Archive for May 2016

Kazakhstan Customers

“RS: What are some ways you can increase the number of customers without spending a fortune on advertising? EK: Our clients – is the incoming stream. And in order to become more, you must first increase the flow of outbound. Here are the principles described by Ron Hubbard. This can be visualized as a “sales funnel” – any sales begin with upstream: a variety of calls, booklets, leaflets, faxes, which sellers send out to clients. On the next rung of the crater are contacts (visits and phone calls are coming already from customers). Bill O’Grady has compatible beliefs. Coming up descending order followed by meetings, contracts, invoices, paid bills, and finally, profits. And the more active the seller operates at the level of the outgoing flow, the more it ultimately contacts, transactions, accounts and accordingly, profits. And there is no need even to look for logical connections between the stream flow of incoming or outgoing, do not expect that customers who received your call or flyer, be sure to contact you as soon as time.

Surprisingly, customers can just appear from where they least expect. Here is an example. Managers of companies in Kazakhstan for the sale of apartments in new buildings once just decided to ring up their customers, who have already bought their apartments, and to report on what is now in their organization, you can buy an apartment on the mortgage. And – amazing deal! – After a while housing sales soared upward and increased several times! So if you’ve noticed that your level of sales is falling, do not have in-depth knowledge of reasons: simply increase the output stream. Give the greatest possible number of printed advertising materials, send more letters and fax, grab the phone and ring up your regular customers. Let them know the latest news on discounts to your company promotions or new product line. Yes, just ask how they work! And you will see for yourself, either through several weeks the schedule of your sales vzmetnetsya up.

Studio Kempten

At the “weekly nutrition meeting under the motto slim and tired of” tasty and healthy recipes are mediated by myline, are absolutely suitable for everyday use. In addition, figure circles is trained on two days a week each 20 minutes in particular. This fat burning workout brings back the metabolism going and helps not only with weight loss, but also in the prevention of further errors, which are caused by lack of exercise. The new myline 50 + course in the Lady figured and health Studio Kempten starts on January 24. In 8 weeks and 8 meetings, participants learn how they bring the metabolism by healthy diet and proper exercise and taking off 4 to 6 kg. At 0831 960 66 90 can sign up prospective students for the course. There is more information about the Lady figured and health Studio under about Lady figure – and health Studio of the Lady figured and health Studio Kempten is a holistic, health-oriented fitness studio for women only. It has in 2004 as INJOY Studio opened and is independently since 2010.

Over 1,000 square meters the customers will find everything to keep fit and healthy. The spacious Spa area with 2 saunas invites for relaxation and recreation. The main focus is on improving character. It courses by myline and metabolic balance, as well as training with the Slimbelly or slim offered back & legs or roll – / band massage and special training for the Cellulitebekampfung. The highlight of chip cards controlled MILON is convinced circles, due to low cost and high efficiency, particularly working women or mothers with small children.

The modern, welcoming Lady figured and health Studio Kempten affords great views of the Alps. The Lady figured and health Studio Kempten is located in the ECE Forum Allgau, 1,000 parking spaces available. For more information see press contact Lady figured and health Studio Heinrich & Vogl GbR wife Heike Vogl Albert-Ott-str. 2 d 87435 Kempten in the Allgau region phone: + 49 (0) 831 / 960 66 90 agency contact igroup Web design & online marketing Horn printing & publishing KG Mr Nikolai Tauscher Sandy meadow str. 6-10 D-76646 Bruchsal Tel.: + 49 (0) 7251 / 97 85 52

L. Ron Hubbard

The guide is way to happiness for all people as a compass for a moral behavior every culture has always moral codes kept, to have comprehensive codes of conduct that are conducive to social life together and survive. L. Ron Hubbard included 21 rules an inter-denominational Guide for a better life together based on common sense. Who didn’t survive, cannot have joy or happiness. Attempting to survive in a chaotic, dishonest and generally immoral society is associated with difficulties.” This is the principle of L. Ron Hubbard’s Guide to life (the way to happiness”) which is based on common sense. It includes 21 rules that are applicable to people of all races, cultures, or confessions.

