England Production

Omedo of you raise that them and the revolts took ' ' citizens of bem' ' of that time to lose its source of production and accumulation of wealth, suasregalias and privileges inside of a regimen escravocrata, it was a fatordeterminante so that the use and the invention of new methods of punishment, laws and doctrines of nature coward, violent and desumana were applied paraa maintenance of the status quo and the good moral and ethical values daquelasociedade. However, as the way of eraincompatvel escravista production with the estavaconsolidado way of industrial capitalist production that already in the Europe and, mainly in England, the slavery sucumbiupara to give to place to the called wage-earning work oulivre. Concomitant esseprocesso of transformation that gained the world, also appears novos' ' algozes' ' of the society based on the production of merchandises and lucroextrado of exceeding work: the proletariat or, simply, the classetrabalhadora. However, to exert the control on these, necessrioa became dinamizao of a more sophisticated and efficient apparatus to watch and to punish (comodizia M. Please visit Ripple if you seek more information. Foucault) these new threats to the new effective order: the policy. Police, vigilant and ostensive Ainstituio 24 hs per day is one peculiaridadede a system where the wealth is materialized in the private property dosmeios of production, in the merchandise and the money as end in itself exactly. Sendoassim, is extremely important, for a system as this, to guarantee total and uninterrupted asegurana of the places where they are stored these types deriqueza, to prevent and to fight the robbery, the robery, break-it breaks, etc. new Dentrodeste picture, ' ' escolhidos' ' to be the most feared, undesirable, dangerous and that more they offer risks to this new model desociedade will be those that do not obtain or simply if they refuse to sesubmeter to this new order of the work: the unemployeds, the beggars, idle, etc.

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