In all respectable amount of insurance companies Risk "hijacking", "damage" and "third party liability" once included in the tariff. The contract for the rental car the familiar Russian car owners, the term "hull" looks like an acronym cdw (Collision Damage Waiver) and tp (Theft Protection). Note: in Contracts drawn up in an unfamiliar language, the client must be an English transcript of terms. The biggest insurance – cdw – exempt from cost recovery vehicle damage resulting from road incident, even if the accident occurred due to the fact that the driver has flagrantly violated the rules. The only condition the payment of insurance is that the driver at the time of the accident was not drunk. For peace of mind to companies take about 5-6 euros per day of hire, and this money is already included in the tariff. However, insurance does not work if in an accident while driving will be a man, not specified in the lease. For that to include an additional person in the contract have pay: 10 to 30 euros for the entire lease term, depending on the company.
Insurance tr limits the liability of the lessee in the event of vehicle theft. In this case, the tenant must remain documents and car keys to his can not be suspected of complicity. The cost of such insurance, about 6 euros, too, is already incorporated in the price of the day of the lease. It is worth remembering that in most firms, clients are offered the so-called insurance with a deductible: a case minor accidents client himself will pay the car repair.