Archive for September 2020

All These

They are planning to do a recycling system of water, to use it to the maximum, as well as the construction of a hydroponic greenhouse to water savings and the care of the air and land. In particular in my family we come to the agreement that each of the members we encargariamos do an action with beneficial impact. My son the mayor chose to be aware to care for electric power, noting us when we keep switched on electrical appliance, or some bulb use rationally waxing them home, etc. My daughter chose to conserve water, to swim, to make cleaning the House, washing machine, using us brushing teeth, etc. My son chose the minor, be aware do not generate waste and to separate organic and inorganic wastes. It gave me great pleasure as yet beyond thought of making that separation. You may find baby clothes to be a useful source of information.

Requested me that we bring the recyclable material to the center of the home farm, since in this space make the collection to sell such material and obtain economic resources. All These actions were great learning for everyone. We have involved more like family, we have developed our ecological conscience and we have learned to work collaboratively. I am very pleased with this experience. It was also in this second semester when I heard for the first time the tenets of Eastern philosophy, specifically of the Buddha. Listen on Buddhist philosophy I was pleased, because it allowed me to integrate my previous learning something new and very meaningful that marked very clearly and accurately my act in the world. Conceive of Buddhist philosophy as simple, concrete, precise and disciplined. These features help to whom the practice to progressively achieve the development of wisdom to attain enlightenment. I understood that to be a true educator holistic needed to know and practice the proposal of Buddhism, in order to develop the discipline of a bodhisattva with firm conviction.

Meditative Practice

I say apparently, because I now understand that actually helped me, since they did that get out of my inner much potential to put me more than alleged pressures or misunderstandings expressed and thrive despite the circumstances. After this experience, I decided to continue the meditative practice, harder since it was my only spiritual food to cope with the situation. In this third semester, the subject of culture of peace, helped me a lot to become aware of the commitment that I have as part of the great human family and above all to understand that we are not only the product of creation, but administrators of this and therefore we have to take care of the evolutionary processes that we want to perform. This matter pushed me to participate actively in the promotion of a culture of peace in my school and to promote a new truly comprehensive educational practice. I am satisfied by the work that I did in my first stage as educator holistic, with students, teachers, parents and community.

I have the satisfaction of having planted in my students the consciousness that progress cannot be conceived only in functional terms to establish relationships with other human beings on the planet, but it is also necessary to establish a new order where progress includes the development of a human sustenance that balances everything what we are and what we have to build a culture of peace as well. I think I did in my educational practice as possible by clarifying that a culture of peace, not carried out with a simple action, but that it has been forged from each of the parties involved enter into a new way of life, which considers the importance of living in peace with yourself, with others and with the planet. Something that I admire the curricula of this master’s degree is the opportunity that gives us the students put into practice what we are learning through courses.

The Way

Obviously that these distinctions would not come by itself alone. I realized that it was time to do a reset to my scale of values. Another thing that I learned in this first semester was the way in which human beings are caught in what Wilber called pragmatic contradiction and inevitably narrow thinking. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Anthropologie. I confirmed that we live in an age where supposedly anything goes and however we do not accept good by everything we do. This clarifies that there has always been something that moves us up, that encourages us to not become us sub-human, but to evolve and that this process leads us towards our transcendence, to find the way back home, according to Plato. Unfortunately wasted our time and energy in illusory pleasures and vain egocentrismos, moving us away from our true path and subjecting us to a lethargic and lower level of consciousness. I remember that in this first half, the second face-to-face meeting was very important for me, because I discovered in an exercise through the primal music you could connect me with migo same, with my colleagues and with the kosmos.

This exercise enabled me to see how my spirit belongs However the timelessness and the no-espacio and flows within them, with a perfectly defined to manifest itself plan only its existence, without religious or institutional crutches. Thus the certainty of being able to make my own lighting, aspect that previously seemed impossible I experienced for the first time. From these experiences, within an educational context, I could go structuring within me the true aim of education in a different way, combining the sensory, mental, and spiritual. Was it clear to me that the education must stop being fragmented and finite, for becoming a task that includes everything that we are (body, mind and spirit) and to continue throughout life, since only in this way, human beings can experience different ascending tiers of wisdom that leads to a real knowledge of things, to understand the meanings, the appreciation of the values fundamentally real, understand the nobility of work, to fight for our motivated goals, upper and lower for the love the service and spiritual discernment.

Spiral Dynamics

This vision is for me a banner and has been strongly reflected in me, because of this form, such as educating holistic, can I assume commitment to attend my educational practice, the multidimensionality of my trainees and update them not only the intellectual aspect and the physical, but also emotional, social, aesthetic and spiritual. Something that gave me great pleasure knowing at this Congress, was the way in which spirituality is permeating the business and as it is passing a vision corporate, materialist, dehumanized, enslaving and competitive to a new way of doing business where ethics and integrity are the lever used by investors to create companies aware and socially responsible. I understood the importance of that in any area in which we desenvolvamos, we have to put into action the establishment of learning communities, to create the ideal atmosphere, where the holistic vision flows towards a same purpose. I understand the importance of learning communities lies in that allow you to perform integrative work. For example, a company or a school that works on this premise, may develop various policies that will enable its members to generate a sense of belonging based on spirituality. This integrative work, will contribute to each of the members of the community to perform an ascending process of evolution of his consciousness. From there will arise the commitment, flexibility, dialogue, complementarity, etc.

