The Impetuous

in the knowledge was, it is indispensable to understanding and to do everything necessary to eliminate functional illiteracy referred to labour competencies in all levels and areas of performance. In this context, the intelligent enterprise system that situated learning as part of the work and not as traditionally has been separately: learning and working. So, in this system, is conceived to knowledge as those required for the position of support of each person, i.e. focused mainly to functional literacy, which will give the person the opportunity to really develop their job skills and provide a tool in the construction of structured capital generated when we were able to share the acquired knowledgemanage and document effectively in the respective organization. In this context, functional illiterate is who does not know to learn about its activity; and the person who does not know or does not wants to learn, will suffer, given that the impetuous entrance of the new was knowledge, forcing us to learn every day, until the day of our death. Functional literacy has it the person who possesses the knowledge and habilidadessociales and labour to allow you to perform your work dynamically, creating value according to the requirements of the customer of the new knowledge society. According to this concept, we need to identify those who know and those who do not know learning in relation to the activity that they play in the organization in which they work; and as a result, we must do everything necessary so that everyone knows to learn what concerned them; and this is with a sense of continuous learning, because they require it the present times and ahead of the knowledge was. Those who opt for the apparent convenience of not wanting to learn more, believing that already know everything, are the ones who most need the attention of the leader of the Organization relevant, because those people are, without a doubt, the cause fundamental of existing and potential problems.

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