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England Production

Omedo of you raise that them and the revolts took ' ' citizens of bem' ' of that time to lose its source of production and accumulation of wealth, suasregalias and privileges inside of a regimen escravocrata, it was a fatordeterminante so that the use and the invention of new methods of punishment, laws and doctrines of nature coward, violent and desumana were applied paraa maintenance of the status quo and the good moral and ethical values daquelasociedade. However, as the way of eraincompatvel escravista production with the estavaconsolidado way of industrial capitalist production that already in the Europe and, mainly in England, the slavery sucumbiupara to give to place to the called wage-earning work oulivre. Concomitant esseprocesso of transformation that gained the world, also appears novos' ' algozes' ' of the society based on the production of merchandises and lucroextrado of exceeding work: the proletariat or, simply, the classetrabalhadora. However, to exert the control on these, necessrioa became dinamizao of a more sophisticated and efficient apparatus to watch and to punish (comodizia M. Please visit Ripple if you seek more information. Foucault) these new threats to the new effective order: the policy. Police, vigilant and ostensive Ainstituio 24 hs per day is one peculiaridadede a system where the wealth is materialized in the private property dosmeios of production, in the merchandise and the money as end in itself exactly. Sendoassim, is extremely important, for a system as this, to guarantee total and uninterrupted asegurana of the places where they are stored these types deriqueza, to prevent and to fight the robbery, the robery, break-it breaks, etc. new Dentrodeste picture, ' ' escolhidos' ' to be the most feared, undesirable, dangerous and that more they offer risks to this new model desociedade will be those that do not obtain or simply if they refuse to sesubmeter to this new order of the work: the unemployeds, the beggars, idle, etc.

Heriberto Cold

He was not one I confiscate, but yes one ' ' venda' ' forced. The measure had its profits, but it got success how much to the secularizao of the Mexican society. Lei Iglsias: It nailed the gratuitousness of the clericais services. The law imposed hard penalties for the priests, who of these taxes depended to support themselves. The New constitution, promulgated in 1857, became the all the equal citizens before the law, with freedom of profession, religion, conscience, instruction, except for vagabonds and criminals. Guarantee not the torture of suspected prisoners or of crimes, whichever to the natures of these. It was ratified popular sovereignty and the maintenance of the three to be able. Moreover, although a long quarrel, kept the system federalist.

The military had come to have, in certain way, relative restrictions as the abolition them privileges in legal processes. Ironically, the liberal ones would receive ample support from the rich classroom of the interior of the country, and not of the masses peasants, who the laws also interested. The civil War that follows had beginning on the part of the conservatives, who unsatisfied with the loss of the control politician had reacted with the weapons. Commanded for general Zuloaga, the goal was to revoke the constitution, even so keeping the president. One month later Zuloaga dismisses Comonfort, contradicting what before it are treat, and assumes the presidency. Here one of the conturbados periods more of Mexican history starts, why beyond already ocorrente War of the Three years, would suffer still, then to follow, one second imperial phase in the country, commanded for the pretensions of Napoleo III and Maximiliano. According to Heriberto Cold: ' ' Perhaps lo that the Voy to relate to sea In time bad sad native black of nuestra. Since el shout of Independence auction ci period that you go to conocer, buenos friends, ni un alone day of habia absolute peace., reign en Mexico iSiempre there guerral Sienpre bleeds Cual would be el end of in such a way extermnio? if preguntaban los hombres sin faith sin embargo habla heroes that tenian conciencia Ia of that happy Mexico serla There revolucin initiated el day Lo de Marzo of 1854 against there general inominiosa dietadura del don Antonio Lopez de Saint-Ana, esa revolucion, that it takes el nonbre of Ayutla, tomndolo del of un pueblecillo lost en itself Sur, en el Been of Guerrero y that fu of where if beginning, you are litmica verdaderarnente tie principles that ha habido en el parents y itself sus causes fueron muy jousts y you legitimize, imponent, huge resulted los fueron y trascendentales nothing less than caida estrepitosa tyrannous y for siempre there del that con sus rapias, I unbriddle y absolutism, apovado for un numerous ejrcito, if believes invencible, y there adquisicion of nuestras libertades eonsignadas en there Gran Letter of 1857.' ' (COLD, Humberto, 1901) But, before this Comonfort, irritated with the ungratefulness of Zuloaga, it frees Juarez and the excessively liberal ones and finishes leaving it country.

