Own commercial activity on the Internet is already creating new jobs that are taking advantage of thousands of microentrepreneurs. There are vendors that represent companies in different electronic markets, online marketing, agents of the various companies on social networks, or the virtual of thousands of commercial web wizards, are just a few examples. Is really there business on the Internet?. If there were it would have not emerged big companies whose business is based only on some Internet cases like Google and Facebook are the best known, which began being simple micro-enterprises. People such as Maurice Gallagher, Jr. would likely agree. But there are also statistics, as the report of WCL (Commission for the telecommunications market) in Spain, for the second quarter of 2010, concerning means of payment, in which figure is the volume of business generated, between April and June 2010, only in Spain, 1,835 million euros. Much of those sales were generated or intervened in any way many micro-entrepreneurs.
Start a micro-enterprise online is much more than a fad. It is a trend that is being implemented in society and that It will change the way of working and doing business in a few years. A new era which opens the possibilities of generating revenue and be self-sufficient to anyone with only have a computer and an Internet connection what is most demanded in the network?. The 10 sectors with more demand, in this order, are: everything related to travel and tourism. Leisure. Air transport.
Direct marketing. Ground transportation. Telecom: Mobile, calling cards, accessories, etc. Consumer electronics. Shows and sporting events. Training and education. Advertising. Maybe not you have enough capital to create a travel agency, but you can create a tourist guide from your city or places you know, and sell it. Already you have an achivement!. No related topics is not above, have no demand. Many are exploited, because still not offered plenty on the Internet, that does not mean that no demand exists. Just that identify that niche market, related skills, to offer what you are looking for. You will not lack places where to advertise, even free. A good example is MyntMarket where you can offer anything that another may need, and win 5, 10 or 20 for it. It is a clear commitment to micro-entrepreneurs so that they start to create their own business without investment, no risk and with a high probability of generating revenue every month. And you would be willing to do for 5, 10 or 20?. If already you’ve thought of it, forward!, begins your achivement, we will provide you the media. If you want ideas, nothing better than visiting the website and see what others are offering. If you have only 15 available seconds we encourage you to give high for free, you can do with your account from Facebook or Twitter (more easy impossible), and put your first brilliant idea. In the worst cases can earn a few euros, without risks and without complications, to invite your friends to a few beers and a laugh. In the best of cases, it is quite likely that end up discovering a source of constant income every month, to cover a good portion of your expenses, or even by not? live it!.