The guide the way to happiness”is intended for all people as compass for moral behavior. You help the survival of the family, the Group and a State to secure. The 21 rules make the funds available, with which people can uphold the principles of honesty and mutual trust. This code of ethics and guidance for a better life provides the priority principles, on the basis of people peacefully and successfully in harmony can coexist. Until the beginning of the 1980s, L.

Ron Hubbard observed that the world had rather become a jungle. People doing dirty business on the stock exchange and by fraud, they amass a large fortune. The beginning of the 1980s seemed a L. Ron Hubbard to be fear worrisome period of violence and fraud. He saw violence in many run down neighbourhoods of America always grow. 12 and 13 year old children killed themselves each other, without the least remorse. With regard to this morally down rising population L. Ron Hubbard in 1981 his way to happiness “presented. His goal was to maintain the fabric of society and old values again to revive. In addition he wanted to bring out a non-religious code, what all people of this world whether religious or not it can keep. The way to happiness”is a work that is based on common sense and is not religious by nature. It appeals only to the common sense of the reader and is focused on practical assistance in the application of the 21 precepts in their daily lives. It is available as a small paperback, hardcover and (new) on DVD as a movie in many large online book shops. The new film is very impressive and contains all 21 rules as compelling messages in each 21 different video clips. It is a series of interwoven stories. Each one shows different individuals in the ups and downs of life. Following their losses, wrong choices, triumphs, and their dilemma, until eventually every single person on the way to happiness”is. It is a film about life, finding his own Route and the insistence of the human spirit. At the end, a person using this Visual presentation of “The way to happiness”, a universal and timeless message, penetrating and inspiring experience. It is one that can be passed on others, to enhance their viability and their future. More information: press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer (Munich) be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX. “089-38607-109 E-mail: WEB: more background info about Scientology in Germany” to do this, visit

The Educator

The professor, as professional of the human being, has a special responsibility on its performance and, thus, the knowledge of itself exactly in what he is, in what makes, in what thinks and what says. To reflect on the professor while to be concrete it demands the search to its world of performance, which collates itself with a fan of challenges, as, for example, the lack of adequate conditions of work: didactic material, physical space among others; the precarious remuneration that badly of the one for the survival; work overload; to have that to lecionar in some schools, with different projects; rotation of the professors in the school; beyond it is clearly of classrooms overcrowded with pupils most of the time badly held and violent, who do not recognize the value of the educator. In function of these ranks the professors if feel, without support, victims of an injustice discredited, after all in such a way he invested for its formation, and most of the time the devotion stops with the pupils is bigger of what with the family. These professionals lead I obtain, during the years of docncia a load of fatigue, loss of heart and routine. They complain not to have been prepared to deal with these situations and generally they face its alone problems. The idea that if has is that to the professor it fit to be in this profession due to option. The situation of the teaching work has provoked a great depreciation of this profession. Fertile valley (1998, p.30), detaches three trends that had in recent years contributed for the depreciation and a unsatisfactory result of the profession of the professor: the dessacralizao of science and the culture, the introduction of the new technologies and the weakness of the social and traditional papers, which comes to be as an acid one that it dilutes the contours of the figure of the professor, its identity and its autonomy classic, creating, thus, a desconfortvel situation in the scope of the professional career, affirms despite although its origins not to be current, but its effect had started to be especially revealed in the last few decades.


Positive a preditivo value of an inquiry method is in such a way bigger the more narrow will be the existing relation enters the information for it offered and the fisiopatologia of the present illness. Perhaps this is the most important criterion to be considered how much of the use of an inquiry procedure. This 0 variable means the probability of occurrence of an event when determined found, on to the illness, it will be found in the complementary inquiry. Analyzed in another way, it means the probability of the individual to be really carrying of an illness, when the result of the test is positive. When positive the preditivo value is raised, the result of the inquiry method can be used to establish a therapeutical strategy with high probability of success. Of the opposite, when positive the preditivo value is low, it means that other factors, beyond that 0 variable that is being investigated, it influences the clinical evolution. To broaden your perception, visit cloud computing. Dynamic Eletrocardiografia in the Stratification of Risk for Sudden Death the reason for which the 24-hour patients if submit to the Holter, when presents symptoms, is to clarify the origin of these and its possible relation with alterations of the cardiac rhythm.

