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Mexican Copper

Bar the ramade copper minerals, is one of the more vestuosas and the of greater style, not only in Mexico, if not universal. That branch, better known as metallurgical industry, refers to the tareaeconomica which has to do with the rootlessness, Compendium, purification, disposal, process, proper finally the distribution of metals, with the aim of obtaining a major economic benefit of this task. There are many elements covering the metallurgical industry, and within the most important extracted metals include: gold, silver, * copper bar *, magnesium, zinc, nickel, coal and diamonds. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Larry Ellison. As mentioned above, one of the commonly used alloys, is the copper, which is due to the different empleosque you can give to this. Thus we can see that the alloy has a role fundamentalen operation of different industries. For example, we can see that in the electronics industry is very habitualutilizar alambreshechos of this material, since it they are characterized by being good conductors, likewise in the uprising also it is widely used, as the copper bar, same that are stronger than other materials, or in the electrical industry where both connectors stand as the copper bar, which stand out due to endure greater strength. Finally it may be noted, that copper is a very versatile, and by the same material can be used in a number of areas, not only industrial, if not in general.

Benjamin Franklin Income

Now, by analyzing the outgoing year, hit their family financial report, it's time to start budgeting for 2010! First of all, someone must take the initiative in their hands! Just to have a notepad and record income and expenses for the month! When a few years ago I started to do it, I was shocked how much really goes into an empty money! After careful analysis of the cost I see where you could have been avoided spending? "I remember his unsuccessful and how it was possible to buy a particular product for less money?" What the article altogether removed from the expenditure? Etc. After that, it's time to draw up a budget! And I like it most! Why? The budget helps define the purpose of next year, and most importantly, ways to achieve this goal! I take the sheet, divide it in half, from left are entered necessary expenses: utilities, food, training, travel expenses, etc. Gary Kelly may find this interesting as well. maintaining monetary airbags is cash reserve, which will allow you to spend at least 5-7 months in the absence of income-every family has it own! Even lower, as I plan to invest, ie saving is also a mandatory item of expenditure, insurance, and investments in retirement! The right side I'm doing what I dream: a new car, a trip the whole family on vacation, once a year or twice a year, and maybe even more is how you want the house in the country and etc. This sheet is displayed prominently and every family member makes a place on their needs, such as someone in the family wants to start a new sport or learn another foreign language is all a cost, and if it is not the planned budget bursting at the seams! Now, when everything made, it's time to see how much it will spill over our desires! Prices have changed, but I usually add somewhere in the top 10% for inflation! If you can save it right away becomes an article of savings, but not in the article additional costs! And so, the estimated revenue for 2010 is, and has already anticipated costs! The figures – not converge! Consumption is higher than income? Wishes do not coincide with the possibilities! That do? There are three ways: 1.Sokratit costs. 2.Razbit expenses, other than the main-on and long-term and adjust the timing! 3.Uvelichit income and the number of sources of income! Assess their capabilities and find employment, that will bring maximum profit! The words of Benjamin Franklin in handy: "We have two ways to be happy: to reduce our needs or to increase .Esli you are wise, you do something, and more!" I wish You, what would your chances of always coincide with your wishes!

Superior Education IES

Institutions only known as excellency center can be specialized universities. The institutions not-colleges student: they act in a specific area of knowledge or professional formation. The creation of new superior courses depends on the authorization of the executive (Decree n 3,860/01, art. 13). institutions not-colleges student are composed for the Integrated Facultieses, Federal Centers of Educao Tecnolgica (CEFETS) and for the Superior Justinian codes of Education and the Centers of Educao Tecnolgica (CETS). The Integrated Facultieses are institutions with curricular proposals that enclose a knowledge area more than, organized to act with common regiment and unified command (Decree n 3,860/01). Get all the facts and insights with Capital One, another great source of information. The Superior Justinian codes of Education aim at to the formation initial, continued and complementary for the teaching of the basic education, and offer to courses and programs: superior Normal course for licenciatura of professionals for the infantile education and initial series of basic education; course of licenciatura for the formation of professors of the final years of basic education and average education. Isolated facultieses are institutions that, in general, develop one or more courses with proper and distinct statutes for each one of them.

