But still in this exactly text deabertura, is said that the public power can (would not be must) induce (not to seriapromover) retaken of the economic growth ' ' but the initiative insubstituvel&#039 privadatem a paper; '. This declaration is placed untied notexto thus as that brought of the past. That today we see still as our presenteesta delegation to the private one of the public interest. Recouping the speech of social justice, the Presidentecoloca as essential for this process the democratic participation, that foipromovida in the 27 fruns that they had argued and they helped in the elaboration of the PPA. E, to aofalar of this democratic opening, does not leave to place that the PPA a time assimformulado if moves away from the authoritarianism of years 70 and the exclusion of the prioridadesnacionais made in the decade (governments) passed. The model of planning of the new PPA In this plan the elements keys are: The planejamentoparticipativo, the reinforcement of the concept of periodic revision of the plan and avalorizao of the management. That is, not they are more the axles that define linhasmestras of the planning.

These are substituted by the programs and its 03Mega-Objective that we will argue to follow. In the model of adopted strategical planning, the text doPPA backwards the counterpoint of that the government made an option for a model that superaa technocracy that places the interested market as first in the development definition dosrumos. Still it places that according to this logic of market, it would esteseria capable to promote ' ' evolution natural' ' of the growth (disrespecting all the inaqualities historically accumulated nasdiferentes regions of the country). This ' ' lgica' ' of the market, of capitalismovisa the countries of the point of view of the capacity of consumption of its products and cheaper daproduo to optimize the capital profits, also potencializadoscom the exploration and appropriation of the natural wealth (of the countries that still astm), with the soil appropriation great for the great especulatriosimobilirios profits, that tendenciam investments public.

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