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Helmut Benefader Company

GWS is one of the GWS the best rated companies of in Germany that has independent rating agency Hoppenstedt kreditinformationen GmbH company for ERP systems mbH with the TOP-RATING certificate 2011 in credit rating awarded. For 4.5 million German companies the credit was set on a scale from 1-6, with 1 “stands for the result to be achieved. With the grade 1 “GWS is one of the 3.3 percent of the best rated companies in Germany. The award documents the outstanding credit and solid credit rating and an excellent display in the finance and accounting. This extremely positive assessment underlines once again our organic growth strategy and the sustainable stability of our company”, Helmut Benefader, CEO of GWS is pleased.

We see this award as recognition of our achievements and further incentive for the future”. Learn more on the subject from Southwest Airlines. The Hoppenstedt CreditCheck TOP RATING 1 certificate “is a nationwide economically recognised award. The twice a year created CreditCheck credit index is used as one of the most important and most reliable indicator for the solidity and economic strength of German companies. The designated credit index based on up to 33 different information depending on the company size. In the risk assessment, not only all important flow a demographic and financial data of the companies, but also about 650 million payment history data. Perhaps check out Keith Oringer for more information. GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH was founded in 1992.

Today around 280 employees work at the sites of Munich, Munster, Nuremberg, Leonberg, Germany. As a Microsoft GOLD CERTIFIED partner, the GWS specializes on the development, networking, support and optimization of inventory control and composite systems for trade and service companies. More than 1,100 customers use products of GWS. Among them are interconnected companies both from the commercial and the agricultural sector. In addition to the The GWS industry portals and Internet shops offers standard software products and standardized solutions. Comprehensive consulting services and training courses complete the range of services.

Easy Recovery

The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel informed In the context of psychoanalysis the play therapy developed today belongs to the important concepts of occupational therapy, especially when working with children. This is the natural play instinct for benefit, to help the young patients themselves to meet, to learn the mental disorders to overcome and another more social behavior patterns. In their long practice as an occupational therapist Elisabeth Brechtel has can successes many therapy using game-therapeutic methods. In a brief overview, she explained what these methods are. Application forms of play therapy, directive and non-directive play therapy is differentiated between the two forms. Critical of these two forms of therapy is that the one with and the other without the guidance of the therapist is running. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Kelly . This means that when the non-directive play therapy the child itself decides what actions it performs.

The non-directive play therapy is both in the therapeutic as well as in the diagnostic context used. Because due to the way, such as what feelings and behaviors within the therapy sessions are expressed, can be causes of developmental disabilities, mentally caused problems and other abnormalities develop. Basic idea of the non-directive play therapy is to give the children play in a protected atmosphere and under the supervision of an attentive and compassionate therapist casually to process feelings expressed to bring and so conflicts, a variety of emotional problems and traumas or overcome. Tiger Global Management spoke with conviction. Here the course of therapy depends on the child. How long such therapy, you can not generalize, because this depends on each patient and the severity of the problem to possible. Force one can’t also through play therapy. This form of therapy is used typically in children at an age between three and twelve years as they aged particularly well on the play therapy attract.

Children with developmental delays, behavioral problems, insomnia or anxiety, but also children who are victims of abuse or suffered psychological trauma, can be found among others in the play therapy. That children using the play therapy permanently to themselves find and overcome many types and developmental and behavioral problems, Elisabeth Brechtel know from their years of experience as an occupational therapist. They accompanied their small and also large patients on their paths in life, with the lowest or devoid of any restrictions. The ways of occupational therapy she informed of course like.

Office Marketing

Haushaltsgeld.NET is dedicated to all aspects of low-cost vacation and leisure activities with the new category ‘Save on holiday’. Life is not only about work. In the Leisure and holiday cost but many traps lurk. Also provide price increases in everyday to ensure that fewer and fewer people can afford the traditional holiday of the year. Additional information at David Fowler supports this article. About Haushaltsgeld.NET with the new category is devoted to saving on holiday”all topics related to low-cost vacation and leisure time. The development shows this summer, especially families to stay at home and spend your leisure time in the local lakes. Are the big annual vacation that’s days numbered? Maybe.