SUPERIOR EDUCATION DISTANCE To each day the Institutions of Superior Education IES are investing in a new modality of education that is the long-distance Education EAD. 12 ' ' The education in the distance is a new educative modality, is a pedagogical alternative that does not come to substitute the actual education, but is fruit of a series of determination gifts in the current period of training of scientific, economic development (of the complex productive forces), politician, cultural, miditico and educacional' '. (S, 2001 apud BEILER; LAGE; MEDEIROS, 2003, P. 69). Had to the advance technological exacerbado, each time more the education in the distance has approached to actual education which had the possibility of the society to be able to perfect itself in any area of education, since the institutions are developing diverse modalities of education since the courses of graduation and until the courses stricto sensu, in way that becomes attractive the pupils due flexibility of physical presence in classroom and an independent reorganization of space and time of study, legitimizing each time more education in the distance.

The Cibercultura

But another condicionante of the modality is the existence and magnifying of the call Society of the information 1, that it is the possibility of all inserted ones in it, to be able to adhere to the Technologies of the Information and Communication, gifts in the quotidiano, constituting indispensable instruments to the personal, involving communications in the work and the leisure. Many pertaining ones to this structure of social organization tend to acquire some knowledge it are of the school for being integrated in this new paradigm of society, preferring for times, the comfort of the home or the praticidade in the intervals of its activities, with all the technologies to the disposal, of what the actual school and with fixed schedules. In this way, the modality tends to adapt itself more good to this model of pupil, proceeding from this society, an organization that Lvy stops (1999) is not static and yes, is in constant mutation, inserted in a process stimulated for the communicative relations that transform the information into a precious good, and the new technologies, main the responsible ones. The Cibercultura is the motor axle of the Society of the Information. On the basis of these balances, the model saw web was if transforming into a product of promising investment of diverse institutions, stimulated for innumerable pedagogical strategies, aiming at to the use of this way in the search of significant educative results in accord with the lesser possible expense. In a similar way, the current context of the world of the work inspires to the pedagogical trends of the education on-line in Brazil, mainly in institutions directed toward professional formation as SENAC, supporting in a way of social and economic development in which the information, as Castells (1999) is the way of the knowledge creation, and consequentemente plays a basic role in the wealth production and, in the supposed contribution for well-being and quality of life of the citizens.

Middle Ages

Writing Japanese represented by a certain set of characters that are used for writing immutable parts of words, and syllabic alphabet (it is also called channels), through which the changeable parts are written the words and separate words. The Japanese have traditionally written from top to bottom (vertically). Line starting from the right upper corner of the sheet. Details can be found by clicking Sheryl Sandberg or emailing the administrator. Also used in a modern style where the horizontal lines are beginning to write at the top left corner of the sheet and the text written from left to right. Prior to the introduction in the late V century Chinese characters (kanji) Japanese language is not written with chalk. Since then, the Japanese writing had two writing systems: Chinese characters (kanji) and syllabic system (channel: character – a single syllable).

Kanji – difficult enough to learn the writing system. Each character here has a single value. Most of them can be read in two ways – the Japanese and Chinese reading. And if Chinese character was borrowed by the Japanese language more than once, and it occurred at different periods of history or have been borrowing from various Chinese dialects, it can be read in Chinese version differently. Kahn – writing, which includes syllabic letters, formed around thousands of years ago, based on Chinese characters. Each character represents a syllable and contains a sound that does not exist in Chinese writing kanji. Philip Vasan has compatible beliefs. Kahn includes two identical syllabary – hiragana and katakana.

