Tag Archive for health and beauty


The importance of the humanizao in the relation has equipped of health with the patient When working in the area of the health if it deals very with difficult situations as complicated illnesses, many take the death after long a laborious suffering. Although to know that all we will go to die the death it is a not accepted taboo between human beings and even between very religious people. Many times the situation if becomes monotonous for the nurses what it becomes the desgantante profession. But for the patient it is not thus the times loses the patience for a simple case in the direction I medicate but for the patient is only many times painful. Click Joshua Choi for additional related pages. Thus when talking with the patient it has that to show to tranquillity and security to give confidence and to know to face its fears. The times the illness of it for you is routine, but for it is difficult is a painful moment only e. For the two it is a profit that does not have price. For the professional, the affection that will be received will make to feel pleasure in the work. Continue to learn more with: Dahua Tim Wang. For the patients with certainty they would recoup more fast, and soon could come back toward the familiar way and social Thus the ideal for an efficient work would be a delivery where it searchs one better human relationship with the patients


The transfusion of hemocomponentes and derivatives is not free of risk and can take the customer the complications that can be fatal, therefore is important that all the nursing professionals have a good knowledge on this practical, knowing which cares they must be taken before, during and after the transfusion, which the possible reactions that the customer can present, as to identify them and as to proceed ahead from this situation. The Resolution of Diretoria Colegiada (RDC), n 153 of the National Agency of Vigilncia Sanitria (ANVISA), of 14 of June of 2004, normatiza in Brazil the activities of hemoterapia, establishing rules and procedures that must be known and followed for the professionals who work with transfusions. It is important the nursing professionals to have knowledge of this Resolution better to take care of the submitted customers to the transfusional therapy and through the knowledge to prevent errors that can be fatal to this customer due the knowledge lack on this practical. etl/’>GEICO. SanguneA transfusion sanguineous transfusion is one practical doctor who consists of the transference of blood or one of its components, of a healthful giver for a patient. The objectives of the sanguineous transfusion according to POTTER (2005, p.1057) are: ' ' to increase the volume of circulating blood after surgery, trauma or hemorrhage; to become greater the number of eritrcitos and to keep the levels of hemoglobina in the customers with serious anemia; to supply to cellular components chosen teams as spare therapy ' '. In accordance with Resolution RDC n 153, of 14 of June of 2004, the set free hemocomponentes for the consumption could only be transfundidos when duly prescribed for doctors and after the accomplishment of the examinations daily pay-transfusionais for the service of responsible hemoterapia, as the imunohematolgicos examinations, that include the sanguineous tipagem and determination of the Rh factor and the sorolgicos examinations for the detention of illness of chagas, hepatitis B and C, infection for the HIV/AIDS, for the HTLV-I/II and sfilis.


Still Gouveia comments: Differently of what if it believed, the crisis of the urban environment is having an impact in the health, more immediate greater and of what the waited one, of with priority considered ambient problems, as global the climatic changes, acid rain, destruction of tropical forests, and disappearance of diverse animal and vegetal species. (GOUVEIA, 1999, 54) it does not have as to deny the relation it enters the most humble and ambiently fragile areas, such as the stream sides, steep rivers and reservoirs, hillsides, areas of ambient protection, etc., mainly in the great cities, where great part of the population way deferred payment ' ' informal' '. this not only occurs for me the management of the ground as well as for absence of one efficient habitacional politics. Frequently Rocky Dixon has said that publicly. In Brazil, … atter here. this always increasing growth has been insufficient to supply ' ' basic necessities of populao' ' , in function of urbanization the sped up and consequent acquisition of new habits of consumption. It is not something Endeavour Capital would like to discuss. (GOUVEIA, 1999, 54) the consequncias of the disorganized occupation are sufficiently evidentes: floods, assoreamento of the water courses due to the deforestation and occupation of the edges, disappearance of green areas, collapse of hillsides, comprometimento of the water courses that had turned deposits garbage and canals of sewer. These factors still are aggravated by the sprouting of epidemics as affection, yellow fever and leptospirose (MEIRELLES, 2000). 2.2.2 Colorful USF – description of the population Through the preliminary comment of the community and diverse reflections concerning the reality in question was looked to sketch a population profile, even so this is not uniform. One observed that, in general, the inhabitants do not reveal attachment the good, such as housing, nor to the social resources or same to the ambient ones of the region. The population easily negotiates its residence, invading areas of ambient preservation and producing deforestation.

