Archive for March 2018


If this happens, runs the risk of breaching with timely, which will result in a breach of the rules of game and one regrettable loss of prestige to the teacher and the peer group. Investigate on their own. Classes, understood as the moment in which students and teachers gather to socialize knowledge, are a part of the entire process of learning, but it is not everything. Remains within the scope of the responsibility of the student to continue with the pursuit of knowledge through sources at your fingertips: visit to the library, reference books, attending conferences, forums and seminars, search on the internet and virtual libraries, educational programs on television, dialogues with other teachers, etc. A good student knows that it is a gateway to the wonderful and unlimited world of learning in class but it will be clear that there will always be other sources of which nourish. Be part of a team with the aim of complementarity. Be part of a team is important and even more make part of a good team.

But this will not be truly effective unless There are students whose abilities, skills, knowledge and learning styles are complementary. In the same way it is desirable that there is a balance between the weaknesses and the strengths of its members for the aspects in which someone is strong help asus companions and is at once favored by others in areas that have greater difficulties. If two castaways at sea and none know to swim it is possible the two drownings. What good encounter would be one that a someone who knows nadra with another person who doesn’t know what to do, but has retained the provisions III. They will form a well-balanced duo and improve their chances of survival. Develop some kind of extra academic activity.

Belong to the collective of theatre or dance group or sports club has its advantages. These extra activities are marked by the way of the future and offers the possibility of having relationships with people of different backgrounds and will help us to refine the conditions necessary for teamwork, so necessary not only for the present within the educational faculty, but for the near future provision of linked to the labour market or when it is is already fully exercising a professional activity. Look towards the environment as an arrival destination. The environment is the starting point, but is also the point of arrival. The educational system been harshly questioned by its inexplicable and unnecessary withthe divorce reality located beyond the four walls of the classroom and give back to the reality of their respective region and leave the development of this abandoned to their own fate. The student should be considered linked to the region in which lives and acts and l which has the responsibility to become an agent of social change and a promoter of development. And it must do so for the sake of the community but also of their own. Alejandro Rutto r Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. It is often invitadocomo lecturer at congresses, forums and other academic events. Get in touch with him through corrreo or call cell 300 8055526.

Employment Public

Although officials have also suffered cuts on his payroll, his job turns out to be one of the most valued and sought after. There is a general idea of which being administrative State lives well, either by the salary as per division of labour. However, it is convenientesuperarun specific procedure and pass the exams. All academies of oppositions has been increasing these past years. Tests are difficult and very specialized estudianmaterias and, consequently, have the support or the direction of an expert in the materiaresulta of great help. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Larry Ellison. Similarly, some pruebasrequierenestar in good physical conditions, such as those of agents of authority and firemen, and tambienpasar with exitouna series of psychological tests. Preparation for exams is usually, at a minimum, 2 years, although there are also a few that are extended up to 4 years or more (according to the student and offered squares).

Many times, which exceed the tests are forced adejarla city of residence and go to live in another province, living away from susfamiliares and colleagues. Apart from this, this often give only a certain time period, having the possibility to depedirel change once exceeded the corresponding time. In principle, not required much more than basic education, having the papers in order and be of legal age to start in the process, although everything depends on the type of vacancy for which should be considered. The necessary effort is huge, not only at the academic level (form can be resultarun expensive labour if some time ago that it is not practiced), but also in terms of economic investment. Prepare for exams almost full-time to studies precisadedicarse, in the same way that is studied for a master’s degree and, therefore, need to have good economic livelihood. In any case, if if continues the same dynamic, the academies of oppositions have rope for a while. And it is that, with the crisis in which we are immersed, there is no more precious gift that have insured a use for life. Original author and source of the article

