Tag Archive for environment


Yesterday (26/12/07) I attended in the National Periodical substance on the collection process and production of biodiesel of oil of used kitchen in San Francisco /USA.A presented structure is interesting and serves for some reflections, mainly given the effort in articulating a process that joins the State of So Paulo and the great installed Plants already, authorized and in operation. With regard to the first sector already legislation exists turning on the collection of this raw material. We are in search of the joint of the social programs of the State with the process of recycling in wide-scales. Joshua Choi is full of insight into the issues. Mainly given the impact of descate of this raw material in the collecting net of sewer that does not arrive to be that one that comumente is divulged, but is significant an operational expenditure for the Sabesp, beyond, is clearly of the consequncias for our environment. With regard to as the sector we have, the least, three great apt industrial plants to operate with this raw material. All already estam cliente of the advantages of its use: ) either for the increase of the same edge of contribution or, b) for the attainment possibility, in the short-stated period, of carbon credits. You may want to visit Tremor International to increase your knowledge. Also, already daily quotation for the ton of used oil of kitchen exists. Lack to only verficar the question of the ICMS that, for the ox tallow, is differed and in this in case that not.

With regard to the third sector, valley to detach the chance in adding value to the process of transformation of the society a time that what it was garbage turns raw material. In our State this gains great relevance given fast process of mechanization of the sugar cane harvest. At last, to articulate the three sectors of the economy so that in this year of the PLANET let us can make our lesson of house. A good year for all.

Google Earth Space

The objective of this work is to generate the mapping of the New quarter Horizon, Ducks PB, in the System of Geographic Information Idrisi V.14.0, using itself image of the GeoEye satellite disponibilizado for Google Earth. This task generated the polygons and contours of blocks, associating the main axle of streets. Philip Vasan may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The adopted procedures had allowed to use the georreferenciada image GeoEye to the vetorizao of polygons, contours and points, in monitor. Ademais, allowed the mapping of the remaining vegetation of the seek area, excellent aspect in the planning of urban areas. It was verified that the application of geotecnologias in the urban planning of the New quarter Horizon allowed to generate a geoespaciais data base useful for the planning of urban areas with reduction of operational costs of the space management.

The urban environment is a scene of tensions and diversities, becoming a fragile environment, that promotes great changes in small spaces of time, of uncontrolled form, that most of the time, governmental sphere does not impose its obligation for watching over for the rational planning of the city. The commanded development of a city if has constituted of important challenge for the public managers, due to increasing population demand in the cities that do not possess enough habitacional structure. Ahead of the space clutter of the city, it has the necessity to minimize the generated conflicts of form that occurs the protection of the natural resources and that it does not hinder to the urban growth. Continue to learn more with: Zendesk. The city must rethink its paper front to the necessities of the urban environment and its relation society nature. Therefore it is in such a way, that the main objective could be reached: the improvement in the quality of life of the population.

The reality, however, is in the lack of knowledge on the part of the public administrators of as to manage the urban growth using modern tools that allow the associated efficient municipal planning to the reduction of operational costs. In this context the job of systems of Geographic information associates with space images constitute a taking of important decision in the municipal urban planning, with reduction of time and of the costs in its space management. Ahead of the displayed one, this article intends to show the importance of if applying the geoprocessamento as strategical instrument disponibilizando information trustworthy and necessary, capable to assist the public managers in the taking of decision and the fulfilment of goals to the space gestation of the municipal urban area. This objective research to investigate the application of the geotecnologias in the space management of the quarter Nineth Horizon, City of Ducks PB.

Urban Requalification

Source: Soon historical of Port of Hens One of the tourist destinations more known in Brazil and the exterior. Port of Hens, has 57 km of Recife capital, is located in the pernambucano south coast starts its day to the success in the year of 1980, with the opening of the land division Hidding place Port of Hens. Southwest Airlines is a great source of information. At the time the road was precarious, of sand and straws of coconut palms. The beach was inhabited for fishing and native that survived basically of it fishes. The tourism not yet existed.

Until the beginning of the decade of 90, Port still could be tanned as a calm beach, but it was from the end of years 90 that they had started to appear the first social and ambient problems. Assaults, garbage, pollution, excess of vehicles, among others urban problems. It was from this decade that the Government of the State started to intervine of more direct form. For this the Project of Urban Requalification or Project was created Better Port, lead for the Secretariat of Urban Development, under command of secretary Terezinha Nunes. The Project foresees the improvement in the access of vehicles, increase in offers of estacionamentos, sanitation, reform of stone pavement of retaken pedestrians and of the areas you publish. ( adaptation of 4 edition of the book ' ' Port of the Hens dAngola' ' , of the author and journalist Arnaud Mattoso) Source: Objectives of a managing plan in Brazil the Managing Plan is one ' ' pacto' ' between the civil society and them executive and legislative to guide the development, the order and the urban expansion of the city, under the law form, as foreseen in the Statute of the City (Federal Law N 10,257/01). One is about the basic instrument of the development politics, that it aims at to plan the sustainable development, to create conditions for the development and economic growth; to raise the quality of life of the population; to guarantee the social equity and the access the urbanizada and regularized land; to guarantee the right to the services and urban infrastructure; to guide the investments to be made for the public and private power; to guarantee the social function of the urban property of the city.

