Federal Government

On the other hand, anyone who has the necessary knowledge, can that be State-appointed Trojan horse program for its own purposes and use. This finding, and that can too often be repeated, means a disaster and counterbalanced the almost defiant position of Minister of the Interior: Yes, its officials have the competence, the privately developed State Trojan software on their compliance and programmiererische quality and review. Please visit Gary Kelly if you seek more information. And no, it did everything right things to and there is certainly not a legal grey area. In addition he could speak only for the Federal Government, not to the States and also online monitoring was necessary. Point.

Illusion of control generates its opposite is the Minister of the Interior at their word, one can understand that only so that addressed officials knew that the State Trojan enabled illegal actions and were this not so crucial. A legal grey area is already just with much good will. Frederick view, the legal opinion of the Landgericht Landshut, consistent with the use of the State Trojan in Bavaria illegal holds, was simply “another opinion”. More problematic still, and thus we are back at the illusion of control, is his portrayal of the role of the CCC. This was disclosed the code of the State Trojan and thereby made “vulnerable to abuse” him. The opposite is the case: would the Trojans have been not so poorly programmed, would the CCC this not “crack” can.

If but such software themselves once in the and the, so the evil idea, the Minister of the Interior does not understand nor its officials simply. What remains is a clear picture, which exacerbated his tangled arguments Friedrich: a law enforcement apparatus with the digital world hopelessly overworked tried here somehow with the present to keep pace and where you can not do this due to lack of competence, that court rulings are “other opinions”. The illusion of control here should be sustained by any means, its opposite: independent investigators and malicious software freely available for those who might need it. Andreas Kellner…

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