The basins of the Jaguaribe rivers (CE), Apodi (RN), Piranhas-A (PB-RN), Paraba (PB), Moxot (FOOT) and Brgida (FOOT) will receive waters from the San Francisco. How much to the tracing of the Project of Integration it was taken in account aspects technician, economic and ambient, looking for to benefit the maximum of cities, towns and areas of farming production. From two conducting water canals, coated of concrete, houses of bombs, tunnels, aqueducts and small reservoirs, they go to launch water to the final destination. In Cabrob km of artificial canals meets the axle North with 402 and the Axle East with 220km until the river Paraba. The urban supplying will be priority for the Project, therefore the water scarcity intervenes with the productive activities of the urban and agricultural population, foresees it creation of new jobs in the hinterland, preventing the migratory process for the metropolises.
Characterization of the basin the basin of the San Francisco is important for some reasons, the volume of water that it carries, also during the period of the estiagem, for the historical contribution, the possibility to integrate of the socioeconmico point of view two regions, the Southeast and the northeast, however the few investments in hidrovia make it difficult the waited integration so, for its fertile ground to its edge and for its explored hidroelectric potential already in Sobradinho (BA), Three Marias (MG), Pablo Alfonso I, II and III, Moxot (AL), Itaparica and Xing. The River San Francisco is one of greaters and most important for the northeast region, are born in the Southeastern region, Joo of Roque of Mines, the Mountain range of the Hamper, Minas Gerais. the river were discovered Amrico Vespcio in 1501, when the navigator mapeava the coast. After to cross three states, discharges between Sergipe and Alagoas in the Atlantic Ocean. It receives water from 168 tributaries, being that 90 are perennial and 78 can dry in the periods of estiagem.