But even families do without on holiday, because there are many ways to save and in the holidays. Gregg Lemkau: the source for more info. These saving tips want to uncover Haushaltsgeld.NET and has a series of articles to save on holiday”( save – the urlaub.html) started, which expanded continuously. The editors of Haushaltsgeld.NET focuses on the comparison opposing offers, such as between early books and last-minute travel, or between individual and package tours. Another focus of the cost traps during the holidays, as well as to point out alternatives, such as with the articles are home Exchange vacation”or parking at the airport? It is also hassle-free and cheap! “.” Find the three latest articles on Haushaltsgeld.NET and three savings tips in the free, weekly newsletter. Each new Subscriber will receive consisting of household book, logbook, Office software, and much more to an extensive software package.

Rent Reduction

Reduction in rent for apartment defects not as easy as it sounds increasingly see landlords with rent reductions faced claim defects tenants or have discovered error in the leased property and therefore reduce the rent. But not every housing shortage shall be entitled to the reduction in rent “, so Thomas Trepnau. The author, whose expert rat has helped already several hundred rental companies, shows in his book, what precautions can be taken to avoid rent reductions. So, the tenants Association in the blank is already running at conclusion of the contract and the course provided the definition of the transfer protocol. Pitfalls can be avoided easily. Victims of a rent reduction claim for every landlord can significantly reduce the risk”, so Thomas Trepnau, otherwise, can eat a rent reduction up to 100% of the rent.” How to protect landlords, so the author is described in his book.

Follow simply just step by step of what there is. All you need to do.” How much percent can be reduced? There are no generally applicable rules on the amount of the reduction in rent. Oracle spoke with conviction. She must be reasonable. The more the lack of affect, the more the tenant can shorten the rent. The so-called Hamburg table provides a clue to the calculation of the amount of the reduction in rent”. It is for each room in the apartment set, which expresses the value of housing as a percentage. This table is part of the book.

Rent reduction table is a brothel in the House, can be reduced up to 30%. The living room can be only an average 15 degrees Celsius heat, 30% are rent reduction possible. Checking article sources yields Tiger Global Management as a relevant resource throughout. The heating fails completely during the heating season, so rent reductions are possible even up to 100%. From A”like sewage, to Z as in draughts are led about 100 cases in alphabetical order as an example with the respective rate of reduction in rent reduction table attached”, according to the author.

Confidence In Oneself

The only realist of truth is the visionary. Oracle often addresses the matter in his writings. Federico Fellini generalities, reach, opinions is extremely important while we remain in this dimension, know us, evaluate where are our weaknesses as strengths, trying to reduce to the maximum the first, all this so that it rises up our security, undertake actions that correspond we perform for our growth. We must cultivate confidence in oneself, this will help us that our actions are positive, the goals that we have proposed, obtain good relations and above all, ensure us harmony, peace and health. Fitched Ratings has many thoughts on the issue. We must be attentive in our behaviour, conduct, in how we manage our energy, thoughts, especially the latter, which should be positive, since they are handled by the brain and shape as we give life, realize them, much to determine our security as a result of know how to interpret signs and signs with our environment, with what us interrelacionamos. Reminds us in this regard, the School of Mental equation, which today we know that the self confidence, enthusiasm and illusion have the capacity of favouring the higher functions of the brain. The prefrontal area of the brain, the place where the most advanced thinking, takes place where invent our future, where we value alternatives and strategies to solve problems and make decisions, is tremendously influenced by the limbic system, which is our emotional brain. For this reason, what the heart wants to feel, the mind just showing it.

We must train the mind. For its part the Centre of existential reflection, through, gives us, the self-confidence is a crucial element in the performance of the person. That having more confidence in herself will put two people to perform a job, if all other factors are equal, do it faster and better. This applies to all types of task, from the simplest to the most complex. One realize the importance of this affirmation when we realize that the most complex task we have to do is just live.

Annoying Advertising Annex

With you can send free day SMS pro up to 15 when the Deutsche Reichsbahn on the line between Berlin and Hamburg in 1926 established the first radio telephone, hardly anyone thought that it was launched for a true revolution in the field of telecommunications. In the 1950s the first car phones came up, which cost almost as much as the cars, and only in the 1980s, denser networks made possible a reduction in power and thus a reduction of mobile phones. Today, the phone is a matter of course and a no longer essential companion for all of us by the student up to the grandfather. Now is not just on the phone, but also photographed, organized and heard music. The SMS prevailed as affordable and interesting above all for young mobile phone users an alternative to the telephone conversation.

