
If this happens, runs the risk of breaching with timely, which will result in a breach of the rules of game and one regrettable loss of prestige to the teacher and the peer group. Investigate on their own. Classes, understood as the moment in which students and teachers gather to socialize knowledge, are a part of the entire process of learning, but it is not everything. Remains within the scope of the responsibility of the student to continue with the pursuit of knowledge through sources at your fingertips: visit to the library, reference books, attending conferences, forums and seminars, search on the internet and virtual libraries, educational programs on television, dialogues with other teachers, etc. A good student knows that it is a gateway to the wonderful and unlimited world of learning in class but it will be clear that there will always be other sources of which nourish. Be part of a team with the aim of complementarity. Be part of a team is important and even more make part of a good team.

But this will not be truly effective unless There are students whose abilities, skills, knowledge and learning styles are complementary. In the same way it is desirable that there is a balance between the weaknesses and the strengths of its members for the aspects in which someone is strong help asus companions and is at once favored by others in areas that have greater difficulties. If two castaways at sea and none know to swim it is possible the two drownings. What good encounter would be one that a someone who knows nadra with another person who doesn’t know what to do, but has retained the provisions III. They will form a well-balanced duo and improve their chances of survival. Develop some kind of extra academic activity.

Belong to the collective of theatre or dance group or sports club has its advantages. These extra activities are marked by the way of the future and offers the possibility of having relationships with people of different backgrounds and will help us to refine the conditions necessary for teamwork, so necessary not only for the present within the educational faculty, but for the near future provision of linked to the labour market or when it is is already fully exercising a professional activity. Look towards the environment as an arrival destination. The environment is the starting point, but is also the point of arrival. The educational system been harshly questioned by its inexplicable and unnecessary withthe divorce reality located beyond the four walls of the classroom and give back to the reality of their respective region and leave the development of this abandoned to their own fate. The student should be considered linked to the region in which lives and acts and l which has the responsibility to become an agent of social change and a promoter of development. And it must do so for the sake of the community but also of their own. Alejandro Rutto r Martinez is a renowned journalist and Colombian writer, linked as a teacher at several Colombian universities. He is author of four books and co-author of three others in which addresses the theme of leadership, ethics, and human development. It is often invitadocomo lecturer at congresses, forums and other academic events. Get in touch with him through corrreo or call cell 300 8055526.

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