The Historical

This reality of our vital, express feeling no longer myth, meets deformed and caricaturada in the beginning of the logical legitimacy of the contradiction. In the life, it is come across with the process of the diversification, of the differentiation. We reduce it, in last analysis, the citizen, the object, but also that is one intelectualista deformation. But the life, even so either everything this, is at the same time in itself connection. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ron O’Hanley by clicking through. Not a connection that leaves the thesis and the antithesis, of the synthesis, but a connection originria' '. (to see, p). The paper exerted for the mundividncias in history retraces the untiring necessity of apprehension of the reality, to know itself exactly and the other.

In the scope of the philosophy of the life, this aspect inhabits in the connection of the diverse ways of apprehension of the plurality living it. As much what it exists outside, as what it exists inside of us makes the man voluntarily to feel the necessity to know what it is the life. Therefore, we have that to be always in search to understand ' ' signos' ' that they go up to around the existence human being, as much of the world where if she finds the life of the man, as of the life of the man who produces the world. Therefore, the mission of the historical conscience that reflects the mundividncias, loads the mark of the relation between the components that lock up the circumstances of the development of the life and its correspondence with mundividncias. He is not nor one, nor the other by itself, that it must confer sensible the existence human being, but the simultaneous confluence of the life and the world in the process of history, in contraposition the notion of absolute unit of the life..

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