Pero Vaz

So that let us can have knowledge on the service of given depilao, it is important to know on the sprouting of this technique that is well old. to investigate to tell the history of the sprouting of the depilao, becomes interesting and basic to pass security for the attendance to the customers for who works in the beauty area. In accordance with stories in the literature of the area, ' ' the history of the depilao is old. It has times, people in diverse societies look for to eliminate the excess of for and the fuzz, for aesthetic ends and personal hygiene. History discloses in them that in 1500 B.C. the men already removed for the ones with a done depilador of blood of diverse animals, fat of hipoptamo, carcass of turtle and trissulfeto of antimony (available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). In Brazil, Pero Vaz de Caminha told in its letter on the first impressions of this land, the fact of the indians not to possess for the pubianos.

In the principle, they were found that they simply had been born without them, but with passing of the time, uncovered that they scraped for the ones with the spine of the fish-sandpaper ((the available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). Throughout history, we pass for periods where the removal of for the age ' ' pecado' ' , later, a necessity generated for the fashion of the short clothes and jousts, coming back to be recriminated by the motto of ' ' freedom total' ' acclaimed for hippies (available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). In the current context, the depilao resurges as a habit more than what aesthetic, but, mainly, as a question of hygiene, being used by women and men in general (available Source in: BELEZA-AO-SEU-ALCANCE, 2011). For many times we have heard to speak of the perigos of contamination in beauty halls.

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