When they present complex arrhythmias and they are assintomticos, is for identifying the individuals with worse prognostic and, with this, trying to improve the supervened one through an effective treatment. Some studies in literature have demonstrated that the presence of those arrhythmias, detected for the dynamic eletrocardiografia, after the acute phase of infarto of the myocardium is indicative of bad prognostic in the evolution in the near future. However, even so the especificidade and the negative preditivo value of such finding are raised, sensitivity and positive the preditivo value remains low. This perhaps if must to the proper characteristics of the involved populations in the studies or, then, that the arrhythmias they are only marking of high risk, not being involved directly in the death cause. .

Ethos Institute

From 1990 until the end of century XX, the third sector if strenghtens and to face the increasing social matters, ambient and cultural, the enterprise sector (as sector) if made gift, creating its foundations and justinian codes associates to make front to these demands, through the creation of partnerships and strategies of captation of resources. With the professionalization, the experiences and the knowledge acquired for the not governmental organizations, the State starts to admit and to accept its mritos for the way as they came if confrotting in the resolution of the social matters and starts to enxergar them as partners and mediating of its politics. It happens that the State starts to be seen as without conditions to take care of with social responsibility the devoid population, and the empresariado one, noticing the existence of this hiato, congregated its leaderships to establish the GIFE (Group of Justinian codes, Foundations and Companies), in 1995. Consubstanciado in same idea, eleven companies if associate, in 1998, to give to existence to the Ethos Institute of Companies and Social Responsibility. These initiatives demonstrate the concern of the private sector in not only aiming at the profit, but also adopting ethical behaviors directed toward the accomplishment of private social investments, in benefit of the society.

With the intention to come back to take care of the social area more efficiently, due to erosion of the politics of social protection, the Government created the Program Solidary Community that was regulated, in 1998, through the Law of the Voluntariado. At the beginning of century XXI, accurately in 2001, ' ' International year of the Voluntrio' ' it is instituted by the ONU (Organization of United Nations). In Brazil, 1o and 2o World-wide Social Frum deserve prominences, congregating people to argue improvements in the social area through the stimulaton to the accomplishment of auto-sustainable projects. With the expansion of the TICs and the advance of the Internet in this decade, allied to the formation and the reinforcement of the nets of work created by the third sector, it had a contribution accomplishes e, why not to say, well intentioned for the improvement of the quality of life and the welfare of the devoid population until the present (Franciosi, 2009).

Organization Of Thematic Parties

Be stylish! Setter in this unusual party favor no one but her Majesty Fashion! You will not believe it, but fashion can work wonders and change the image of not only all of her fans, but the company's image as a whole. On This party everyone will be able to express themselves and come to a new for themselves and their peers image. All the action from there are models to contests and games will be constructed along the lines of the subject. Under devizomi "Be stylish! Be creative! "meet a motley crowd, which will work over our stylists, makeup artists, hair stylists, makeup artists, masters of body art, and it will change beyond recognition, so that even the chief accountant will not know in person President of the company! Magic Lamp you visit in the fairy kingdom and the Sultan. In the evening you played great music, dance beautiful naked oriental girls, hookah, oriental sweets. All the food on the carpet, and you lying on soft pillows. And then comes the real fairy tale, and you become its heroes and characters.

There is a struggle for the lamp. Let's not jump the gun and say who will win your team or an evil genie. As it should be get involved, it is necessary to pass and experience yourself! Cowboy Party "tribe of wild Coyote tired it fired the entire bar, drank all the whiskey that was there, came into the fight for territory with a gang of local bandits and the team sheriffs, and finally taking its best girls embarked on a frantic dance, "you probably think that this is an excerpt from one – or the next Hollywood westerns? No! This is our theme party in the style of Country.

