Financial Administration

Annually some Unidades Gestoras (UG) of the Public Administration receives, next to the ending to the fiscal year, voluminous budgetary resources so that they are applied until the last authorized day for the emission of the Note of Empenho (NE) in the Integrated System of Financial Administration of the Federal Government (SIAFI). Such situation generates a haste for executing the expenditures in skillful time in the diverse managers spread for the Country. Those that will not be prepared to carry through, in efficient way, the expenses them received budgets, will be able to generate administrative upheavals and to cause the devolution of the public resources, so scarce in the days atuais1. The opening of a licitatrio certame generates enormous costs for the managers, in virtue of the expenses with publications, such as acknowledgment of licitation, result, homologation, among others, that they go increasing, in accordance with the number of licitations realizadas1. It is possible public administration, and in particular the Agencies of Direo Setorial (ODS), to prepare itself anticipatedly, for the act of receiving of voluminous public resources, before the ending of the fiscal year? The accomplishment of centered licitation, of common goods and services, through the System of Register of Preos (SRP) minimizes the resolution of such upheavals that are generated in the haste in if spending such mounts of money? The present work presents a study concerning the functioning of the SRP, the procedures for its implantation, the characteristics, showing its advantages and disadvantages. still, to consider the obligatoriness so that the purchases and the common services carried through by the SRP are centered in the scope of each ODS. In order to make possible the achievement of the general objective of study, the objectives had been formulated specific, below related, that will allow to the logical chaining it presented descriptive reasoning in this study: ) To identify to which the main economies of public resources gotten when of the acquisitions of good or the renderings of services carried through of centered form; b) To identify which they had been the main innovations for the process of acquisition of good and the renderings of services through the System of Register of Prices; c) To identify if has some empecilho for the process of acquisition centered for the ODS; d) To identify which they would be the advantages and the disadvantages in if using the process of acquisition of good and/or rendering of services of form centered for the System of Register of Prices; e) To identify if has some celeridade gotten to if improving the relative procedures to the System of Register of Prices; f) To analyze the viability to become obligator the centered acquisition of common goods and services, through the SRP, in the scope of the ODS.

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