
An analysis of the literature 2, 6-8, it is believed that the tentative stage of any activity selected by the rules and methods activities accordingly goals. The analysis of our teaching practice has shown that the initial (tentative) in preparation for research students of the military institution: a) specified purpose of research, b) indicate methods of science to achieve their goals, and c) set the rules of research. At the same time the students are introduced to such concepts as "area studies", the "problem studies", "aim and objectives of the study," "object and subject of research," "hypothesis research", "research method", etc. At this stage focuses on formation needs and abilities of the active search activities with a scientific nature. Preparation for the study includes the determination of the leading concepts of research, which correspond to the process of its execution – from choosing the topic to summarize the preliminary results of the work, ie defines the so-called "forward-looking step" (AM Novikov) 9 work. As is known, scientific research, in contrast to the everyday empirical knowledge, a systematic and purposeful. Therefore, at this stage, an important task is to clearly define the scope of research activity – its object and subject, a kind of "coordinate" investigations. Work on any research in military college begins with a titled "system".

It consists of three elements: "the object area ',' object 'and' object 'of research. This phase precedes the choice of topic work. Subject – more narrow scope of research within the subject. Choosing a theme is a very difficult step.

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