Hiragana is most commonly used together with kanji, and kanji – the root of the word, and by the end of write hiragana. Katakana used primarily for writing the borrowed words from other languages. In one sentence, can be used as katakana and kanji and hiragana. Some elements of the text used letters of the Latin alphabet (names of organizations and companies). The art of writing characters that have fallen into Japan from China during the Middle Ages, along with kanji or calligraphy has in the land of the rising sun high aesthetic value and present. If we consider public speech styles of Japanese, then it should be noted that the Japanese use some system for the expression of courtesy and politeness, which are very carefully considered. For example, in Japanese language, there are special types of pointers in adjectives, nouns and verbs. Speaker must always be remembered as his position in society and the situation of the person with whom he speaks and the one of whom he speaks. Pronouns are used depending on gender and social status of interlocutors, they belong to age group and status in the family, as well as those of whom they speak.

The Educator

The professor, as professional of the human being, has a special responsibility on its performance and, thus, the knowledge of itself exactly in what he is, in what makes, in what thinks and what says. To reflect on the professor while to be concrete it demands the search to its world of performance, which collates itself with a fan of challenges, as, for example, the lack of adequate conditions of work: didactic material, physical space among others; the precarious remuneration that badly of the one for the survival; work overload; to have that to lecionar in some schools, with different projects; rotation of the professors in the school; beyond it is clearly of classrooms overcrowded with pupils most of the time badly held and violent, who do not recognize the value of the educator. In function of these ranks the professors if feel, without support, victims of an injustice discredited, after all in such a way he invested for its formation, and most of the time the devotion stops with the pupils is bigger of what with the family. These professionals lead I obtain, during the years of docncia a load of fatigue, loss of heart and routine. They complain not to have been prepared to deal with these situations and generally they face its alone problems. The idea that if has is that to the professor it fit to be in this profession due to option. The situation of the teaching work has provoked a great depreciation of this profession. Fertile valley (1998, p.30), detaches three trends that had in recent years contributed for the depreciation and a unsatisfactory result of the profession of the professor: the dessacralizao of science and the culture, the introduction of the new technologies and the weakness of the social and traditional papers, which comes to be as an acid one that it dilutes the contours of the figure of the professor, its identity and its autonomy classic, creating, thus, a desconfortvel situation in the scope of the professional career, affirms despite although its origins not to be current, but its effect had started to be especially revealed in the last few decades.

Ethos Institute

From 1990 until the end of century XX, the third sector if strenghtens and to face the increasing social matters, ambient and cultural, the enterprise sector (as sector) if made gift, creating its foundations and justinian codes associates to make front to these demands, through the creation of partnerships and strategies of captation of resources. With the professionalization, the experiences and the knowledge acquired for the not governmental organizations, the State starts to admit and to accept its mritos for the way as they came if confrotting in the resolution of the social matters and starts to enxergar them as partners and mediating of its politics. It happens that the State starts to be seen as without conditions to take care of with social responsibility the devoid population, and the empresariado one, noticing the existence of this hiato, congregated its leaderships to establish the GIFE (Group of Justinian codes, Foundations and Companies), in 1995. Consubstanciado in same idea, eleven companies if associate, in 1998, to give to existence to the Ethos Institute of Companies and Social Responsibility. These initiatives demonstrate the concern of the private sector in not only aiming at the profit, but also adopting ethical behaviors directed toward the accomplishment of private social investments, in benefit of the society.

With the intention to come back to take care of the social area more efficiently, due to erosion of the politics of social protection, the Government created the Program Solidary Community that was regulated, in 1998, through the Law of the Voluntariado. At the beginning of century XXI, accurately in 2001, ' ' International year of the Voluntrio' ' it is instituted by the ONU (Organization of United Nations). In Brazil, 1o and 2o World-wide Social Frum deserve prominences, congregating people to argue improvements in the social area through the stimulaton to the accomplishment of auto-sustainable projects. With the expansion of the TICs and the advance of the Internet in this decade, allied to the formation and the reinforcement of the nets of work created by the third sector, it had a contribution accomplishes e, why not to say, well intentioned for the improvement of the quality of life and the welfare of the devoid population until the present (Franciosi, 2009).