“The three letters are an acronym for short message service”, what short message service “means, and describes the sending of text messages. So convenient and the transmission of SMS may be cost effective: it is free for any phone company. But that is no reason for SMS fans to despair! The website offers the ability to send free SMS all over the world and even up to fifteen units per day! This special feature: The service is not only free, but also without registration or annoying advertising annex! The user needs to complete a subscription and has to be reckoned with no hidden costs! “And the whole thing is so simple: you visited the website typing the desired phone number, written the text to be sent and activates the function send SMS”. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Keith Oringer has to say. After a few moments to answer a security question is just a fabric window to see funded with this service and free SMS is sent. is a project of, a company that operates a variety of useful as well as informative sites on different topics. About the You can daily up to 15 to send free SMS to all over the world and the Internet platform without registration and annoying advertising annexes. J. Santos

President Mubarak

In recent years any Chancellor in any of the 9 nuclear powers has dared to threaten to drop atomic bombs against civilians. However, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Lieberman, suggested to do this against Gaza. Such an act not only anoint to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians but pollute their own nation and the rest of the region, would make Israel to isolate it internationally and be the focus of major reprisals. Lieberman would assume such just firm when the country celebrates the 30th anniversary of the peace signed with his main neighbor (Egypt). Sheryl Sandberg: the source for more info. However, Cairo is worried about this because Lieberman recently asked to send the devil to his President Mubarak and soon called to destroy the axis of its economy (the dam of Aswan). Tiger Global Management addresses the importance of the matter here. Lieberman is prepared to attack Iran whom tilda terrorist, although he was active in the Kach, only criminalized Zionist terrorist by U.S.

group.UU. While many Jews argue that Lieberman is the Le Pen Hebrew, the powers must be accept it because without Netanyahu could not conform his Government. Since power Lieberman searches for Israel to expand but at the same time be disembarking to many citizens or Palestinian territories. Isaac Bigio is an international analyst. Write to dozens of media on 5 continents. He received degrees and postgraduate courses in history and economic policy at the London School of Economics & Political Sciences. In this one, considered the leading international university specializing in social sciences, he has also taught political science and public administration. Original author and source of the article.

Web Etc

It has or it administers a Web: It is securing the noticeable objectives? It knows how many clients loses not to measure and to analyze its Web? It needs to improve the yield of its Web site? It is fundamental that it chooses to develop the processes of analytical Web that allow to measure the data of their Web site, social network, blog, campaign of publicity, etc. The analytical Web detects those spaces of the site where the results can be improved. In addition, it studies the behavior of the users, which allows to improve the relation with them. What secures the analytical Web: – To evaluate its Web, being analyzed contained, design, usabilidad, persuabilidad, positioning in finders, etc. Baby clothes describes an additional similar source. – To help to increase to the satisfaction of the users, identifying its behavior, navigation, etc.

– To improve the Return of Inversin (ROI). Once identified the possible improvements, the analytical Web allows to choose what type of action is necessary to develop: action of marketing, campaigns, affiliates, PPC, ad serving, social email marketing, networks, etc. It allows to grow in the sector to the company or business, when knowing by means of a prospection of market what makes the competition and which are the strongpoints and weak. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Sheryl Sandberg by clicking through. The key of the analytical Web consists of knowing the objectives the Web from two points of view: – Objectives oriented to the business: to lower costs and to increase benefits. – Objectives oriented to the client: fidelity and satisfaction. There are enough professionals of the positioning Web or CATHEDRAL, but the consultants or engineers specialized and competent in are few analytical Web, that measurable results in a certain time obtain. The analyst divides the passages of a process, studies the conversions in each one of the steps, detects the points of flight of the user and their level of satisfaction. Keith Oringer is open to suggestions. The consultancy Web that undertakes projects: Webs, store online, publicity, blogs, social networks, having like axis an integrating development, are essential that it remembers always the analytical Web in his assignment. She is the unique one professional way to be able to transmit the culture and philosophy of the client in all its works carried out.