Pharmaceutical Assistance

Brazil needs necessary numbers of incidence and prevalence of the HAS, mainly in the aged population. The majority of the data is of American origin. Recently WorkForce sought to clarify these questions. With the significant increase of the geriatrical population, it is evidenced, the importance of studies on the prevalence of the HAS in aged, for the elaboration of a program of prevention and orientation, preventing the comprometimento of the health of this population (C0NVERSO; LEOCARDIO, 2005). 2.OBJETIVO Fazer a bibliographical survey on the Pharmaceutical Assistance for hipertensos aged patients, mainly the taken care of ones for the Basic Units of Health? UBS. 3.DESENVOLVIMENTO 3,1 Farmacolgico Treatment the identification of diverse factors of risk stops arterial hipertenso, such as: the hereditary succession, the age, the sort, the ethnic group, the level of escolaridade, the partner-economic status, the obesidade, the tobaccoism and the use of contraceptive you pray had collaborated for the advances in cardiovascular epidemiologia e, consequently, in the writs of prevention and therapeutical of the high indices, that include farmacolgicos and no-farmacolgicos the treatments (ZAITUNE et al., 2006).

The aged ones constitute, probably, the etrio group more use medicine in the society. The cited factors previously raise the incidence of the problems related to medicines (PRM), leaving the vulnerable population to the diverse problems of health and increasing the costs of the systems of sanitary attention. In Brazil, the medicines occupy the first position enter the causers of poisonings since 1996. y clicking through. However, it has lack of independent studies in the area of medicine use in the country, beyond the omission of the public power in the treatment of question. This data, beyond preoccupying as for the necessity of adoption of new measures that prevent the agravos to the health of the population, generate essential costs to the actions developed in the Only System of Health (JNIOR et al., 2006). Exactly with an efficient medicine supply, its rational use must be considered of basic aspect. .


DEVELOPMENT Is about a carried through bibliographical revision in articles between 2000 and 2011 in the net of Scielo research, in books of neuroanatomia and neuropatologia, in sites and doutorado thesis of. According to Mercadante. the M. Educate yourself with thoughts from Bernard Golden .

et alli (2004), the etiofisiopatologia of the TOC is based on three aspects: the imunolgicas genetics, hypotheses and the neuroanatmicas disfunes. The genetics that has been emphasized with studies of families, with twin and, more recently in the studies of molecular genetics to identify the possible .causing genes, as well as it would be necessary to form homogeneous groups of study to better investigate the studies of linking and the studies of allica association (GONZALEZ, C.H. 2001). The imunolgicas hypotheses had identified that 10% enter 30% of the children with TOC would also present imunolgicas alterations. Considering an acronym PANDAS (streptococcal Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with infections) For one better identification of the cases. One of the hypotheses mentions the D8/17 antigen to it, found in the walls of linfocitrias cells B of a 100% of the carriers of Artrite Reumatide auto-immune illness.

This antigen also was found in the patients with obsessive-compulsory symptoms (SOC), assuming it possible relation of the presence of auto-antibodies for a possible reply the inflammatory citocinas. From there it appears other questionings, as: susceptibilidade of children with little imunolgica reply, the result of (SOCs) after a estreptocquica infection and the possibility of an auto-imunem cause (MERCADANTE, M.T., 2001). In the neuroanatomia and the neuroimagem, it is understood that fisiopatologia of the TOC is related to the ganglia of the base, structures of deep subcortical localization represented by the estriado one (caudado and putmen), pale globe, black substance and subtalmico nucleus.

Pero Vaz

So that let us can have knowledge on the service of given depilao, it is important to know on the sprouting of this technique that is well old. to investigate to tell the history of the sprouting of the depilao, becomes interesting and basic to pass security for the attendance to the customers for who works in the beauty area. In accordance with stories in the literature of the area, ' ' the history of the depilao is old. It has times, people in diverse societies look for to eliminate the excess of for and the fuzz, for aesthetic ends and personal hygiene. History discloses in them that in 1500 B.C. the men already removed for the ones with a done depilador of blood of diverse animals, fat of hipoptamo, carcass of turtle and trissulfeto of antimony (available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). In Brazil, Pero Vaz de Caminha told in its letter on the first impressions of this land, the fact of the indians not to possess for the pubianos.

In the principle, they were found that they simply had been born without them, but with passing of the time, uncovered that they scraped for the ones with the spine of the fish-sandpaper ((the available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). Throughout history, we pass for periods where the removal of for the age ' ' pecado' ' , later, a necessity generated for the fashion of the short clothes and jousts, coming back to be recriminated by the motto of ' ' freedom total' ' acclaimed for hippies (available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). In the current context, the depilao resurges as a habit more than what aesthetic, but, mainly, as a question of hygiene, being used by women and men in general (available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). For many times we have heard to speak of the perigos of contamination in beauty halls.

