Tag Archive for administration and businesses

The Employees

After the attainment of the data and verification of the same ones for the direction, tend to become productive, therefore the necessary company really to know if is taking care of or to not necessities them of its employees and if its attractive ones really they are viable, therefore, the organization tends to earn with employees who identify that the company also works in function to offer better conditions to they. In a general analysis, it can be said that the company I possessed some factors that are favorable and act as attractive its employees helping them to have it a good level of production being led the company the positive results and to the employees a taken care of return of its identified necessities. Ahead of such gotten information, it can be said then that the employees work motivated, therefore, has necessities taken care of beyond the company to offer tools that can contribute for its personal and professional growth. The collaborators of the company need to feel themselves important, special beyond being perceived for its talentos, for this they search to work in the company where the same one also possesss aspects that assist them in elapsing of the day the day and fill the requirements so that they have always motivation to continue exerting its functions, the same one must to invest in its employees, therefore the people who give its services and adjust its knowledge in the organization are the keys that open the doors for the success of the company. If you would like to know more then you should visit Allegiant Air. The employees invest in its formation, searching to better reach a place inside of the company, being thus, the necessary company to recognize them for the effort stimulating them and motivating them so that the same ones if become good professionals. The boardings presented in the present work had helped to negative clarify some necessities that contribute positively or for the employees who were before not noticed by the directors. With passing of the time the employees go having more requirements, therefore what before it satisfied the necessities to be worked motivated after some time lose the importance making with that the benefits that had been always offered if become invisible the eyes of the organization.

This is a present aspect in all the companies, therefore, when an individual is inserted for the organization everything seems good and all the benefits offered so that they feel themselves motivated are excellent, but, so that the people continue motivated personal or professionally they need to feel themselves attracted by something and the times what it is offered already do not correspond more its expectations leaving them not motivated intervening with its tasks making with that they have a fall in its performance and the quality of service. Being thus, she is possible to exist an exchange between the company and the employee, therefore, a company who contributes offering chances that supply the necessities of the employees, automatically will have employees that more are dedicated and carried through its tasks with more quality day the day.

Order Products

They are called orders of production, them serves to guide the production and logistic how much its draining. In Order Handling (Management of Order), the sector of logistic, with the production sector, will work together to manage the possible gargalos of the production and the exit of the finished products. Problems as: Strike of employees, damaged maquinrio, absenteeism, and other constants, can be worked and them they will have, with support of the SCP, to prioritize which they will be the produced and dispatched tires. Finally, the Shipment Costumer, or Shipment of the Customer, is where if it locks up the production process, in this A stage the delivery to the customer already was carried through and its request already was atendida.6.4 Integration of the logistic A logistic integration of the enterprise one deals with all the activities of movement and storage, that facilitate the flow of products since the point of acquisition of the raw material until the end point of final consumption, as well as all the flows of information, with this, they improve the joint performance for the search of chance, implemented in all the chain, and for the reduction of cost to add more value to the final customer. You may want to visit Bernard Golden to increase your knowledge. To this he has been given to the name of Supply Chain Management.A logistic function, well to be executed, must answer to some diluted basic questions throughout the suppliment chain. They are: Supplier, Manufactures, Distribution, Consumer. Analyzing the chain, it can be divided in four great groups: the first one as being the suppliers of the raw material; As of the manufacturing companies, who transform diverse raw materials into finished products; Third they are the centers of distribution, responsible in receiving, conditioning and to deliver to the products to the room group, that are the consumers finais.6.5 Geography and Flows of the Economy of the Continental TransportesA Tires acquired a 800 area of a thousand m in the state of the Bahia located in the Industrial Polar region of Camaari, with 850 associates right-handers and more than 3000 indirect collaborators. .