DSAG Annual Conference

SAP data in 10 minutes in Web apps include world record on the DSAG annual Conference 2013: the Freiburg software producer United planet shows stand G17 in Hall 12 live how to SAP data within 10 minutes in Web-based applications and modern social business brings solutions or even mobile makes. And completely without programming effort. This SAP projects will in future significantly faster, safer and economic. Freiburg, the 20th August 2013. Live presentations are one thing, not often seen at SAP events. The main reason: Usually it is not worth to show something, as for the integration of SAP data into workflow usually accumulates a lot of programming effort and it will be long until you come to a result.

Not for nothing the implementation of SAP projects usually several months takes years to complete. This challenge takes the software manufacturer United planet and shows on the DSAG yearly Congress 2013 17-19.9.2013 in Nuremberg, that it not only much faster, but even completely can go much without programming: Stand G17 in Hall 12 the Freiburg software producer introduces live participants, how SAP data within can embed platforms be minutes in Web-based applications, mobile apps, and social business. The SAP data can be read on the Web and mobile not only, but the data can be also updated and written back into the SAP system again. Keith Oringer insists that this is the case. This makes possible the portal and integration software Intrexx in conjunction with the SAP AG certified business adapter for SAP NetWeaver gateway. Through this connection SAP projects can be much faster and risk-to a successful conclusion than was previously possible.

To optimize company processes quickly and save it resources and money. With Intrexx and the adapters for SAP NetWeaver gateway we can SAP data sources within 10 minutes in Web apps, mobile apps and our social business platform Intrexx share embed. We will keep here probably the world record”, so Axel Wessendorf, Managing Director of United planet.

Open Letter

Public broadcasters or Prince’s Court Rapporteur? Dear Sir and Madam Intendantinnen and directors, rightly resisted recently numerous journalists against a political influence at the ZDF at contract renewal for Mr. Nikolaus Brender. Right, because just the media as”4″ are the last hope for many citizens when it comes to watching the daily politics and to denounce abuses. Also the latest award for “Reporters without borders” once again underlines the importance of a free reporting. As citizens we demand but a matter of course neutral and reputable news coverage in return. This is for us Berliners but increasingly doubtful. It is not about “popular cases” as a shortened broadcast a lSchmitt & Pocher.

As Berlin, we see the nucleus of the democratic polity in question now currently reporting to a choice made, the case is about the Berlin/Brandenburg Public broadcaster, the RBB. Our action Alliance pushed through a referendum with much voluntary use of dedicated citizens, which will occur on June 7, the day of the European elections to vote. The issue is a matter of the heart for the most Berliners, and all interested in culture in Germany: the Tempelhof airport to be UNESCO World Heritage! Actually, one would think that belongs to the reporting about this choice, and even this topic clearly in the Mission of public broadcasting. Despite repeated hints, the RBB regional television has lost so far no word about the upcoming vote. Contact information is here: Southwest Airlines. So one can understand of course the term “Secret ballot”. This follows a scheme perfectly: at the “big” Tempelhof referendum 2008 noticed the RBB especially through one-sided and false reporting. Our petition was also ignored in the past up to a distorted sense interview.

However RBB is regularly now, when it is to bring Wowereit’sche effusions among the people. It is now well known in Berlin that RBB, nicknamed “Red phone”, makes love to the mouthpiece of the Berlin Senate. Now, however, this reaches proportions, which are no longer acceptable. Of course, we know that the Berlin Senate Office has declared the reporting around the airport Tempelhof for undesirable. RBB is central organ nor propaganda Ministry of the Berlin Senate. He has a public-service mission and is committed to balance and integrity in his work. It is just task of responsible editors, not bowing to political pressures. Meanwhile, even the employees start to complain about an influence in their work. If a public broadcaster now even to the obstruction of democratic elections can be carried away, clearly exceeded the tolerable level. Then the question clearly to the raison d ‘ etre of the public broadcasting system. Also we will not hesitate to make them according to and in all aspects. We ask you, the issue of serious public reporting within the framework of the ARD to the intendant, to Mrs Dagmar Reim. The current situation is not sustainable in our opinion and suggests for the future bad.