The Book That Changed My Life

My dear reader! I'll tell you my story. It is no secret that the school I read two books – 'Dunno in the sunny city' and The Cherry Orchard '. After the ninth grade during the summer holidays I worked part time at a construction site. Wore concrete and heavy building materials, cleaning the car body from the solution. Tired as a horse.

And come the master and superintendents, and commanded me what to do. And then I decided for myself: to get education in construction and get a work in the same building site that would prove to everybody that I was not born to carry the concrete, and born to lead. This was my first goal. All of what happened – I did it. Having worked in senior positions for 8 years from eight to five I learned a few things: working on the 'uncle' a lot of money does not earn my freedom depends on the decision of my head. I have decided to work for themselves – to become an entrepreneur.

When I was thinking, what would this do, by chance met a friend who shared with me the idea of development in the city network of children's rides. This idea has inspired me very much! The direction was very good and things went uphill. We began to expand. Actively engaged charity – helping to kindergartens, the community of disabled children and orphans. Determined not to rest on our laurels, I allowed myself to realize my old childhood dream – to have a billiard club. For me it was ambitious solution! Since the next goal was defined, began active operations. And after 7 months, we opened the doors of his own billiard club. The goal was achieved – my dream has come true! But on the way business activities, there are many obstacles and difficulties: have to work 24 hours a day, weekends do not exist, repeated testing , firefighters, tax and other controlling state. Services rob all desire and effort to do business. In the end we decided to get rid of the business routine. And once again began the search for self-realization in life. Again I got a job, then again took up entrepreneurship – I stalled, I was looking out! There must have been a sequel, but I do not know how? Quite by chance passing by a bookshop, my eyes fell on the title of the book "CASHFLOW Quadrant 'by Robert . Since you already know that I do not like to read books, this book was the third. Having started to read this book began to understand why I got into a vicious circle. Finally I discovered the secret of what should be the next stage in my life. Robert talks lucidly about the four quadrants of the quadrant in which people can realize themselves. And I found my next sector, realized in what direction should move on. Our destiny There are no accidents – everything that happens regularity. Not having read a few pages of this remarkable book, I was invited to meet with people who were willing to share the way the transition from the sector entrepreneurship in the business sector. Today I am a successful businessman! I am willing to share their knowledge with you. Read the book and do not be afraid to change their lives for the better

Draibe State

These historical sectors are capable to command oconjunto of the society, it detaches what them of the others. In this way, the structuralized fight of classrooms was supported in the coffee economy (whose complexoexportador took to a division of the social work and the extended reproduction docapital, inside of a regimen of accumulation) and in the forms of dessecapital organization, that had been two: a (a), in the city; another (b) in the field. The coffee levoua an increasing differentiation, what it stimulated the division of the work nacidade, creating a traditional middle class (a1), (a2) the low middle classes. Connect with other leaders such as Southwest Airlines here. (pp.23-34) However, with the detail that the coffee needed interfernciado Been as agglutinant 2 capitals, what it would lead to a base for ‘ ‘ it saw conservadora’ ‘ of the development. For essavia, the conformation was possible of interests between field and city. (pp.34-5) the Brazilian case of modernization conservative did without anecessidade a burning of stages. However, Draibe places as development sped up the different relations between the State and ocapital foreigner, the difficulties (and same problemasdesse the necessity) of the politics desuporte, the necessity of caution front to a problematic and delicate process, and the transistion for the industry with new axle of accumulation.