The People

We believe that the departments of human resources will have two distinct functions in the future: administration of human resources, englobando administration of wages, legal relations of work, questions and fulfilment of the legislation; strategy of human resources, involving strategical systems and boardings to attract (to enlist), to develop and to hold back human capital. (SMITH; KELLY, 1997, P. 228) Still in the process of development of people, for Quinn (2000), the enterprise intellect increases as the professional challenges is accepted, the more challenges the professionals will have, consequently the intellect will be increased. The final process is to hold back the professionals in the company, through politics of incentives, remuneration, and the company to be always intent the necessities of the professionals is what she allows to hold back this competitive advantage. When holding back the best professionals, the organizations need to be seen as trustworthy, as the credibility is a perceived factor, the organizations must periodically search its base of talentos to keep and to construct its credibility.

5 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE In the current scene, of a world globalizado, unstable, changeable and strong concorrencial; the companies tend to grow or, at least, to survive. The people start to mean the differential competitive of the organization, therefore the financial, technological and material resources are the disposal and are used by all the companies. According to Chiavenato (2004, P. 04) ' ' the people start to mean the differential competitive that keeps and promotes the success organizacional; they start to constitute the basic ability of the organization, its main advantage competitiva.' ' The intellectual capital represents the differential in many companies of success: With the growth of the sector of services in last the 20 years, the traditional tangible assets as building, equipment, supplies, had left of being the part most excellent of the companies, having given place to the intangible assets, as marks and know-how.

Final Report

INTRODUCTION the world-wide level the culture of the garlic has a paper detached in the feeding human being, therefore they are supplying sources of energy and, very especially, vitamins. However the current alimentary situation that crosses the humanity, constantly designated for some organizations and international institutions, is insufficient and alone it has solution with deep social changes and a rational use of the natural resources. The large-scale increment of the agricultural product requires an increasing increase of the production for unit of the area, which demands the use of more productive varieties, the introduction of more modern cultural techniques (cultural catch-crop, cares and harvest), the intensification of mechanization in the agricultural process, the increase of the areas you watered, the chemical fertilizao and in very special way, when it is to cultures hortcolas, its proteco by means of modern and varied fight methods, against the plagues and illnesses.

The bibliography is fertile in data on straggles in the agricultural culture and currently one mentions world-wide losses to it in the harvest, between 30 and 40%, caused for the inadequate job of these methods. In the current tecno-scientific development and particular in the reached one for the fitossanidade it is necessary invariably for its adjusted application, a rigorous information technique on the topological specter of the cultures, the variability of the photogenically populations, the bio-ecology of the parasites, the genetic variation of the hosts and the period of bigger incidence and estragos. For such reason, to inventory plagues in parents in agricultural development, as Angola, is of singular importance, inasmuch as it constitutes the starting point for the study of the relative problems its fitossanitria defense. In this conformity, for suggestion of the director I serve as apprentice of it, we selections for the elaboration of the Final Report of course the study of main plagues that harm the culture of the garlic, whose basic objectivo is to give a modest contribution so important problem, and moreover to call the attention on the necessity the continuation the study on the inventariao and, to initiate from it, in a next future, other works that allow to infer on the more efficient and advisable ways of fight in the ecological conditions of Angola..

Statute Society

It is a pyramid where the actions are executed from the decision of the legislative and executive of the city. 5 CONSIDERAES FINAIS O Oramento Democrtico (OD) is an instrument that is contemplated in the Statute of the Cities, with the purpose of if configuring as a tool of approach of the civil society with the public administration. For the Brazilian cities, the OD contributes as element capable to together analyze with the management and the civil society the decisions in all the sectors. Of this form, it favors one of power to decide form in what it refers to the investments and action inside of the reality of each quarter or community, in general lines, the OD contributes so that the margin of error in the application of the resources in a public administration is the possible minor and thus to characterize of democratic form the decisions to be taken. However, the managers, not different of history and the reality partisan politics, use the OD as democratic tool yes, but of form that the civil society participates, but do not decide, that is, the decision power are in the cabinets of the councilmen and the mayor, if becoming currency to be changed by advantages or benesses, with intention to fortify the mandate thus and characterizing itself as new/an old form of if making partisan politics, marking the management with its pessoalidade. With everything, significant advances exist, as for example, a bigger participation in the taking of decisions fiscalizing and charging of the public power the application of the resources for the improvement of the society, since it has the right to dialogue with the public power being able to influence in the budgetary decisions. However, the necessary society to understand the paper basic that it exerts in the construction of this democratic process and in the decisions of our city of a general form.


