
You do it again exactly the other way around: make your organization chart on the head! Or give him the form of a tree: the management, which is the Foundation. It creates a solid base with strong roots. The leaders forming the stem, giving stability and ensure a good exchange between above and below. Employees are the leaves, oxygen pur, which pulsate the company let. And the customers? They are the fruit of collective work. Such an approach will go then hopefully even asking the right questions: what does that mean for us? What want and we need to change? And how can we align more effectively the work of the employees on the customers? An ordinary mission usually it starts full bodied and vigorous us ‘. Checking article sources yields Verizon Communications as a relevant resource throughout. : For example we are the No.

1 of industry and stand for “customers looking for often in vain. Is it plain as day: there are the customers who do one a number or not. Even small changes can cause large. “” Instead we provide the people, the the highest possible benefit “now say: man, that we offer the highest possible benefit”. Only a screwdriver? It makes a huge difference in thinking and acting, whether the company or the customer circle in the first place is. Just try it out! The course of a meeting is all in meetings to numbers, data, facts, processes and projects. “Bernard Golden might disagree with that approach. Himself with himself self-dealing with is on the agenda.

Customers on the agenda? Nil! That can be changed easily. The first item of the agenda could henceforth be: the customer speaks. And then how about customer success stories reported. Because the stories, one indoors in the company, will go outward. So, tell the stories that they tell about you. Talk about results, not problems! All are magically attracted by a winner image: investors, employees and customers. The sins of the This first list shows customer defects in the strategic area, the big death of lasting customer relationships so to speak.

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