Integral Attention

, Diniz, R.F. 1. Professor of Collective Health, Historical Beddings of the Nursing and Ethics FASER) 2. Learning of Nursing FASER;;) the agravos of the masculine sex constitute a true problem of public health, being still a challenge for the Only System of Sade (SUS). The National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of the Man was developed to stimulate the auto-care in the masculine population, offering to the basic and necessary social right for well-being of all the Brazilian men, directing and opening ‘ ‘ portas’ ‘ of the SUS.

The objective of this work is to investigate in literature the National Politics of Attention Integral to the Health of the Man, emphasizing the importance of the knowledge that the nursing must acquire on the same one and as it can contribute so that it occurs the search and the interest of the men in the Basic Units of Health. The methodology consisted of an established bibliographical survey in books, indexados, located articles and sites in public and private libraries, in the city of Joo Person, the period of 28 of March the 30 of April of 2011. Studies show that the men are more vulnerable the illnesses in relation to the women, and that also they die more precociously. The high index of morbimortalidade in the men is on does not look for the primary services of health, therefore esteretipo of masculinidade compromises the access to the services and the adhesion to the treatment, over all due to belief in the invulnerabilidade of the man. Ahead of the gotten results we perceive the necessity of the knowledge of the nurse who acts in the Primary Attention on the National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of Man, which contributes for the improvement of the conditions of health of the masculine population, facilitating the access and fortifying the actions and the services of integral assistance the health. Word-key: Health of the man; primary attention of Keywords health: Men’ s health; health primary attention.

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