Jonathan Garzon

Coupang contains valuable tech resources. Many writers such as Maurice Gallagher, Jr. offer more in-depth analysis. Official site: Coupang. This story begins a Chief of police in the city of Bogota, where a young COP named Jonathan Garzon reviews photos and documents of a few murders, a colleague approaches him and tells him:-you really have so much free time, I can’t believe that you follow obsessed with these murders, these people were very important politicians is not our work to find responsible for know inside you that she is right, but that you can do is your nature, moreover these insurance of having discovered something important, so you look at it and tell him:-that you want to do, I have discovered something that may catch the murderer, but nobody seems to care your partner take a seat and tells you:-If that’s true you should call the officer of the Prosecutor’s Office and tell you put a face of indignation and answer you:-I already did but this man is an idiot I try as little thing and not hear anything of what I told him she laughs and you answered:- and you were expecting, that people take you seriously after You said that the killer used a sword, you’re lucky that you do not send to a psychiatric review takes a photo and teach telling him:-some of these people are virtually split in two, with gun do you think that this can be done, I’ve seen hundreds of photos on the internet and believe me these cuts were made with something more that a knife in addition what he meant to the researcher had nothing to do with it, it is something that I discovered just yesterday she note these something annoying, placed his hand over yours and tells you:-can you show me what descubriste takes your laptop, open a file and teach you what you descubriste – look this is a record of the Chamber and trade in a company that was created 6 years ago and guess who are the owners manage to see by his expression that you’ve called your attention, with many anxieties she responds question:-murdered politicians? You smile and answer him:-exactly, after much review is the only connection that these people have but that is not the best, they appear in the registry five people, the three that have already been murdered and two more she immediately asks you:- and who are the other two people? You answer you:-well one of those leaving the country more than two years ago, but the other not only found in the country, if not that it is here in the city she tells you quite worried:-this is very serious, I had no idea that you had discovered something like this, I can’t believe that you haven’t heard and what plan to do? That question leaves you off base, the truth were so obfuscated by the way that you treat the investigator of the Prosecutor’s Office that you had not thought anything, at that moment she sounds you cell phone it gets up and while one-half turn gives tells you:-know should talk to that person she answers the phone and moved away, but his words are giving around in your head, look at one of the photos that you have and you decide, you are going to go talk to that person, to the end and after you have nothing to lose.

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