which progressively to pass a thought from first to second grade, as proposed by Ken Wilber in his theory of Spiral Dynamics and achieve the ideals that arose both vision and established mission. So to my terms, it remains for me the commitment as a human being belonging to a unique fabric of life, put into practice these approaches wherever that I find playing some role. I am also able to be in a continuing effort to create learning communities in any field: school, family, community, etc. and convert them into true shangas. I have a positive mood of that in these shangas gestaran individuals capable of inserting into the community as spiritual human beings, comprehensive political, conscious entrepreneurs, professors holistas, loving and compassionate parents, as well as people convinced that you can get to achieve their own lighting, to be beings of light for if same and for all living beings on the planet. original author and source of the article

Monarchis Grundbesitz

If you for washing hands, brushing teeth or shaving, running water, up to 20 liters per minute is lost. Saved is by turning off the water in between, the use of Zahnputzbechers and by allowing to run some water, that you need to shave, in the basin. In addition, a dripping faucet can consume several thousand litres of water per year. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Hanes clothing. So, dripping faucets seal quickly leave. A mixer can be faster and easier; so water and additional energy to warming of water is saved. Basically retroactively inexpensive aerator can be used with all fittings, which can enrich the water with air and reduce water consumption in equal comfort by 50 percent. A bath takes about 140 litres of water to complete. A three-minute shower, however, barely consumes 18 litres of water; and with full shower pleasure.

Installing a rinsing stop button at the toilet is worth especially for the “small business”, because here three litres for a flush is usually sufficient. Per year can be saved per person up to 10,000 litres of water. Also a washing machine and a dishwasher are important. With the new acquisition, this You should decide devices for products of class A or A + or A++, which are water-saving. And the moral of the story? If a person in the German average household consumes the day 127 litres of water, are good 46 cubic metres a year and at an average water price of 1.71 euros almost 80 euros.

In reaping the full benefits of all – above – savings, the effective consumption good 28 cubic metres can be, reduced, which reduces the water Bill 31 euros. This equates to a saving of about 48 euros per year for a person. More information under: the Monarchis Grundbesitz mbH with headquarters in Neu-Ulm is a wholly-owned subsidiary of global asset AG, Munich. Monarchis is a successful real estate and financial services company with a focus on residential real estate in Germany. Currently, the company has over 670 units in Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony. Contact: Monarchis Grundbesitz company mbH Wolf-Dieter Guip Edisonallee 1-3 89231 Neu-Ulm 0731-98099659

Aboriginal Population

They were many different peoples who if distribuam all for the territory. That by an mistake, they had been identified as ' ' ndios' '. Baby clothes might disagree with that approach. Today this population is of only 734 a thousand inhabitants, that is, 0.4% of the total population of Brazil. It fits to clarify that this data to-somente consider those aboriginals, who vivemem villages, having estimates of that, beyond these, has outside between 100 and 190 a thousand living of aboriginal lands, also in urban areas. Most of this population is distributed for thousand of villages, situated in the interior of 582 aboriginal lands, of north the south of the domestic territory (where they are). The aboriginal population occupies area that almost corresponds to 11% of the domestic territory According to anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro, as resulted of a research ordered for UNESCO, regarding indians and whites in Brazil? 87 aboriginal groups had left to exist between 1900 and 1957.

The incorporation of the indian to the Brazilian society made with that these lost its cultural peculiarities. The settling process took to the extinguishing many aboriginal societies that lived in the dominated territory, either for action of the weapons, either in result I infect of it for illnesses brought of the distant countries, or, still, for the application of politics aiming at to ' ' assimilao' ' of the indians to the new implanted society, with strong European influence. Numbers that serve to give to an idea of the immense amount of people and entire aboriginal societies exterminadas throughout these 500 years, as resulted of a process of settling based on the use of the force, by means of the wars and of the politics of assimilation and the process of aculturao that which occurs (- u) in the interchange of relations with the civilized world (prevail in the relations). Maranhense panorama of the Aboriginal Population In the Maranho approximately exists 16 aboriginal areas inhabited by 19,000 pertaining people the 8 peoples.


Method Gabriel don’t need to do that since what teaches you is like turning off the power switch and literally your body will want to be thin and why your body will tell you things to eat and which not in due time and will not thing of desire will only be naturally bone you better your body will help you to lose weight belly, and practically in about 6 months now you’re with incredible results, not be if it happens as my I spent but I practically wanted to lose weight from one day to the morning and didn’t eat nearly walks throughout the day was going to the gym and avoided meals with high calorie at the end slim fast but after 2 months to regain the weight with which had begun and at that moment I said as if I followed to the letter the diet and exercise and I discouraged was then found this revolutionary method of Gabriel. In which consists the method method is to teach you how to turn off the FAT switch and that things follow and understand this method is designed so that you miss your envelope weight for always bone once you arrive to your normal weight still so for always since you will have that switch off, at first it seemed a false advertising but I read some testimonials and said total already I tried everything and it is this time if I am I’m still going down of weight I have already 5 pounds in 4 weeks and it seems incredible to me since I don’t even do a diet and not deprive me of the delicious things is my body which helps me to lose weight and all thanks to this Gabriel method. It Slims the tummy and turn off this switch see method! As slimming tummy does not require long and painful exercises or diets that deprive you of your favorite foods just learns to turn off that breaker that you light some time and if you are a person who believes that it is possible to do not hesitate to use this method because if it works and if you think not only try and ask yourself how much do not and tried without results not lose anything in try since this method is with a 100% guarantee and that you ensures that at least now get tried everything to lose weight. I’m not trying to advertise or anything like that just want that more people with above weight can lose weight and if you read my article only think of all the positive things that brings slimming tummy. Only treatment that you try a way to lose weight naturally without pills or surgery or gym and willpower as possible. Just think about it and good luck hopefully find a way to turn off this switch I already turn off goodbye..