Three hours after he had done, Hungarian disappeared, her Moscow apartment devoid of any evidence. The Colonel was abruptly removed from the case. Fearing for his life, to the left of the investigation. Probably the a MVD has been “bought and sold.” a Tengen In May 1994, a small city of Baden Wuerttemberg, came when German police stumbled on the unexpected popularity of pure plutonium already in the market. While looking for the house of Adolf JaekIe, a suspected forgery. Detectives found 5.6 grams of super rare grade (99.75% purity) of plutonium-239.
JaekIe had put the plutonium in his garage. The origin of this high quality sample material from the pump to Arzamas-16, a design of Russian weapons facility. Although the question of how this material has Jaelde and I wanted to do with it never answer correctly, two interesting pieces of evidence found in his house. Jaekle had a bank account in the Golden Star Bank in Vienna, a bank belonging to the North Korean government. Detectives also found two letters belonging to the Russian scientists working at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow. a In June 1994, Landshut, Germany, the first arrest was made by the smuggling of nuclear materials. A sample of the seized material (0.8 grams pump more U-235, 87.7% enriched) was in search of “fingerprints” to determine its origin.
She had the typical Russian firm. Landshut if it was not the amount of U-235 that was intriguing, but high quality. When the December 14, 1994, the Czech police seized 2.73 kilograms of highly enriched U-235 from the back seat car in Prague OFA had exactly the same “fingerprint” as the sample of Landshut, it became clear that smuggling nuclear has become an activity highly organized.