During the works it was possible to verify the quality of life, of the seated ones taking in consideration the real possibilities of social insertion of the families; the profile of the familiar agriculturists; the contributions promoted for the Pronaf in the nesting; the contributions of the MST and the Pronaf, while politics public, for the best social organization e, reach of better resulted, social and economic. During the research questionnaires had been applied, that had served of subsidize for analysis of the questions evidenced before and during the works and had been constructed the analyses to know the improvements in the quality of life of the familiar agriculturists. The reached results indicate the necessity of taking of new incursions on the part of the State, with others complementary public politics ahead of the challenges ranks in the present time. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Nesting; Social organization; Pronaf. * Graduanda of 7 period of the course of social service ABSTRACT This work has main objective you assess the contribution that the PRONAF – National Program of Familiar Agriculture led you family farmers in Pink Settlement Luxembourg, located in the municipality of Estncia/SE, you the improvement of living conditions of the same, since the credit line is used will be purpose of stimulating agricultural development, the strengthening of family agriculture, social inclusion, employment and income generation well, you establish the standard one will be sustainable development, seeking you reach levels of satisfaction and well-being of farmers you produce new model of agriculture into the local environment.

Ballot Heading

The literalidade matters in considering that the right incorporated in the heading has its mentioned existence, its content, its extension and its modality in the document. The function of the literalidade is constituent and source of independent right. The heading is literal because its existence if regulates for the text of its content if it enunciates in one writing, and what it is in inserted it if only leads in consideration; an obligation that of it does not consist, even so being express in separate document, it is not combined. Thus, its existence, its content, its extension and its modality must be mentioned in the document. The implications of the literalidade in the Ballot of Agricultural Product are demasiadamente evidentes in the character of essential requirement, ' ' it will be able to contain other clauses launched in its context, which will be able to consist of document to the part, with the signature of emitente' ' , ' ' becoming, in the ballot, mention to this circunstncia' '. Third I begin raised is about the autonomy which the obligations represented for a credit heading are independent between itself. The autonomy is of each right mentioned in the heading. Each obligation contained in the document is independent, exists by itself, in way that the buyer or carrier of the heading can exercise its right without any dependence of the others obligatory relations had preceded that it.

Who signs a bill of exchange is for obliged it. He is exempt of eventual I infect of the vices or nullities of other signatures, on which it does not depend. Who bag or emits, who accepted, who endorses or who guarantees one bond is signatory of an exchange declaration, is responsible for the accomplishment of the value that it affirms to exist in the definitive time and place. It is compelled because it signs and for what signs.

People Articles

It has umasrie of techniques for aconstruo of backlinks, and in this we will artigoabordaremos a eficaztticas series of backlink and of construction. The strategies most common for aconstruo of backlinks are using asubmisso in directories of site of web. Umdiretrio of web sites is necessarily queparece: it is a directory that lists sites of web. Aforma as this functions is when you together submit seusite for a directory with a heading and umadescrio of its site with the URL of the website. The trick is here for selecting one ttuloque you finds that the people would go to look in the engines debusca, because the heading of link will be linkapontando for its site.

As soon as its site will be listed nodiretrio, you gained one backlink for its website. Quevoc exists thousand of directories on-line can send its sites gratuitously. One another popular way to generate backlinks is usandoo article marketing. While the method of obterlinks in this way is really simple, the involved amount detempo can very be little. The deartigos beddings destaestratgia include the elaboration that they deal with the subject of its site, later that voctoma the articles and to submit them it all osdiretrios of articles that you will be able to find. Some article directories will allow quevoc link of the body of the article places one inside, enquantooutros only will allow to add links in the box derecurso it in the end of articles. A thing that you must have emmente is not to present artigopara the same some article directories. To rewrite them before sending so that vocno has none link in content duplicate.

