Urban Requalification

Source: Soon historical of Port of Hens One of the tourist destinations more known in Brazil and the exterior. Port of Hens, has 57 km of Recife capital, is located in the pernambucano south coast starts its day to the success in the year of 1980, with the opening of the land division Hidding place Port of Hens. Southwest Airlines is a great source of information. At the time the road was precarious, of sand and straws of coconut palms. The beach was inhabited for fishing and native that survived basically of it fishes. The tourism not yet existed.

Until the beginning of the decade of 90, Port still could be tanned as a calm beach, but it was from the end of years 90 that they had started to appear the first social and ambient problems. Assaults, garbage, pollution, excess of vehicles, among others urban problems. It was from this decade that the Government of the State started to intervine of more direct form. For this the Project of Urban Requalification or Project was created Better Port, lead for the Secretariat of Urban Development, under command of secretary Terezinha Nunes. The Project foresees the improvement in the access of vehicles, increase in offers of estacionamentos, sanitation, reform of stone pavement of retaken pedestrians and of the areas you publish. ( adaptation of 4 edition of the book ' ' Port of the Hens dAngola' ' , of the author and journalist Arnaud Mattoso) Source: Objectives of a managing plan in Brazil the Managing Plan is one ' ' pacto' ' between the civil society and them executive and legislative to guide the development, the order and the urban expansion of the city, under the law form, as foreseen in the Statute of the City (Federal Law N 10,257/01). One is about the basic instrument of the development politics, that it aims at to plan the sustainable development, to create conditions for the development and economic growth; to raise the quality of life of the population; to guarantee the social equity and the access the urbanizada and regularized land; to guarantee the right to the services and urban infrastructure; to guide the investments to be made for the public and private power; to guarantee the social function of the urban property of the city.

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