Jonathan Garzon

Coupang contains valuable tech resources. Many writers such as Maurice Gallagher, Jr. offer more in-depth analysis. Official site: Coupang. This story begins a Chief of police in the city of Bogota, where a young COP named Jonathan Garzon reviews photos and documents of a few murders, a colleague approaches him and tells him:-you really have so much free time, I can’t believe that you follow obsessed with these murders, these people were very important politicians is not our work to find responsible for know inside you that she is right, but that you can do is your nature, moreover these insurance of having discovered something important, so you look at it and tell him:-that you want to do, I have discovered something that may catch the murderer, but nobody seems to care your partner take a seat and tells you:-If that’s true you should call the officer of the Prosecutor’s Office and tell you put a face of indignation and answer you:-I already did but this man is an idiot I try as little thing and not hear anything of what I told him she laughs and you answered:- and you were expecting, that people take you seriously after You said that the killer used a sword, you’re lucky that you do not send to a psychiatric review takes a photo and teach telling him:-some of these people are virtually split in two, with gun do you think that this can be done, I’ve seen hundreds of photos on the internet and believe me these cuts were made with something more that a knife in addition what he meant to the researcher had nothing to do with it, it is something that I discovered just yesterday she note these something annoying, placed his hand over yours and tells you:-can you show me what descubriste takes your laptop, open a file and teach you what you descubriste – look this is a record of the Chamber and trade in a company that was created 6 years ago and guess who are the owners manage to see by his expression that you’ve called your attention, with many anxieties she responds question:-murdered politicians? You smile and answer him:-exactly, after much review is the only connection that these people have but that is not the best, they appear in the registry five people, the three that have already been murdered and two more she immediately asks you:- and who are the other two people? You answer you:-well one of those leaving the country more than two years ago, but the other not only found in the country, if not that it is here in the city she tells you quite worried:-this is very serious, I had no idea that you had discovered something like this, I can’t believe that you haven’t heard and what plan to do? That question leaves you off base, the truth were so obfuscated by the way that you treat the investigator of the Prosecutor’s Office that you had not thought anything, at that moment she sounds you cell phone it gets up and while one-half turn gives tells you:-know should talk to that person she answers the phone and moved away, but his words are giving around in your head, look at one of the photos that you have and you decide, you are going to go talk to that person, to the end and after you have nothing to lose.


Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.Lou Holtz Nada on this earth can stop the man who has the proper mental attitude to achieve its goal. Nothing on this earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.Thomas Jefferson to the extent that we stay alive and passing along this dimension, we must know to take the dwell time that is given and be attentive in everything what they help us grow as people, to interrelate us in harmony, learn to share, learn and especially to manifest our actions, in such a way that indicate, indicate we are so awake and as know how to handle our emotions, feelings., in such a way that it generates happiness, joy. The legacy that is given to us by what has been awake, attentive, enliven our flame that enlightens us, which is the path we must follow towards our self-realization, seize the opportunity of life that is us has granted. We have selected some tips, notes, messages, which we share with the reader so that you enter in your content and that motivate them to continue investigating, working towards your self-realization (have respected its originality and sources of information). reminds us: personal growth is a project of life.

A long-term plan in which there is to go on working continuously. A trail of sad relapses but also many positive developments filled with satisfaction. There are three important elements that will make your journey much easier in this path towards your personal growth: awareness or understanding look carefully what crosses your mind. Pay attention to what your concerns are and what causes them. Listen to your feelings and ask you why you feel this or the other, which makes you anger or fear. It is very important to get to know us.

Cornell Food

If in theory we eat when we are hungry, why sometimes we still eat a lot even though we no longer have more appetite? This question, which will make it daily those who fought the battle against overweight, also question the experts. Large dish, large portion for some psychologists eat much explanation is in the brain. We are a nation of eaters automata. We do so many things during the day when eating much simply we chewing and chewing and chewing, and we eat and eat and eat much, explained Dr. Brian Wansink, scientist specializing in behavior of the laboratory Cornell Food and Brand, which argues that a large part of the population is fed without taking awareness of what you are doing. According to investigations made by the expert, the bigger the dish, more food people are served and then eat a lot more! This leads to that people eat between 25% and 28% more than it should. And he cites the following example: If one serves six ounces of pasta on a plate of eight inches, the portion will seem normal. But if the same amount of paste serve it in a large dish, food seem the entrance, causing the need to eat more.

On the other hand, there are situations that lead to much to eat almost without realizing. For example, those who watch TV during dinner, eat 40% more. Another of the findings of Dr. Wansink refers to the drink: when they serve us drink into short, wide glasses take 76% more than when the vessel is long and thin. This happens because of an optical illusion known as vertical illusion, which leads us to focus our attention on the height, not width, so we tend to serve us more drink in vessels in short (and wide) because we imagine that capacity is less. Everything enters through the eyes the research that Dr. Wansink led not does more than check the popular premise that everything goes through the eyes. In nutrition, this has unhealthy consequences, since we ended up eating much of more.