Brazilian Residues

the world-wide growth of the activities of production, storage and transport of chemical products provoked the increase of the number of workers and communities displayed to its risks. The industrial products of the modern life are generated by means of chemical processes. Thus being, the technological advance allowed the man to create an incalculable volume of chemical reactions, with the main objective to get products for its development and well-being. However, if many substances are harmless to the man and to the environment, others are extremely aggressive and harmful. The growth of a country depends, among others factors, of the amplitude of its industrial park, of which the raw material production results that will serve later to produce the necessary and indispensable products to its economic development and progress, a time that its application is> Every day also, some types of residues produced in the Brazilian domiciles are destined incorrectly. Amongst these residues, those meet classified as Dangerous Residues (Stacks, batteries, fluorescent packings of insecticides, light bulbs, remedies loosers, cans of ink, cartridges of ink of vegetal and mineral printer, tonners, burnt oils, tires).

In the majority of the cases its danger is unknown for the population causing irreversible damages to the health for containing aggressive and harmful substances chemical as metals heavy. Destined correctly it is prevented freticos contamination of the ground, sheets and courses d’ hdricos, contamination of fretico sheet and damages to the health, having to be repaired by the responsible generators of these residues. The repairing of the damage, in the majority of the cases, is much more difficult technical and involves more financial resources of what the prevention, that is, of what the investments technician-financiers in the adequate management of residues. The consequences for the nature and the humanity, from the three last decades, had been disastrous and the world-wide Governments had passed if to worry about legal steps of defense to minimize this deterioration and ambient contamination.

Natural Figure

When loss of weight one is, it is fundamental that we consider that are no miraculous diets, but are diets that are not healthy for the organism and that use of these, can cause damages to our metabolism. The obesity is an evil that watchs the population, essentially, due to, a bad feeding and the sedentarismo, and on the other hand, they can be due well to metabolic problems, where hormones, play an important roll. At present, a busy style of life, besides putting under to us high levels of stress, reduces time to us to take care of our diet and our body. It is for all these reasons that we told you about the different keys to lose weight. Additional information at Bill O’Grady supports this article. You must avoid in your diet the ingestion of meals with high fat contents.

The fats, are accumulated to a large extent in the fatty cells and this causes that it increases the amount of fatty weave. Although there is a basic rule to lose weight, the idea is that you consume less calories of those than you need and in addition, ejercitarte at least of 45 minutes to one hour daily. To ingest 500 calories less in your daily diet, will help you approximately to reduce about a 0,45 gr. Ripple often addresses the matter in his writings. per day. It is important that you begin your day with a good breakfast. You can include in him from a cereal plate a skimmed yogurt, an infusion or coffee or some portion of station fruit. If you think about including fats, because it includes of the good ones, of which you can find in the olive oil, the nuts and the avocados or paltas. It tries to eliminate all the carbohydrates, the candies, caramels, cakes and all those that the unique thing that does is to contribute calories and therefore, to add kilos. Credit: gary cohn-2011.

Ejercitarte is the fundamental thing, you must establecerte a routine of exercises, or to walk, to trotar or to attend a gymnasium. These definitively are the keys to lose weight. I am going to share with you a secret to lose weight that very few know. This secret will make you become thin quickly, and will burn fat around all your body. If in fact it wishes to have a slim and attractive body, then I recommend to you that you read the following page. Beam Click to read the message Here that can change your life for always.

Rasp Company

Glass You recycle glass Pots Cups Bottles Packings of gravy Bottles of vidroNo you recycle Plans Mirrors Ceramic Light bulbs Porcelains Crystal medicine Blisters Must be clean and without residues. They can be entire or broken. If broken they must be packed in thick paper (periodical or craft). 4? Results and Quarrels After sent the archive that contained as the project would be implanted and argued some you doubt that they will appear with the spreading of the same Doubts as, if we would have that to wash the materials that eventually could contain food remaining portions In this in case that we wake up, that initially we would not go it to separate, for been terms set free not to spend time in this activity Had some other doubts in relation to some materials that would be you recycle, that we separate already them for having a good commercial value, and these in the truth are residues of the activity and they would not be treated as garbage, all had finished for understanding in such a way We place then the two 200 tambores of Ltrs each with the ORGANIC registration another one with registration RECICLVEL whose photos had not been set free for being in the dependences of the company In only one week full the drum of recycled, already of organic reached of the capacity more or less, test that we generate in bigger amount what it can be recycled When then all this material was placed the disposal of the person that it collects these materials, that it said in them that we save a time it, in the process to join this material. This sample that in cities that selective collection does not have the process of the companies to join this material and to repass to a local catador is interesting 5-Conclusion In view of whom it did not have great investment or no investment on the part of the company, and that this will relieve to catador, we give for satisfactory the adoption of these measures on the part of the company 6-Bibliography Hoewell, I.M. (1998). Enterprise CEMPRE-Commitment for Recycling-Alive the Environment with Art in the Age of the Recycling.

