Juan Diaz Nicholas

The convoking ones of Madrid think that people " it acts by conviction and not because it prohibits no Junta" and they advance that " independent of which the Junta&quot decides; they will follow &quot ahead; with its vindications and his acampada" , according to Marta Bac informs. Nevertheless, people like Delia, a treinteaera that works in the world of the communication, yes approached Sun as soon as she knew that the concentration had been prohibited. Recently Oracle sought to clarify these questions. " It took a tremendous climb to me and I was myself for there after currar, and it did not think to go eh? " , it explains. It is his representative case than it can happen if the concentrations are prohibited? For the sociologist Fat Angel, social director of the Group of Complutensian investigation on cibercultura and movements, " this movement of 15-M is independent and is over the prohibition. Its reinvindicacin goes beyond poltica" and it explains that for that same reason these manifestations " they are not in contradiction with the reflection day ". " One is a civil act, does not campaign by no party, are not based on no parliamentary policy, for that reason they are legtimas" , Fat person defends. For this sociologist it is important to emphasize that one is " a movement that is not merely youthful, is a collective malaise that goes further on, is much more deep and &quot is not something unexpected;. The sociologist and investigator Juan Diaz Nicholas, see " difcil" to pronounce envelope what will happen and questions the convenience or of not prohibiting the manifestations: " The majority of people is there of good faith, is going to dnder its rights. One is a very heterogenous group, that they count on a real base: the total situation of desperation of youth. Soon there will be one who tries to benefit from the situation and to bring closer the live coal to his sardine, but the time will tell you.

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