The Agreement

We believe that although the reluctance and of the lack of scientific knowledge of the professors to implant the EA in its planejamentos, is not utopian this ideal, is possible if to carry through projects, pedagogical workshops and attractive lessons that stimulate the critical analysis of the pupils, by the way, the EA related with you discipline them to all, will contribute as a source of growth and a significant learning for all. All we, professors or not, have some suggestion on as we can deal with the forms life of our planet and its natural resources, but still in the lack to understand the reason is so urgently crucial to preserve ME. When we attend a notice or we see a news article on misery, hunger, war, and the most distinct questions on problems ambient, at that moment this fact in the revolt and finishes in motivating to take care of better of ME, but we believe that most of the time, this feeling is only temporary, and in the routine running of day-by-day, we forget in them this fact and come back to ours ‘ ‘ vidinha capitalist medocre’ ‘ of always. The great boarded challenge in this research is to investigate the degree of criticidade and autonomy, that professors and pupils have on ME, for in such a way, the necessary pertaining to school organization to be more flexible for new plans of action of EA, that in general mobilize the pertaining to school community and the society. ‘ ‘ The social function of the school starts to materialize itself at the moment where it propitiates, in equal conditions, to know to all the individuals.


The principle from which all must work is to consider that the person human being is one all, indivisible, only, irrepetvel and not one any machine, composed for some parts, commanded at a distance and programmed for determined tasks, in a time previously fixed. It is this change that urges to introduce in the education of the children, the adolescents, the young, the adults and even of most aged. An education for the change, in terms of values that never must have been forgotten, as the Authority. The exercise of the Authority allows to create and to keep a climate of security, reliable and of proteco. Authority also in the execution of professional functions, while sinnimo of ability, knowledge, effectiveness in the attainment of results. Authority, still, as citizens, members of institutions, to start in the important institution oldest and: the family, exactly with all the difficulties that it crosses. The exercise of the authority of the parents does not annul the authority of the children, because the fulfilment of the duties of some is equivalent to the enjoyment of the rights of the others.

With effect: ' ' To be able to fulfill this difficult task worthy, the parents have to make to feel its authority loving, compelling the children to behave in certain way, imposing to them determined actuao principles or submitting them it a disciplined life. However, if it must make to feel the authority paternal and materna, this if cannot consider as one weight that jams or stifles the infantile personality or that it strangles the spirit of initiative and the confidence in itself mesmo.' ' (ALVES, 1991:9): To educate children with authority means to infuse to them, simultaneously, one another value that is the Respect. The authority of the parents, exerted with tolerance and firmness, love and disciplines, freedom and obedience, will contribute for, in the future, that child to know to exert, when adult, this superior value, with identical parameters, in any papers that to come to play, knowing always to place itself in the position that competes to it, without usurping the rights of its fellow creatures.


An analysis of the literature 2, 6-8, it is believed that the tentative stage of any activity selected by the rules and methods activities accordingly goals. The analysis of our teaching practice has shown that the initial (tentative) in preparation for research students of the military institution: a) specified purpose of research, b) indicate methods of science to achieve their goals, and c) set the rules of research. At the same time the students are introduced to such concepts as "area studies", the "problem studies", "aim and objectives of the study," "object and subject of research," "hypothesis research", "research method", etc. At this stage focuses on formation needs and abilities of the active search activities with a scientific nature. Preparation for the study includes the determination of the leading concepts of research, which correspond to the process of its execution – from choosing the topic to summarize the preliminary results of the work, ie defines the so-called "forward-looking step" (AM Novikov) 9 work. As is known, scientific research, in contrast to the everyday empirical knowledge, a systematic and purposeful. Therefore, at this stage, an important task is to clearly define the scope of research activity – its object and subject, a kind of "coordinate" investigations. Work on any research in military college begins with a titled "system".

It consists of three elements: "the object area ',' object 'and' object 'of research. This phase precedes the choice of topic work. Subject – more narrow scope of research within the subject. Choosing a theme is a very difficult step.