Invest safely and secure return on the world economic and financial crisis has unsettled investors. The experts of WAVE Management AG, Hamburg know what investments are today safe and still bring yield. WAVE manages over EUR 13 billion for institutions and private investors. Jorg Schettler, head of marketing retail, gives tips. Gold is the classic system in times of crisis. Meanwhile, the precious metal is too expensive but for a start.
Real estate price and risk are the yields in Germany but also while currently low. Day and time deposit accounts are guaranteed by the German deposit guarantee, but barely 2 percent. Bonds the Federal Government bring maximum security: ten years term pay off with approximately 3.1 per cent. Government bonds of other eurozone countries provide a slightly better rates of interest, but at the expense of higher risks. Especially the various crises in Iceland, Ireland and recently, investors have very unsettled Greece. Reasonably secure shares must be independently of economic conditions: Tip: buy papers from energy suppliers. Mixed funds provide security through diversification.
With the return, it is strongly to the mix and asset classes as well as an active management. The flexibility is particularly important: the stock markets are weak, the equity-backing ratio must be retracted and invested in pensions with good rating, for example. About WAVE Management AG WAVE Management AG, Hamburg, was founded in January 2000, has 35 employees and manages currently around 13 billion euros. Company focuses on asset management for institutional investors such as insurance companies, pension funds and provident and the reinvestment of maturing life insurance for private customers. More information and images in the online press area under press contact press: WAVE Management AG Jorg Schettler Flughafenstrasse 52B House D 22335 Hamburg Tel: + 49 (0) 40 611 8560-45 E-Mail: