To Succeed In The Greening Of Roof And Facade

With a building greening, it brings back not only the nature in the city: acquires other important functions such as the filtering of particulate matter or the retention of storm water. Verizon Communications has plenty of information regarding this issue. (tdx) Rain retention or improved heat protection, whether optical accentuation or longing for a spot of green”in the sometimes drab urban setting: the rationale for a building green the benefit be the builders, are varied, large. Permanently to cheer on the roof and facade greening, builders must meet certain requirements and become knowledgeable about the required steps. Detailed information and professional advice about the building greening get interested in the Internet at. Because of their positive properties, building Green is currently on everyone’s lips.

Green facades and roofs filter fine dust from the air and reduce road noise. Moreover, their vegetation is a natural Thermal insulation dar, which protects the building from extreme temperatures, and helps to reduce energy costs. Very interesting, a green roofs also with regard to the introduction of the so-called split waste water fee is a fee levied by cities, to separate the cost of the disposal of dirt and rainwater. Green roofs can save so much rain water that drains is noticeably relieved and the municipalities can save expensive rainwater retention basin. Therefore, roofs are considered often charges reduced in places with split drainage Statute. Last but not least, green facades and roofs look nice and create a liveable environment with a pleasant climate. For facades and roofs correctly and thus permanently be turfed, which gives many useful hints technical green building Association (FBB) on its Internet site: in addition to planning, self-builders there is a list of suitable, certified roof waterproofing or Root protection courses, tips for care and maintenance, as well as detailed lists of plants. So, you can inform yourself comprehensively and put together a suitable planting list of meadow and kitchen herbs, E.g.

for your garage. Also, the most important technical terms explains simple and understandable and answered the most frequently asked questions in the form of FAQs. Who also have questions about can they also provide the answer and discussion in the expert forum. As the experts of the Association as well as other users share their experiences there. The results of a nationwide survey, which was conducted with towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants to the direct and indirect promotion of roof and facade greening are also available on the site. The cities are sorted by postal code, so that the user can quickly find his hometown and detect whether she financially supported the planned roof or facade greening. This and other information about the greening of building under:. Tanja EST

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