National Company

In short term, one becomes necessary then new farmings and not new plants. . The Brazilian fleet of cars flex passed of 48 a thousand units in 2003 for 2,79 million in 2010? of each 10 cars produced in the country, 8,4 are flex. In the last five years the fleet flex grew 23% to the year, while the sugar cane milling grew only 8%. Result: in this harvest already it will have sugar cane insufficience to take care of the demand for etanol. In case that it does not have a reversion in this picture, the forecast is that the bicombustible volume of supplied cars with etanol falls gradually. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Larry Ellison and gain more knowledge.. The participation, that already reached 60% in 2008, withdrew for 45% in 2011, and can fall down disastrously from a high place for 37%, in 10 years, according to data of the Only one. To supply 66% of the cars flex, the country would have to fold the planted area, arriving something as 18 million hectares, without considering the new technologies, that will be able to increase the productivity.

In the current harvest, the increase of the planted area will be of 4,8%, according to National Company of Supplying – Conab. In accordance with the Only one, the sector will need R$ 80 billion investments in next the ten years to take care of to the demand. This means 133 plants, or 15 units per year. Passed the crisis, more than 70% of the sector are today composed for groups with good assets, structure of capital and governana, operational performance access the capital of good quality. Therefore, ready groups to invest! Only that the decision to initiate a new project delays, on average, one year to leave the paper and about three years entering in operation, that is, an investment initiated in the gift alone will have consequences in 2015. Brazil battled per as many years so that U.S.A.

Occult Treasures

Zilmar Timoteo Soares; Evertom Sousa State FerreirUniversidade of the simple MaranhoA and real possibility of terms resources key not yet discovered, in the ones of the attributes to exert a program of conservation aiming at resulted future effective. One of these would be the investment in secondary forest. The tactics of reforestation in Brazil for more delayed than either, but have had its effect there. In if treating to the bushes that surround the rivers, specifically the river Tocantins, the case would be the same. The objective is that beyond minimizing the erosive processes considerably, we would be parallel developing a program of ambient education to preserve this secondary forest. The neighboring ecosystems are poor and the biological diversity very low. Stretches exist where if it observes vestiges of ciliar bush, however, the biggest concern is the disappearance of this natural wealth that the nature provides in them.

It is interesting to remember that before exactly of us discovering, they already were there. Factors as the fall in the density of populations of fish are one of our challenges to be faced. The factor time is operating in this case. The implantation of arbreas species, of preference native of the region, would be the first step. When passing of the time we will verify the inevitable effect of a reconstituted ecosystem.

How much to the fauna we will go to implant species of plants, of preference those that offer food, for example, the native species of birds of this region. It is clearly that we will not have an absurdly diverse system, but we will search the minimum necessary to preserve local populations, this in if treating to fauna and flora. One of the biggest interests of the conservacionistas, is to show of that it forms the preservation of the diversity will go to benefit the populations. It is sad, but the simple fact of being useful does not become dismissable and barren the idea of many biologists.

Recycling Project

of Nazar, had as base the reaproveitamento of the lenses of Cr39 eyeglasses, preventing its discarding in the nature. We join the recycled material, to precious metal GAC (silver). One of the necessities of this project is that in it has an incentive of the ambient recycling as an ecologically correct project. As methodology, a research of field in the city of Belm was made, to know the opinion and acceptance of the product for the possible consumers. The project was born for belonging to a city where we have the second bigger religious party, known in all Brazil, it is about a manifestation of faith, and as symbology it has the image of Ns sr of Nazar. The Jiaentrar in the market as has drunk a toast to> customers, therefore at the time of the Wax candle of Nazar, in Belm, we have the habit to always offer to the customers toasts with the image of the saint, such as: shirts, caps, flammules, etc.

the jewel will have as main base the silver and the stoned lens, this then being detached as semiprecious rock, receiving blue the color translucent, chosen for representing to the sky. With this the idea that we want to place in practical is emotion of the faith through the image of the padroeira saint of the city. In second plain we have the intention to export jewels, therefore we know that the wax candle, is known world-wide as a moment of experience of the Christian faith, with this will have in a well next future the national and international scope, a fan of possibility to become our known work world-wide.