Tag Archive for government and politics

The Garbage

Instead of terms facilitated draining, we start to have floods of great ratios; but, I can be wrong and perhaps, all the holes that increase in such a way in dimension as in amount, are the substitutes of the culverts entupidos.' ' But the population aid therefore does not play garbage in strips of land, leaves in the street; it comes rain and it loads everything entopem the wolf mouths ' ' it is the jargon that if hears and I ask: where they are lixeiros? Ah already I know again I am made a mistake: the garbage probably must be kept in house! It knew that it has recommendation so that if it more than does not place garbage in the sidewalk with two hours of antecedence to the schedule that the truck passes. As I am obedient, I was to know which the hour established for my house: 16 hours. Perfect: the site of the city hall supplied the information to me; beauty! I searched and I found! Organized well, I thought; already we are improving Hum ledo deceit! The lixeiro does not collect before the 21 hours! It only looks at the opposite appearing again: they mark definitive hour and they pass in another one. I add to this, the presence of the threat that appeared to few days: who to put the garbage before the established stated period, will be fined! Therefore, attention: the population must be of planto for, when to hear the sound that tipifica the garbage car, to leave running to deposit it in the sidewalk! Therefore, all the ranks, of intent ears! Nobody more leaves and nor works because if you to make a mistake in clearly! It pulls, as I did not think before about this! Necessary to be smarter in these interpretations: the tree can fall, the roof can be reached, the people can hurt itself, the cars can be kneaded but, is necessary that the trees respect themselves, mainly old, the full ones of cupins; we must respect the nature and leave them to die in the day that will be determined by the nature; by the way, it also has cupins that also they are children of God (are ‘ ‘ gente’ ‘ when? I do not know I find that I am wanting to know excessively one more time, I am made a mistake with as much requirement! Housings in uninhabitable places are raised, streams that pass close contribute for illnesses; basic sanitation inexists.

Brazilian Awareness Programs

Brazil needs much more programs of awareness of what mere assistencialistas deprogramas. The government is not filantrpica institution, that has as to have to help needed oscarentes and, with donations of basic baskets, allowance for expenses etc., but yes, ' ' responsvel' ' for the economic and social development of all umanao, that is, of all the population, does not import the classroom. Stock market School, Stock market Family, Projovem, alfabetizado Brazil It arrives to dequerer to delude the people with ' ' migalhas' '. It is clearly that, for who it lives in condiessubumanas, scarce, everything this is a great aid. But, it will be that estamosseguindo the certain way? She will be that we arrive at this point of stagnation, whose anica solution is to make the people to believe that it does not have more solution, that noh more job; to accustom them it to be in house waiting a quantiainsignificante; to stimulate them it exactly without the minimum structure to increase nmerode children to increase Alfabetizao to contribute: noprejudicando still more our environment, wasting everything aquiloque we do not have of precious: the water, the food and so coveted money. She is necessary to make with that our young understands that does not have more time to aperder and that the education, for more obstacles that if still present are the nossanica valve of escape. In this manner, it would be well more significant, I believe, to invest in programasde awareness that acted not only in the medias, but queobtivessem a direct contact with the population, through lectures; projects (obligator and constant) in schools and communities; of visits it periferiase/ou to them to the considered areas of risk and, consequentemente, a bigger eincentivo support to on professionals to the socialization area: psychologists, assistentessociais, sociologists. After all, the human being that adquireconscincia and perception of the things, the life, the reality and the turbulent one, complicated and difficult world where we live already it contributes very and, giving one grandepasso with regard to the others and reaching an important advance for itself.

Plutocrtico Government

Exactly the GOD CHRIST, who investigates kidneys and hearts, only can take off of the death the Human being, because won It he destroyed and it when One with GOD became. The son of the Man vegetates between the Being and Not to be, in a complete indefinio. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gary Clayton Kelly. JESUS knows who proper It Is. Government Plutocrtico 1. To the Angel of the church in feso it writes: These things say that one that conserves in the right hand the seven stars, and that he walks in the way them seven gold oil lamps: 2.

I know your workmanships, and your work, and your perseverance, and that pods not to support the bad ones, and that you put to the test that one that if apstolos say and they are not, You you found them liars; 3. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Daniel Lubetzky. that you have perseverado, and you suffered because of my name, and you did not leave yourself to esmorecer. Apocalypse of JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 2:1 the 3. The mandates lands Will obey the Supreme Mandates, If to want to survive, Because the politics human being Showed incapable quo and desumana It is its power. The Plutocrtico Government appears, That goes to destroy the rag Of the politics of the Human being, That if it delivers to the abandonment Of a desumano government, Where it increases the needed ones. This Government that resurges Of its rubbles Is on the lombos Of the White Horse That, in this end, Arrive as Pluto, to abolish, then, politicalha, Whose imperfection Has of being burnt and being renewed.


