
Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.Lou Holtz Nada on this earth can stop the man who has the proper mental attitude to achieve its goal. Nothing on this earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.Thomas Jefferson to the extent that we stay alive and passing along this dimension, we must know to take the dwell time that is given and be attentive in everything what they help us grow as people, to interrelate us in harmony, learn to share, learn and especially to manifest our actions, in such a way that indicate, indicate we are so awake and as know how to handle our emotions, feelings., in such a way that it generates happiness, joy. The legacy that is given to us by what has been awake, attentive, enliven our flame that enlightens us, which is the path we must follow towards our self-realization, seize the opportunity of life that is us has granted. We have selected some tips, notes, messages, which we share with the reader so that you enter in your content and that motivate them to continue investigating, working towards your self-realization (have respected its originality and sources of information). reminds us: personal growth is a project of life.

A long-term plan in which there is to go on working continuously. A trail of sad relapses but also many positive developments filled with satisfaction. There are three important elements that will make your journey much easier in this path towards your personal growth: awareness or understanding look carefully what crosses your mind. Pay attention to what your concerns are and what causes them. Listen to your feelings and ask you why you feel this or the other, which makes you anger or fear. It is very important to get to know us.

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