The Way

Obviously that these distinctions would not come by itself alone. I realized that it was time to do a reset to my scale of values. Another thing that I learned in this first semester was the way in which human beings are caught in what Wilber called pragmatic contradiction and inevitably narrow thinking. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Anthropologie. I confirmed that we live in an age where supposedly anything goes and however we do not accept good by everything we do. This clarifies that there has always been something that moves us up, that encourages us to not become us sub-human, but to evolve and that this process leads us towards our transcendence, to find the way back home, according to Plato. Unfortunately wasted our time and energy in illusory pleasures and vain egocentrismos, moving us away from our true path and subjecting us to a lethargic and lower level of consciousness. I remember that in this first half, the second face-to-face meeting was very important for me, because I discovered in an exercise through the primal music you could connect me with migo same, with my colleagues and with the kosmos.

This exercise enabled me to see how my spirit belongs However the timelessness and the no-espacio and flows within them, with a perfectly defined to manifest itself plan only its existence, without religious or institutional crutches. Thus the certainty of being able to make my own lighting, aspect that previously seemed impossible I experienced for the first time. From these experiences, within an educational context, I could go structuring within me the true aim of education in a different way, combining the sensory, mental, and spiritual. Was it clear to me that the education must stop being fragmented and finite, for becoming a task that includes everything that we are (body, mind and spirit) and to continue throughout life, since only in this way, human beings can experience different ascending tiers of wisdom that leads to a real knowledge of things, to understand the meanings, the appreciation of the values fundamentally real, understand the nobility of work, to fight for our motivated goals, upper and lower for the love the service and spiritual discernment.

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