INTRODUCTION the world-wide level the culture of the garlic has a paper detached in the feeding human being, therefore they are supplying sources of energy and, very especially, vitamins. However the current alimentary situation that crosses the humanity, constantly designated for some organizations and international institutions, is insufficient and alone it has solution with deep social changes and a rational use of the natural resources. The large-scale increment of the agricultural product requires an increasing increase of the production for unit of the area, which demands the use of more productive varieties, the introduction of more modern cultural techniques (cultural catch-crop, cares and harvest), the intensification of mechanization in the agricultural process, the increase of the areas you watered, the chemical fertilizao and in very special way, when it is to cultures hortcolas, its proteco by means of modern and varied fight methods, against the plagues and illnesses.
The bibliography is fertile in data on straggles in the agricultural culture and currently one mentions world-wide losses to it in the harvest, between 30 and 40%, caused for the inadequate job of these methods. In the current tecno-scientific development and particular in the reached one for the fitossanidade it is necessary invariably for its adjusted application, a rigorous information technique on the topological specter of the cultures, the variability of the photogenically populations, the bio-ecology of the parasites, the genetic variation of the hosts and the period of bigger incidence and estragos. For such reason, to inventory plagues in parents in agricultural development, as Angola, is of singular importance, inasmuch as it constitutes the starting point for the study of the relative problems its fitossanitria defense. In this conformity, for suggestion of the director I serve as apprentice of it, we selections for the elaboration of the Final Report of course the study of main plagues that harm the culture of the garlic, whose basic objectivo is to give a modest contribution so important problem, and moreover to call the attention on the necessity the continuation the study on the inventariao and, to initiate from it, in a next future, other works that allow to infer on the more efficient and advisable ways of fight in the ecological conditions of Angola..