Heriberto Cold

He was not one I confiscate, but yes one ' ' venda' ' forced. The measure had its profits, but it got success how much to the secularizao of the Mexican society. Lei Iglsias: It nailed the gratuitousness of the clericais services. The law imposed hard penalties for the priests, who of these taxes depended to support themselves. The New constitution, promulgated in 1857, became the all the equal citizens before the law, with freedom of profession, religion, conscience, instruction, except for vagabonds and criminals. Guarantee not the torture of suspected prisoners or of crimes, whichever to the natures of these. It was ratified popular sovereignty and the maintenance of the three to be able. Moreover, although a long quarrel, kept the system federalist.

The military had come to have, in certain way, relative restrictions as the abolition them privileges in legal processes. Ironically, the liberal ones would receive ample support from the rich classroom of the interior of the country, and not of the masses peasants, who the laws also interested. The civil War that follows had beginning on the part of the conservatives, who unsatisfied with the loss of the control politician had reacted with the weapons. Commanded for general Zuloaga, the goal was to revoke the constitution, even so keeping the president. One month later Zuloaga dismisses Comonfort, contradicting what before it are treat, and assumes the presidency. Here one of the conturbados periods more of Mexican history starts, why beyond already ocorrente War of the Three years, would suffer still, then to follow, one second imperial phase in the country, commanded for the pretensions of Napoleo III and Maximiliano. According to Heriberto Cold: ' ' Perhaps lo that the Voy to relate to sea In time bad sad native black of nuestra. Since el shout of Independence auction ci period that you go to conocer, buenos friends, ni un alone day of habia absolute peace., reign en Mexico iSiempre there guerral Sienpre bleeds Cual would be el end of in such a way extermnio? if preguntaban los hombres sin faith sin embargo habla heroes that tenian conciencia Ia of that happy Mexico serla There revolucin initiated el day Lo de Marzo of 1854 against there general inominiosa dietadura del don Antonio Lopez de Saint-Ana, esa revolucion, that it takes el nonbre of Ayutla, tomndolo del of un pueblecillo lost en itself Sur, en el Been of Guerrero y that fu of where if beginning, you are litmica verdaderarnente tie principles that ha habido en el parents y itself sus causes fueron muy jousts y you legitimize, imponent, huge resulted los fueron y trascendentales nothing less than caida estrepitosa tyrannous y for siempre there del that con sus rapias, I unbriddle y absolutism, apovado for un numerous ejrcito, if believes invencible, y there adquisicion of nuestras libertades eonsignadas en there Gran Letter of 1857.' ' (COLD, Humberto, 1901) But, before this Comonfort, irritated with the ungratefulness of Zuloaga, it frees Juarez and the excessively liberal ones and finishes leaving it country.

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