Archive for November 2013

Carlin Continues

Madrid, October 14, 2009-the CARLiN sales direct race towards the opening of the center number 500 is increasingly closer to reach their goal. And is that this flag has just opened in Madrid’s calle Zurbano, 58 and Jose Luis de el Pozo hand your new store CARLIN Chamberi, S.L. An opening driven by the good results that this franchise is getting on Manuel Silvela Street 20. Check every day the good filming of this franchise is what has made me throw myself into this adventure. I wanted to open this new hiperpapeleria of 50 m2 because I saw that possibilities had and wanted to expand the business, says. In addition this born entrepreneur has clear that perspectives regarding the future will be good: is true that the economy is going through a rough patch, but I know that with CARLiN I go forward, and in fact, if I can grow more. Sure that I grow. Thus the things sum CARLiN 146 franchises in this autonomous region and a total of 497 franchises in all Spain, the absence of such only 3 to reach 500.

Currently, CARLiN franchise network has 490 premises managed by franchisees and 7 of its own character. Outside our borders, there are 35 franchises that are in Andorra, Gibraltar and Portugal. About Carlin is dedicated to the marketing of material and office furniture, supplies of stationery and computer science through comfortable hiperpapelerias self-service, warehouses for online sales and distribution. During 2008 the chain had a turnover of 160 million euros through its nearly 500 franchises. The net turnover of Carlin in the past financial year amounts to nearly 3 million euros. The investment required to install one of the businesses that CARLiN Ofimarket contemplates and Hiperpapeleria ranges from 60,000 to 125,000 euros in rooms from 50 m2, located in areas with a population between 15,000 and 20,000 inhabitants. The royalty is variable from 300 euros/month the first year, and the canon of advertising is taken from the central. The profile of franchisee who seeks corresponds with:-person entrepreneurial, optimistic, with vocation of businessman and economic capacity.

-With desire to start an own business. -Does not preclude the figure of the inverter, but preferred that the person is at the forefront of the business. So far, the good work of CARLiN has been recognized with seven awards: award to the best franchisor 2009 awarded by the magazine franchises today, the franchise’s greatest development 2008 award, awarded by the same publication; The franchise of the year 2007 by the magazine Dirigentes award; The 2006 Expansion Award (our business magazine); The Mediterranean entrepreneur in the Barcelona business & franchise 2006 salon award; The best national franchise award in 2005 in the SIF & Co. Valencia, and the Excellence Award 2003 by leaders magazine.


Well, that same phrase can be applied to a Pentium 133. When the malware ruin your modern Windows, when the last version of Office is under-utilized by an update badly done, when the clock becomes your enemy and despair invades your mind, you know that you can resort to an old but efficient system, and write down everything you need there. I can use? An Office 97 license can be obtained today at a price nearly laughable, but we must not forget to version 2.4.6 of AbiWord, the last to be compatible with Windows 95. (5) Billing / point of sale anyone visiting an Office can be seen on desks fast, and modern terminals that usually suffer each time that its operators put their claws on them, and who end up reganados by systems personnel, since they must live performing maintenance. However, in places like a clothing store or a restaurant you can see these Immortals beige housings, running for days without being turned off. If you have your own business, the Treasury can claim many things from you, but to use a system of thousands of dollars just to make you spit a sheet as proof, is not one of them.

There are shops that still use DOS to run your billing software. Print vouchers can sue even less than a Pentium 133. 6) Seedboxing well, here things get complicated a bit. The seedboxing is nothing more than the creation of a server for loading and unloading of files, usually through P2P file sharing networks. BitTorrent is very popular when it comes to seedboxing, since it is possible to set up a client, allow you to download files and control it fully remotely through a special function as it is the client uTorrent WebUI. The problem is that uTorrent is the limit here. The oldest system that can work with is Windows 2000, and the requirements for such a system are a Pentium 133 with 32 MB of RAM.

The Importance Of A Good Tool

Many fail when it comes to setting up a business on the Internet. A good idea, a good project, and now? Not everyone knows that it should be. The easiest is probably buying a domain, today there is much offer thereon, but then comes the first problem. We have to see where we host that domain, and us begins to complicate, speak to us of the DNS and the truth have no idea. Good, quiet! The best we can do, is do not buy that domain for now. No doubt the company which will give us hosting (Hosting) also sells domains, and with that we will resolve the issue of the DNS. How to choose the Hosting company? There are many, it is very important to know that we will need, given that the values for that service they also vary greatly, we will find services from u$ s 8 but then us arrepentiremos. The important points are: that service to the customer gives the company, many times we find ourselves with an attention deficit if we are not experts, since no one tells us anything.

Capacity on disk, that when it comes to begin perhaps isn’t so important, but then, when you advance the business, we need good storage capacity. Lastly, bandwidth, this is very important, when it comes to uploading videos on your site and that many people will see them at the same time, it will be essential to work. There is nothing worse than a video that does not open or are intercut. After all this, we will find another situation, we will need help for designing our site or Blog, how to collect our products or services, as we perform a good prospecting and advertising campaign. This can be solved by hiring designers Web services, hiring a good auto transponder for the campaign of prospecting, programs to make videos, etc and someone who guide us a little in all this, or God help us! We calculate this separately will end up costing not less than u$ s 80 per month.