The stomach registers that we are satisfied just 20 minutes after you finish eating. For this reason, the expert shares a Council to put into practice the next time you attend a buffet: people that they put everything on the plate before sitting down, including the dessert his reaction is to eat much less than 14% less than people who serves little, then returns to serve a second or third time. This if you are invited to a party such that each one comes with his dish to the table and served. If you do not concurres often to these places and you are one of those who always eat at home, deployed plan b: rather than serve in a large dish, begins to use the dessert dishes. Your tendency will be eat lot mrenos, almost 30% less! Why are you fat or fat?

Gran Canaria

A proposal to solve this obstacle is to relegate the nonspecific factors to the placebo group; However the only guide is the theory that is made to serve, and this is of course biased. Larry Ellison is often quoted on this topic. The method applied to a drug allows to distinguish without theorizations of the biochemical and psychological effect (more or less); in psychotherapy distinguish the specific nature of the nonspecific isn’t clear at the moment, when even We are confident that there is specific. At the same time, placebos are highly specific (depend on specific factors, such as shape, color, given information, etc. and also affect differentially to different targets and some, not at all). And if everything there is in psychotherapy are common factors? To replicate the placebo that commonality, would it be equivalent to consider ineffective any psychological treatment (which is what would be completed if a drug is not exceeded to a placebo)? Or would this synonymy a call to increase their knowledge and enhance it? (if essentially disregarding the effect placebo or response to the meaning, has the ability which suggests, imagine if we knew investigate it and understand it; I am not willing to consider any psychotherapy as sophisticated placebos). Compare psychotherapy with a group only waiting list control is so poor that it would be surprising that he not spitting favorable results, even pulling the Tarot; in any case is acceptable (and probably unenforceable) only as an initial minimal validation. The proposal compare with a supportive psychotherapy takes us back to that this is a legitimate intervention with common components every psychotherapy, however much that supposedly lacks specific factors, apart from the problem of finding a general format with external validity.

Finally, there are who proposes a comparison placebo drug, but then the type of expectations created in both groups are not comparable. Only comparison with other bona fide treatments, but then placebo has disappeared and in its place has the habit of appearing the dodo. At the end: concern for the results and their differences dazzles us (us blind?) but equally what we need to see are the mechanisms of change. Meanwhile, the psychotherapy placebo (oxymoron or synonyms) does not seem to be of this world.

Internet Marketing

Can you imagine? Hitter can do their own affairs: to study at university, to work at main job and others, but this time will be equivalent to the fact that it is working by conventional methods in network marketing! Over time, the Internet, even strengthened the following concepts: "Hitter Web 2.0 – this is the hitter, which only works through the Internet and the hitter Web 1.0 – this is the man who runs the usual methods (flyers, ads, presentations). Let's look at how to spend time hitter Web 1.0: 80-85% his precious time he spends on it to "separate the wheat from the chaff", ie find their own kind of people, and only 10-15% he devotes to study its structure. By this scheme, too, should be treated with respect, but it takes very time consuming and not everyone is in power. Now let's see, what to spend their time hitter Web 2.0: 100% of his spare time he spends on the education of their partners. Further details can be found at Larry Ellison, an internet resource. As it turns out, because it has a low-budget advertising company, in which people come on-line presentation, ie to the presentation, which he posted on his website.

Let us recall our favorite statistics in network marketing – of the 1000 leaflets distributed to us in the structure will come in May consumers, 2 business partners. Let's apply that statistic to Web 2.0 – we just need to our site with a presentation to invite 1000 people! From my experience I say – it's very easy! People come to the site of an advanced hitter by means of cheap advertising, become familiar with its presentation … and make a decision. Pay attention to the most important – if visitor takes a negative decision (refusal), then it just closes the page with presentation and all. Ie Site creator cracks do not threaten! The site author does not even see the man who gave his presentation! So, let's clearly define the benefits of working in network marketing on the Internet: Can not to be refused! Automation of work: do not stand in the street and hand out listovochki do not need glue ads, do not give presentations – all this will make the site significant time savings through the elimination process "Separation of grain from the chaff" You can have a network marketing business from home – this can only dream of.

