The Agreement

We believe that although the reluctance and of the lack of scientific knowledge of the professors to implant the EA in its planejamentos, is not utopian this ideal, is possible if to carry through projects, pedagogical workshops and attractive lessons that stimulate the critical analysis of the pupils, by the way, the EA related with you discipline them to all, will contribute as a source of growth and a significant learning for all. All we, professors or not, have some suggestion on as we can deal with the forms life of our planet and its natural resources, but still in the lack to understand the reason is so urgently crucial to preserve ME. When we attend a notice or we see a news article on misery, hunger, war, and the most distinct questions on problems ambient, at that moment this fact in the revolt and finishes in motivating to take care of better of ME, but we believe that most of the time, this feeling is only temporary, and in the routine running of day-by-day, we forget in them this fact and come back to ours ‘ ‘ vidinha capitalist medocre’ ‘ of always. The great boarded challenge in this research is to investigate the degree of criticidade and autonomy, that professors and pupils have on ME, for in such a way, the necessary pertaining to school organization to be more flexible for new plans of action of EA, that in general mobilize the pertaining to school community and the society. ‘ ‘ The social function of the school starts to materialize itself at the moment where it propitiates, in equal conditions, to know to all the individuals.

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