But still in this exactly text deabertura, is said that the public power can (would not be must) induce (not to seriapromover) retaken of the economic growth ' ' but the initiative insubstituvel&#039 privadatem a paper; '. This declaration is placed untied notexto thus as that brought of the past. That today we see still as our presenteesta delegation to the private one of the public interest. Recouping the speech of social justice, the Presidentecoloca as essential for this process the democratic participation, that foipromovida in the 27 fruns that they had argued and they helped in the elaboration of the PPA. E, to aofalar of this democratic opening, does not leave to place that the PPA a time assimformulado if moves away from the authoritarianism of years 70 and the exclusion of the prioridadesnacionais made in the decade (governments) passed. The model of planning of the new PPA In this plan the elements keys are: The planejamentoparticipativo, the reinforcement of the concept of periodic revision of the plan and avalorizao of the management. That is, not they are more the axles that define linhasmestras of the planning.

These are substituted by the programs and its 03Mega-Objective that we will argue to follow. In the model of adopted strategical planning, the text doPPA backwards the counterpoint of that the government made an option for a model that superaa technocracy that places the interested market as first in the development definition dosrumos. Still it places that according to this logic of market, it would esteseria capable to promote ' ' evolution natural' ' of the growth (disrespecting all the inaqualities historically accumulated nasdiferentes regions of the country). This ' ' lgica' ' of the market, of capitalismovisa the countries of the point of view of the capacity of consumption of its products and cheaper daproduo to optimize the capital profits, also potencializadoscom the exploration and appropriation of the natural wealth (of the countries that still astm), with the soil appropriation great for the great especulatriosimobilirios profits, that tendenciam investments public.

Latin Americans

Moreover, for Carr the war was a necessary tool and that it happens due to a structural anarchy. Morgenthau the same demonstrated feeling that Carr, however the same had a peculiarity that it was antagonizava of the ideals of Carr, where it said that the prudence was a virtue in the politics and that the relations politics were a constant fight for the power. These last authors the power was the focus to guarantee a unit politics and to have a small parcel of the control in the politics of the world. In Brazil, what it is perceived currently is a search for allies with the purpose to get investments for the Country and the same reveals to ambitious person for more autonomy and power of voice. Without doubts, necessary Brazil to grow more in social factors as: education, health, infrastructure. Although the Country to present these difficulties, perceives the international recognition in factors as the exportation, where in the last year Brazil surpassed Canada, in the scope to export agricultural products in the world.

Recently, the Brazilians had had a typical example of international relations, the coming of Obama for the Country beyond having caused tumult, increased the bows and reaffirmed economic partnerships, investments. The interest in being allies is common to the two countries, therefore to each day Brazil if presents innovator in power plants, fuel production and discoveries of sources in the layer of the Daily pay Salt. Evidently, an interest of the United States in getting profits with these investments exists; using the realistic theory for this interpretation, the Country looks allies to get more world-wide power. later inside of a certain time, will not be surprise the Latin Americans will witness possible ' ' war poltica' '. Valley to point out that Brazil is considered as a regional power, therefore presents great economic influence of the South America, being its born rivals Argentina and Chile.

Coffee People

As it can the leading government deliver in diverse hands the health of Brazilian people? GOD does not sleep and goes in accordance with to repay to each one its workmanships. He is thinking that is toy? GOD knows what he goes in the heart of each person. The Coffee cure 22 they will not build so that others inhabit; they will not plant so that others eat; because the longevity of my people will be as of the tree, and my elect ones they will enjoy all of the workmanships of its proper hands. 23 they will not work in vain, nor will have children for the calamity, because they are the bendita posterity Mr., and its children will be with them. Book of the Prophet Isaiah, CAP. 65:22 and 23. The coffee cure! It hinders to go to the sepulture Much people That indifferent Already left themselves to abate Because it does not obtain to understand its prrpio badly. The pure coffee Is the safe remedy For the cure of an disease That still it invests On as much people.

One xicrinha of coffee Can change the faith Of the scientist of antanho That it vegetates in the dream Of mirabolantes things. The real coffee Has to remain after all In our Native land to recoup the mass Of all disease. It is the panacea That the man who is well Must also take. He is not a palliative one That he only puts the enemy To the long distance; It is the total cure and if he finds after all When making use of all. The coffee purssimo That pra is ordered there is and much people ignore Have the cure of the cancer; Therefore the Highest Father would not place in badly incurable spirit One.