Recycling Project

of Nazar, had as base the reaproveitamento of the lenses of Cr39 eyeglasses, preventing its discarding in the nature. We join the recycled material, to precious metal GAC (silver). One of the necessities of this project is that in it has an incentive of the ambient recycling as an ecologically correct project. As methodology, a research of field in the city of Belm was made, to know the opinion and acceptance of the product for the possible consumers. The project was born for belonging to a city where we have the second bigger religious party, known in all Brazil, it is about a manifestation of faith, and as symbology it has the image of Ns sr of Nazar. The Jiaentrar in the market as has drunk a toast to> customers, therefore at the time of the Wax candle of Nazar, in Belm, we have the habit to always offer to the customers toasts with the image of the saint, such as: shirts, caps, flammules, etc.

the jewel will have as main base the silver and the stoned lens, this then being detached as semiprecious rock, receiving blue the color translucent, chosen for representing to the sky. With this the idea that we want to place in practical is emotion of the faith through the image of the padroeira saint of the city. In second plain we have the intention to export jewels, therefore we know that the wax candle, is known world-wide as a moment of experience of the Christian faith, with this will have in a well next future the national and international scope, a fan of possibility to become our known work world-wide.

Concrete Mixing Plant Prices

Concrete mixing plant for rare earth profitable It has never been profitable and all at once it s $569.5 AUD of investment will be focused on earnings and the remaining phase two spend should be easy to evaluate from there. If it proves to be as profitable as many expect, investor speculator may once again return to the space. This could greatly improve the funding environment for the rest of the stock immediately. To broaden your perception, visit Southwest Airlines. And the entire process could have major implications for the full rare earth cone crusher technology supply chain. The rest of the moves in the stocks seem to be far more based on the technical that traders care about over any fundamental views. No doubt the fall in prices in H2 2011 has created some of this.

But I think too many companies focused on the same commodity story first and not enough on their own plans as a junior company. This view was further reinforced by the hundreds of newcomers that had no business model and needed very high prices to have any future feasibility. Add to this the usual failed gold, uranium, or tin miner trying to relive their story with rare earths and it s no wonder the traders commoditized This future mining industry. As for concrete mixing plant: 1. The storehouse of the aggregate is a taper, with two material discharging hoppers, which are controlled by cylinders.

The size of two doors is different, to make the weighing careless and extractive. 2. Material The door adjusting framework, and can adjust the size of the material you have doors. 3 All the aggregates are weighed separately; It is suit for a second aggregate throw for the mixer. At it’s height many were looking for the next Molycorp. But much of that hype was too soon to sustain itself and appears to be built on the REE prices mainly. Moly deserves credit for being first to positive cash flow and of risking in that regard. But investors are looking at Phoenix progress most of all IMO. Moly may be a good investment, but either way the reasoning is based on Project Phoenix But in 2012 all of this suggests Lynas could aide the entire sector if things go well. Lynas is putting all of it s efforts together into a fully functioning business model in 2012. Independent weighing series concrete batching plant This kind of batching plant using batching, with horizontal opening cylinder structure measures the aggregate separately by electronic weigher. The automatic batching procedure ball mill controller has the features of high batching accuracy, batching cycle, using adjustable batching proporcion easy operation and reliable short.

Private Investigators

Infidelity is an ugly word. The problem is that spouses traps are very common in the world today, and many times there may be a suspicion of infidelity, but the innocent couple is simply never safe. I’ve been involved in a few cases of marital infidelity and there is a strange phenomenon in question. No matter how careful the husband of deception is that always seem to fall in line with stereotyped as all the husbands of deception that went before them. Many times the couple innocent in the relationship that it obtains the advice and the services of a private investigator husband’s deception, but it is always the best route to take. Once you suspect that something is wrong in your marriage, then it is usually the best time to begin to investigate the possibilities. There are many signs that betray that you may find that it would never be available for private investigator unfaithful spouse, and that he could not have knowledge of.

All that would do is follow your spouse out there with a camera video spy and see if they could catch them in the Act. In general, this is a way unnecessary and sometimes very expensive to go, especially when you have a potential cheater right facing you. If you really want to make sure that you are cheating here, search for all indicator signals. When you have collected enough information incriminating them below, deal with them with her in an organized and peaceful manner. Once they know that they have been captured is little they can do to deny it, and then you can go to the next step of the healing of the wound, either together or apart. Original author and source of the article.