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The Impetuous

in the knowledge was, it is indispensable to understanding and to do everything necessary to eliminate functional illiteracy referred to labour competencies in all levels and areas of performance. In this context, the intelligent enterprise system that situated learning as part of the work and not as traditionally has been separately: learning and working. So, in this system, is conceived to knowledge as those required for the position of support of each person, i.e. focused mainly to functional literacy, which will give the person the opportunity to really develop their job skills and provide a tool in the construction of structured capital generated when we were able to share the acquired knowledgemanage and document effectively in the respective organization. In this context, functional illiterate is who does not know to learn about its activity; and the person who does not know or does not wants to learn, will suffer, given that the impetuous entrance of the new was knowledge, forcing us to learn every day, until the day of our death. Functional literacy has it the person who possesses the knowledge and habilidadessociales and labour to allow you to perform your work dynamically, creating value according to the requirements of the customer of the new knowledge society. According to this concept, we need to identify those who know and those who do not know learning in relation to the activity that they play in the organization in which they work; and as a result, we must do everything necessary so that everyone knows to learn what concerned them; and this is with a sense of continuous learning, because they require it the present times and ahead of the knowledge was. Those who opt for the apparent convenience of not wanting to learn more, believing that already know everything, are the ones who most need the attention of the leader of the Organization relevant, because those people are, without a doubt, the cause fundamental of existing and potential problems.

Web Videos

Includes videos to lower weight to your plan to lose weight quickly is well known that there are people who we feel self-conscious when we exercise in a gym or enjoy just don’t go running, walking or bicycling in our neighborhoods. If this is your case then the videos to lower weight are for you, with these you can train from the comfort of your home and not overwhelm you with hearing. Taking into account when choosing videos to lose weight that are appropriate for you, i.e., considers how much are desiring to lose weight and how long are going to devote to perform the routine of exercises, be honest, since according to this you will get better results in the choice of videos to lose weight that are most appropriate for you. Once that you already set how much are wanting to lose weight, and while you dedicaras to the exercise routine, you will need to choose the videos to lower weight or DVDs that you consider most appropriate to you, must take into account that there are many videos to lower weight who say that they are suitable for beginners, however, being sincere are too complicated. If you’re not a beginner for exercises, then search for the correct and proper video is simple, but if you’re a beginner, it may be a bit more complicated. Course, you will need to do your search. An opinion is to check Web sites to investigate what kind of exercises are recommended for newbies, another option is to read the articles in a wide variety of fitness magazines that already exist in the market before you embark to buy any of the videos to lose weight. Physical health magazines are full of information therefore I recommend you to read comments from professionals in the field since these people know what they are talking about.

Cornell Food

If in theory we eat when we are hungry, why sometimes we still eat a lot even though we no longer have more appetite? This question, which will make it daily those who fought the battle against overweight, also question the experts. Large dish, large portion for some psychologists eat much explanation is in the brain. We are a nation of eaters automata. We do so many things during the day when eating much simply we chewing and chewing and chewing, and we eat and eat and eat much, explained Dr. Brian Wansink, scientist specializing in behavior of the laboratory Cornell Food and Brand, which argues that a large part of the population is fed without taking awareness of what you are doing. According to investigations made by the expert, the bigger the dish, more food people are served and then eat a lot more! This leads to that people eat between 25% and 28% more than it should. And he cites the following example: If one serves six ounces of pasta on a plate of eight inches, the portion will seem normal. But if the same amount of paste serve it in a large dish, food seem the entrance, causing the need to eat more.

On the other hand, there are situations that lead to much to eat almost without realizing. For example, those who watch TV during dinner, eat 40% more. Another of the findings of Dr. Wansink refers to the drink: when they serve us drink into short, wide glasses take 76% more than when the vessel is long and thin. This happens because of an optical illusion known as vertical illusion, which leads us to focus our attention on the height, not width, so we tend to serve us more drink in vessels in short (and wide) because we imagine that capacity is less. Everything enters through the eyes the research that Dr. Wansink led not does more than check the popular premise that everything goes through the eyes. In nutrition, this has unhealthy consequences, since we ended up eating much of more.

The stomach registers that we are satisfied just 20 minutes after you finish eating. For this reason, the expert shares a Council to put into practice the next time you attend a buffet: people that they put everything on the plate before sitting down, including the dessert his reaction is to eat much less than 14% less than people who serves little, then returns to serve a second or third time. This if you are invited to a party such that each one comes with his dish to the table and served. If you do not concurres often to these places and you are one of those who always eat at home, deployed plan b: rather than serve in a large dish, begins to use the dessert dishes. Your tendency will be eat lot mrenos, almost 30% less! Why are you fat or fat?