bring political and economic experience, the level of which depends on different gaming experience. The growth rate levels affect the type of rental housing, profession, chosen by the player. From time to time by the magazine goes rashkintsev 'Oligarh'. And more recently appeared at all channels. The game operates an auction, where you can buy the real thing for virtual Rushka. The game is built on client-server technology. You can play as a client and simply from the site, which is based on Ajax technology, and meets most definitions of Web 2.0. Game client released under the Open Source GPL license and its source code available on SourceForge. Article source: Wikipedia

Disability Insurance

Invalidiatsversicherungen protect existential risks who must permanently give up his professional activities for health reasons, should be completed in time before a private disability insurance. This pays an agreed pension in the event of occupational disability. Often, no appropriate disability insurance for financial or health reasons but can be completed. Now several companies in the form of a special disability insurance offer an inexpensive alternative to the disability insurance. Similar as in the disability insurance the insurer pays here an agreed pension paid.

This ensures the dropout work income, so that it has no high income losses despite a serious illness, but can maintain his standard of living. The disability insurance is based in contrast to the disability insurance not primarily of professional activity, but defined health damage. So, here the insurer pays an agreed monthly pension, if certain serious diseases or organ damage (such as the brain, central nervous system, lung, kidney, heart or liver), loss of basic skills (such as vision, hearing, speech), long-term care or cancer. In addition, the disability insurance also pays when an accident leads to a permanent damage. As for the disability insurance, health questions must be answered in this disability insurance.

The examination of the application is less strict than in disability insurance, so that you can complete these existentially important protection even with different conditions. The disability insurance is priced significantly lower than the occupational disability insurance, so that this form of payment guarantee for existential risks especially for entrepreneurs, self-employed workers, trainees or students represents an alternative. Contact: Bergische insurance broker Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal Tel: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 contact for the press: Karsten Wallace image source: Yuri Arcurs / the Bergische insurance brokers diploma economists Bogdan Kellinger and Karsten Werksnies as an independent insurance broker founded. With the Internet presence of young the company specializes on the needs of private individuals and professionals, who would want no advice-bound insurance representatives an individual insurance company, but based on independent comparison calculations to get low-cost and high-performance offerings of from various companies. Bergische insurance broker has connections to more than 100 different insurance companies. For various professional groups such as, for example, students, apprentices, entry-level or certain traders are special rates for the Available. In addition, all other age and occupational groups will advise comprehensive, fair, independent and competent. Since 1998, the insurance industry operates, customers over the Internet by phone, and supervised by post – the quotations as well as in the event of a claim. The strength of the Bergische insurance brokers is characterised by a very high market coverage, highly trained staff and variety of services tailored to the needs of specific target groups. With an individual analysis and the use of cutting-edge financial comparison software, customers are advised objectively and independently.

Tel Insurance

“New loss figures published: motor insurer make price adjustments for 2011 current prices for motor insurance always go apart: differences of almost 60 percent Berlin, September 30, 2010 for the automotive insurance industry the hot autumn begins in these days” in the fight for the nearly 40 million German car holder. After the Association of Germans has announced the annual changes in the classes of type of and regional statistics Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV) in September, the basics of premium for the insurance year are now 2011. Experts expect strong movements in the market in the coming weeks. The Wechselsaison is marked this year by a tough price war, but also by continuous appreciation of the range of many insurers and the establishment of new tariffs. Increasing the price gap between the various car insurance companies always more: as the independent consumer portal has in a current evaluation of the October price differences of made almost 60 percent between individual providers.

An example of a Berlin family car insurance for a two-year Opel Astra euros caravan by the direct insurer HDI24 around 355 in the year. At the most expensive insurance, however, proud 833 euro are due for motor liability and fully comprehensive. The price difference between the cheapest and the most expensive premium is approximately 478 euros. Also by switching to the HUK24 or to the ADAC motor insurance the family can save around 470 euros a year. Car holder should use the coming weeks to compare the different offers of the insurer for your personal profile in peace”, declared by insurance expert Thorsten Bohg. Who wants to go to a cheap car insurance for the coming year, has time to terminate his old police until November 30.” The exact comparison is worth just in terms of the year’s performance enhancements to many insurers. Some insurers now close the protection against roof avalanches or animal damage all type a, others have increased the liability coverage”, performs Bohg. Looking at the details of the tariff should be missing when the car insurance comparison therefore definitely not.” Car holder should look carefully at the optional additional modules.