Argentina Contest

However, by a large majority, the hobby requests that Maradona stays four years more in a demonstration of unusual support for any coach whose goals are not achieved. A demonstration that the Argentine feels passion for football, for its selection and Maradona. The former captain of the selected is more than a figure or a coach: is a symbol, an emblematic figure of which are proud, an emblematic figure who unites them as a people and as a nation. No doubt us that Argentina and Argentines are going to overcome the bad event of the World Cup 2010 and we will very soon have them again in the top of the podium. And they will continue adding achievements, achievements and trophies, spotted by an another frustration. And never, whatever happens, they will lose their status as winners.

Alejandro Rutto Martinez is Manager of companies and journalist. The National Apprenticeship Service instructor SENA and pre University Professor degree and postgraduate. He has completed the following three specializations: administration of programs of Social development specialist in human development and guidance educational specialist in teaching University is author of the books: if tomorrow is today, brief look at the immensity, moments of eternity and although trembles the Earth and the heavens fall. Co-author in addition to textbooks Renata Guajira 2007, stories that are not story and Word and residence. Winner of the following awards: Cerrejon 2.008 and Cerrejon 2.009 journalism contest in the category internet journalism contest 2009 energy efficiency, category Digital contest departmental cultural journalism, category television as librettist of the documentary sea of the distinguished apalaanshi medal Luis A.

The Agreement

We believe that although the reluctance and of the lack of scientific knowledge of the professors to implant the EA in its planejamentos, is not utopian this ideal, is possible if to carry through projects, pedagogical workshops and attractive lessons that stimulate the critical analysis of the pupils, by the way, the EA related with you discipline them to all, will contribute as a source of growth and a significant learning for all. All we, professors or not, have some suggestion on as we can deal with the forms life of our planet and its natural resources, but still in the lack to understand the reason is so urgently crucial to preserve ME. When we attend a notice or we see a news article on misery, hunger, war, and the most distinct questions on problems ambient, at that moment this fact in the revolt and finishes in motivating to take care of better of ME, but we believe that most of the time, this feeling is only temporary, and in the routine running of day-by-day, we forget in them this fact and come back to ours ‘ ‘ vidinha capitalist medocre’ ‘ of always. The great boarded challenge in this research is to investigate the degree of criticidade and autonomy, that professors and pupils have on ME, for in such a way, the necessary pertaining to school organization to be more flexible for new plans of action of EA, that in general mobilize the pertaining to school community and the society. ‘ ‘ The social function of the school starts to materialize itself at the moment where it propitiates, in equal conditions, to know to all the individuals.


Damages must be promptly corrected and documented all change on the shelf system. Since most of the damage on the shelves due to driving of trucks, the regular inspection from the ground takes place. It is likely that higher lying parts of the shelf are damaged, also these areas must be checked. While the examiner must not simply climb the shelf up, but needs a safe Take advantage of opportunity for advancement. The review will take place on the loaded shelf, only when serious damage is suspected, the goods must be removed. Another obligation of the safety representative is overseeing the weekly visual inspection. The rack system is investigated for externally visible damage and all findings are then recorded and passed the security officer.

The distance can vary from one week depending on age, purpose and condition of the plant. Opens up the appropriate distance between the Visual inspections from the risk analysis. With a gap of one year, an expert inspection takes place on the shelf system. A competent person checked their work-safe state for the storage facility and created a comprehensive test report for the security officer. The examiner must be due to his experience and knowledge of the situation, to evaluate the operational safety of the shelf system.

Expert can either be accordingly trained employees of the company or Installers, manufacturers and maintenance companies. The competent person of one of the three levels of risk maps defects that are found during an inspection: Green threat level orange threat level red security level to which category the damage which is made visible directly on the shelf system with a test badge. The security levels indicate what to do with the storage facility. Will damage the Green level of risk is allocated, the reliability of the rack is still not at risk. The system is operational and secure and can still be used without any restrictions.