Medical Reports

Although we put all the attention and foresight on our part to try to avoid embroiled in traffic accidents, many times it is inevitable. And is that not only depends on you that an event of this nature happen, may influence both the behavior of other drivers as the state of the track, weather conditions or technical conditions of the vehicle. Hence, traffic accidents are a relatively common, and sadly causes thousands of deaths annually, plus tens of thousands of injuries of varying degrees, with injuries that could range from simple bruises to broken bones, amputations of limbs or core damage. Follow a certain basic steps or actions can always be useful when dealing with the consequences of these hazards on the road. These are: a) It may seem obvious, but in practice there are too many instances to the contrary. Stop your car and never provided leave the scene of the incident, for example if you had run over a pedestrian or a cyclist. You must remain at the scene of the incident until the arrival of the agents of the Authority. Leave in circumstances such as these could even assume that you impute the commission of a crime of failing to provide assistance.

b) If you had any degree of responsibility for what happened, you’d better recognize from the outset. The accident investigation techniques are well advanced, and in all likelihood the expert to assess its causes could determine who was responsible. c) Always remember to share your information with other drivers involved, including your names, phone numbers, addresses and registration numbers. This will greatly facilitate the procedures with the insurance companies. d) preliminarily evaluates the personal and material damage that could have suffered.

Regarding the first, detailing the damage that may have occurred in your car or personal effects carried therein. With regard to the latter, will be crucial systematically collect all medical reports and assessments which could be subjected to evaluate the possible consequences of the incident in your health. This will greatly help your claim process after the incident. Indeed, if we consider that tragic event was not your responsibility, you could lodge a complaint against who believed that was the cause of it. This would allow you to get financial compensation allow you to repair the damage (invoice workshop, income lost by sick leave, expenses and damages associated with moral character).

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