The Educator

The professor, as professional of the human being, has a special responsibility on its performance and, thus, the knowledge of itself exactly in what he is, in what makes, in what thinks and what says. To reflect on the professor while to be concrete it demands the search to its world of performance, which collates itself with a fan of challenges, as, for example, the lack of adequate conditions of work: didactic material, physical space among others; the precarious remuneration that badly of the one for the survival; work overload; to have that to lecionar in some schools, with different projects; rotation of the professors in the school; beyond it is clearly of classrooms overcrowded with pupils most of the time badly held and violent, who do not recognize the value of the educator. In function of these ranks the professors if feel, without support, victims of an injustice discredited, after all in such a way he invested for its formation, and most of the time the devotion stops with the pupils is bigger of what with the family. These professionals lead I obtain, during the years of docncia a load of fatigue, loss of heart and routine. They complain not to have been prepared to deal with these situations and generally they face its alone problems. The idea that if has is that to the professor it fit to be in this profession due to option. The situation of the teaching work has provoked a great depreciation of this profession. Fertile valley (1998, p.30), detaches three trends that had in recent years contributed for the depreciation and a unsatisfactory result of the profession of the professor: the dessacralizao of science and the culture, the introduction of the new technologies and the weakness of the social and traditional papers, which comes to be as an acid one that it dilutes the contours of the figure of the professor, its identity and its autonomy classic, creating, thus, a desconfortvel situation in the scope of the professional career, affirms despite although its origins not to be current, but its effect had started to be especially revealed in the last few decades.

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