And she had – with what? She is always mobile “in the temporarily disabled” status was! And yet, the work of his Novo-Lenine regular taxi began to ride. From our someone once mentioned that soon the tenth taxi ride to – bonus for polstoimosti. So she laughed: I said, for what I’m on their “checkered,” ride, a taxi service she pays! In general, it was necessary arrange Galina interrogation. It is not particularly resisted, but with pleasure and delight told us about the system llaff. The essence of this system – in compensation for our expenses for the purchased goods or services. The system works on a plastic card llaff, which is fundamentally different from the common nowadays discount cards. Thus, for any diskontke we can only rely on the stated discount. Discount, which in itself will bring Of course, short-term thrill of buying, but not in the hands of poshelestit crisp bills.
LLAFF-map, unlike , lets pay a percentage of the purchase in cash! By LLAFF-map, we return a portion of the money spent on purchase. Accumulated funds on the card can be removed “live money, and can be directed to the payment of utility bills, fuel, long distance, Internet, mobile phone (So that’s where the roots Galkina unlimited talk on a cell!) And do not need to scour the city searching for a suitable calling card and idle queue to pay a fee for the apartment and light.