The relations with foreign ocapital had operated in two phases: a first one, while decapital flow of loan; one second, as investments right-handers. The principaisatores of this process had been the State, the Brazilian industrial bourgeoisie and the ocapital International. The quarrel of the period was concerning the edge of atuaodo Been, also thinking about the permission of entrance of the foreign capital noprocesso, and as if it would give. (pp.36-7) Thus, the performance of the State in the process ocorreuprincipalmente by means of the public companies.

African National Congress

The system also was fed for the foreign capital that it invested in the region, interested in the market of hand of cheap workmanship. With the development of the industrial polar region that supplied all Austral Africa increased the amount of black agricultural workers who came to the city. Pssimas conditions of life in the Bantustes and the lack of job and assistance had caused the massivo exodus that also affected the interest of the mulatos for the integration to the white economy. 1976 CONJUNCTURE the 1994 the fight antiapartheid, in the decade of 70 is weakened, therefore the African National Congress (CNA) and the Congress Pan-African (CPA) are abolished, its lead exiled prisoners or, but they are not esvaecem. The beginning of the decade, the movement of Conscincia Negra is born another movement (CN) established by Steve Biko, that has that if together with the CPA, its main fights they had been to the psychological release, the cultural renaissance and politician, against the education banto, wanted to rescue the dignity of the black people, its strategy was the not-violence and to be inside of the South African laws, but the regimen if showed implacable, was imprisoned, tortured and assassinated. In June of 1976 students if Soweto had made a strike, against the education banto, and in a demonstration she pacifies had been assassinated many children, the shot, and this it unchained an agitation for some black districts, that this movement finished for a slaughter of 600 people (this data are the officer, therefore that they would have been deceased more than a thousand, and room a thousand of wounded and prisoners) brought tragedies, but also made with that many young ones if signed up in the CNA, search of militarization and a better education. Thus after the independence of Moambique and Angola the CNA it gains new breath. When in 1976 P.. .

Xavantina Region

The financing gave to acquire the land, that age of favour, and to make the plantation (reforestation). The Dep.Herbit, according to personal of the region, arranged paqueiros, and in counted with the notary’s offices of the region, it regularized for the proprietors of the region the lands that this gave values, that is the bachios and leans in exchange, it alliviated the same ones of the chapades, and was as soon as it reforested sixty and two a thousand hectares, is what they say, difficult to measure of so great, creating the company ' ' Reza' ' , that today it keeps sets of ten of you would saw, industries of paper and cellulose, boilers with wood and coal. The great agriculture, comes all spreading for the Triangle, with sugar cane, soy, maize, beans, potato, fruits, maracuj, etc. The entrances in the open pasture, had brought great progressos, although old cities to exist, as Sacrament 1820, Old Gois (old capital of Gois), Cuiab of gone of 1800, all Central Brazil in agriculture terms still do not have two generations, being that many cities, still are with ' ' tooth of leite' '. Great changes had had basically from years 60, with President Juscelino, who carried through a great dream of the Empire, to transfer the Federal Capital to the Central Plateaus current Brasilia, such dream dated of 1833. You may want to visit Ron O’Hanley to increase your knowledge. It is interesting to tell, that the xavantes indians, who are known as matogrossente of the region of Xavantina current/Water Good, they had been escorraados in the 1860 gone ones, for the son-in-law of Emperor D.Pedro II, then Conde D? I. The entrances in the open pasture had been being intensified with the cattle one, and had been from the decade of 40, with then Rondon Marshal, who it initiated the opening of the road for the Amazon region, with the great indianistas the Brothers Village Wolves (considered indianistas of the centuries), to who I had the pleasure to know for occasion of the awarding, and with who had the honrosa to divide some colloquy on my trip for the river of the deaths), with men of the navy exercise of it and the aeronautics, that in the 1940 gone ones, initiated the passage of the Araguaia, the great River, that it practically has its spring in the verge of So Paulo, the dividing water mountain range, of the Paraba/Guapor/Sucuruiu Rivers.