Nitiren Daishonin

The growth in way to the danger is the destination of the race human being, because this is the law of espritos.' ' () With respect to the intention of the illness in directing in them for the perfection, the Swiss philosopher Karl Hilti (1833-1909) said: ' ' As well as flooding of a river, he ploughs the land and he nourishes the fields; the illness serves to nourish our hearts. A person who correctly understands its illness and persevera, will go to possess a life with bigger depth, force and grandiosidade.' ' Thus, the buddhism sees the illness as a chance so that let us can galgar state of a nobler and raised life. It teaches in them that, instead of agonizing on an illness or despairing in sobrepujar it, we must be capable to use the illness to construct a stronger and compassionate character, that in return in will provide the capacity to them to enjoy our existences repletas of accomplishments. This is the meaning of the words of Nitiren Daishonin: ' ' The awaken illness a great spirit of procura' '. To cure a patient, the first thing that a necessary doctor to make is a necessary diagnosis for then knowing which the treatment to be prescribed. The Buddha when transmitting its teachings acted as a doctor.

The diagnosis of the condition human being is that the suffering is the common experience to all the beings livings creature, in form of dissatisfaction, insatisfao or sadness. In sight of this diagnosis, the Buddha prescribed the way to give an end to the suffering; the treatment to give an end to the suffering is the nucleus of the practical Buddhist. The suffering is the experience that in it leads to the wakening, therefore when we suffer, we tend to investigate, to have curiosity, to search an exit. A time explanadas the faces of the pertinent religions to this study we believe to be important to supply to some related information the Pomada Vov Peter.

Integral Attention

, Diniz, R.F. 1. Professor of Collective Health, Historical Beddings of the Nursing and Ethics FASER) 2. Learning of Nursing FASER;;) the agravos of the masculine sex constitute a true problem of public health, being still a challenge for the Only System of Sade (SUS). The National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of the Man was developed to stimulate the auto-care in the masculine population, offering to the basic and necessary social right for well-being of all the Brazilian men, directing and opening ‘ ‘ portas’ ‘ of the SUS.

The objective of this work is to investigate in literature the National Politics of Attention Integral to the Health of the Man, emphasizing the importance of the knowledge that the nursing must acquire on the same one and as it can contribute so that it occurs the search and the interest of the men in the Basic Units of Health. The methodology consisted of an established bibliographical survey in books, indexados, located articles and sites in public and private libraries, in the city of Joo Person, the period of 28 of March the 30 of April of 2011. Studies show that the men are more vulnerable the illnesses in relation to the women, and that also they die more precociously. The high index of morbimortalidade in the men is on does not look for the primary services of health, therefore esteretipo of masculinidade compromises the access to the services and the adhesion to the treatment, over all due to belief in the invulnerabilidade of the man. Ahead of the gotten results we perceive the necessity of the knowledge of the nurse who acts in the Primary Attention on the National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of Man, which contributes for the improvement of the conditions of health of the masculine population, facilitating the access and fortifying the actions and the services of integral assistance the health. Word-key: Health of the man; primary attention of Keywords health: Men’ s health; health primary attention.

Nursing Students

Project of Intervention presented to the Course of partial nursing as requisite for note attainment disciplines referring it of Imunologia given for the course of Nursing of the College San Francisco de Barreiras? FASB. Person who orientates: Prof.

Leandro Dobrachinsk BARRIERS 2009 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1DELIMITAO OF the SUBJECT the knowledge that the students of nursing of the FASB? College San Francisco de Barreiras, that is in 5 and 7 semesters, possesss on Measles. 1.2PROBLEMA the academic life constitutes a source of inexhaustible and imensurvel knowledge for the individuals that of it are part. However, this knowledge must be constructed through efforts and total devotion of professors and mainly of its pupils. Ahead of this context, the following problem appeared: he will be that the academics are really if dedicating to be professional competent or alone they are passing for the universities aiming at only to the financial question? 1.3HIPTESE the academics of 5 and 7 semesters of the course of nursing of the FASB – College San Francisco de Barreiras, for already having seen you discipline specific in virticas patologias of origin, also have knowledge on the causes and consequences of these illnesses of the measles. 2 2,1 OBJECTIVES general Objective: To investigate the knowledge that the pupils of Nursing had acquired during its academic formation on measles, as well as the causes and consequences of this pathology. 2.2 Specific objectives: To search if the orientation received for these students on measles during its academic lives was or is being satisfactory.