Whether a specific extra makes sense depends on the individual driver profile. So can be discouraged, for example, by the completion of a personal accident insurance typically, if there is already a general accident insurance. The latter is usually significantly cheaper and covers more risks. While many tools are offered free of charge or for a small fee, they can evolve but also quickly for some policies to a confusing case of costs”, clearly Bohg. Find a cheap auto insurance consumer comparison portals such as ( car insurance) or free service hotline 0800-10 30-499. In just a few minutes you can check here specifically on the subject of car insurance and free of charge to a lower fare Change provider. is the independent consumer portal of the Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck, for all common tariffs in Germany. It currently includes the categories of electricity, gas, DSL, investments, and insurance for legal protection, furniture, residential, private liability, car, keepers liability and is constantly being added and updated. The consumer can thereby with minimal free checking, whether there are cheaper rates for him, and, where appropriate, immediately change. The complete service of change of is completely free of charge for the consumer and the customer receives the original conditions of the provider, in some cases over in any case even additional, not available from the provider themselves bonuses and discounts. Media contact: Nina Koch Tel.: + 49.30.2576205.19 Email:

Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive protection up to the date November check: change to a cheaper car insurance at the turn of the year possible Berlin, October 20, 2010 every year millions of car owners switch back in the autumn their insurance for the coming year. In addition to the statutory liability insurance, which protects third parties in the event of a claim against the claims, vehicle owners can also opt for an additional insurance. While experts advise a fully comprehensive policy often at the end, as long as the car has not exceeded an age of three to five years. In practice, in fact over 80 percent of annual car owners and new opt for a fully comprehensive policy. And even up to the age of a vehicle by five years, the collision damage waiver policy is still the preferred choice. This is a recent study of the independent consumer portal In the study age of vehicle and insurance variant of all policyholders were faced that in the past 12 months over a new Car insurance have completed. Therefore the majority of car holder decides only from a vehicle age of six years for a partial cover insurance.

When new cars or a generally higher value of the vehicle is recommended”the comprehensive policy in any case, explains Daniel Dodt by Because it secures full insurance against vandalism in addition to the comprehensive risk protection and is also at fault. Is hit-and-run or an insolvency of the person who caused the accident, the CDW takes over also”added Daniels. The services of part of hull and machinery policy protection against theft, fire, explosion, damage caused, glass breakage, short circuit as well as forces of nature are in the comprehensive cable damages after generally included. Hull old vehicles disliked his eleventh year of life has reached the car, so the majority of the policyholder on a pure insurance changes.

EUR Insurance

A wide range of supplementary insurance provide legally insured which is way to raise their basic insurance cover it no longer a secret that more and more services were cut by the statutory health insurance. Many people are therefore wondering what private supplementary insurance plans have become really necessary. To answer this question properly, the different types of supplementary insurance will be presented in the following shortly. Overall, there are 3 main types of supplementary health insurance: firstly the dental insurance, second stationary and thirdly the outpatient supplementary insurance. (the last is often as naturopaths sold supplemental insurance) 1 dental insurance: after the public acquires only a fixed subsidy since 2005, many statutory health insurance have added members already privately their insurance coverage. So, the statutory health insurance takes only a precisely stated amount for a clearly defined results. How the patient his problem resolved at the end, plays in the case doesn’t matter anymore. For a bridge the same amount will be paid exactly, like for an expensive implant.

The problem: When an implant can the patient so then ever fast on 2,000 EUR sit. This helps only the timely conclusion of a private complementary insurance. 2. supplementary hospital insurance: fanned through the numerous cuts in the statutory health insurance, increasingly compulsory recourse to such additional insurance. With this complementary insurance you can secure better accommodation (1 bed or 2 bed room rates), as the private doctor chief physician treatment on a voluntary basis. 3. outpatient supplementary insurance: the outpatient supplementary insurance so far always least the legally insured rely on.

This is probably because that this type of insurance as a result of numerous inclusions for many in the collective contribution appears to be overpriced. Not everyone wants a compulsory co-insurance of glasses and contact lenses. Also frequently included insurance cover for E.g. certain medications (which no longer assumes the GKV) makes no sense for many due to high excesses. Who buys such additional insurance would like to assure services mainly only the practitioner and the best 100%. There is currently but only relatively few viable offers. In summary it can be stated thus: who draws a supplementary insurance to consider, should guarantee first and foremost expensive restorations. Here the largest gap in statutory insurance exists currently. But also the closing of a hospital insurance must be no unnecessary luxury. The takeover of private medical treatments can convince a rare specialist (Chief) of not only in case of emergency, prefers to take care of the concerns of the patient. (after all, far more is this for doctors earn) People who place value on alternative healing, consider outpatient supplementary insurance into account. Unnecessary insurance cover can be excluded of course. It is advisable in this case rather a pure healer supplementary insurance.