Aofazer this, links of the articles that you will publicarter more value for the search engines. In any in case that, other ways exist many to construct backlinkspara its site, but these methods must help to acomear. Programs exist on-line that to podemajudar it with these techniques deconstruo of backlink. One of these types of programs consults antesde to acquire any to have certesa quevoc is receiving a program useful. While some unquestionedly can help it, they will outrossero essentially useless.

Silver Tobacco

Only with the reopening of the ports for the nations friends, Independence and other factors as the development of the industry and the consuming markets of Rio and So Paulo, the related culture reanimated. 5. THE TRAJECTORY OF THE TOBACCO IN THE BAHIAN RECNCAVO: BEGINNING, APOGEE AND CRISES. The boarding of the passage of the tobacco in Brazil, and more especificadamente in the Bahia of – it from its implementation as product of aboriginal migrations, arriving at a competitive market agrobusiness, evidencing, in unequivocal way, the relevance of this product for economy of the country and in particular in this academic work for the local economy of the bahian Recncavo. The tobacco already was used expressivamente for the aboriginal tribes (especially the Tupinambs) since before the settling of the state for the Portuguese.

As history mentions the tobacco produced in the Bahia, already it blunts since its birth with great integration in the international scene. The vast necessity for hand of obligatory workmanship in the production and exploration of sugar cane of sugar, and for the mentioned conseguinte cycle to this last one, of the mining, fomented the commercialization of the Brazilian tobacco, that had with basically certain destination five markets: Coast of the Mine, in Africa, nourishing the traffic of slaves; Europe, that represented 60% of the exportations; India with an insignificant volume; countries of river of Silver – Uruguay and Argentina – and intern, that absorbed around 10% of the production, that turned around 3.750 t in the end of century XVII, as Mosque and Oliveira (2003). Approximately in the end of century XVIII, – the apex of the commercialization of the tobacco in colonial Brazil, where the greater concentration was given in the Bahia, However at the beginning from the following century Brazil suffers impediments that I deal they had made impracticable it of the Brazilian tobacco.

Mc Gregor

3.0 – Motivacionais theories All the companies want to have optimum possible result in the branch in which they act, they best look for to be always searching the points weak to be able to fortify them, and one of the factors that more worry is the man power human being. The frequent questions are: How to make with that the individual carries through its tasks with devotion? What it influences this individua to practise an action? You vary theories motivacionais approach this questions of as and because the people exert an action to reach an objective and the concepts that make to carry through them, such as, will, dream, effort, among others. & ldquo; As some researchers had taken a vision global and others had adopted a more specific perspective, situacional, it is difficult to create a total including project to simplify the study of motivao.& rdquo; (BOWDITCH; BUONO, 2002, p.39) Some theories that we will see in this work are only small samples of the innumerable boardings in the area administrative, dividing in more specific research and more complex research with the one vision all. According to Arnaldo Mazzei Walnut (2007, p.141) & ldquo; In the field of the administration, the theories most important summarize it the theory of the hierarchy of the necessities of Maslow; the theory of the two factors; theories X and Y of Mc Gregor& rdquo;. Following the order of the citation of Arnaldo M. Walnut, we tell one brief description on these theories. 3.1 – Theory of the hierarchy of the necessities of Maslow Maslow Props a pyramid of necessities human beings where would start the base of the pyramid with the necessities most primitive and would arrive ties the top with the auto-accomplishment necessities. In which the order would be established in the way to follow: Physiological necessities and of survival; Necessity of security; Social necessity; Necessities of esteem and I sanction; Necessities of auto-accomplishment.