Tag Archive for philosophy

Helping People

Workshop of the Creator – offers a person the full range of assistance, support and practice. It includes psychology, which helps people organize their life, before ascending to the top the human spirit. From benign hiking for seniors and feeble people, to the peaks of the Himalayas, which are able to overcome a truly strong spirit of devotees. In the words of Sri Aurobindo on the tops of the spirit that is ” Only those who have the calling, the ability and readiness to meet any and run any risk, even at the risk of failure, has a will to progress to the complete lack of selfishness and the desire to surrender.” Man of the western world face only about the arrangement of his life. And because the main part of the exercise, systems, methods which are popular in western civilization focused on one thing: to make human life more beautiful, convenient, comfortable, so he waited for death in most favorable conditions, and most importantly to think less about what actually he has a higher meaning than caring for the family, child-rearing. Man tries to himself and others convinced that his mission – to care for family, his children, grandchildren, it is the primary meaning of his life. However, animals care for their families, their offspring, and sometimes much more tender, self-sacrificing than men.

This is a natural biological mission and it can not be principal for the person as a spiritual being, otherwise it will be possible to say that our sense of life the same as in animals. If a person declares that he is good that he cares about family and his children, so what is the merit? – If he had not doing so, he would be below the level of consciousness of animals. Man a spiritual being and he needs to spiritual fulfillment. However, one of western civilization does not know how to get it and seeks to normal, human emotions, entertainment, hobbies, pleasures to fill the spiritual thirst. There is a beautiful saying: “Of the thousands of rabbits does not work out a horse.” So here is a man of the western world is becoming more rabbits, and horses he has not. Rabbits – a normal human enjoyment. Rabbits in its own beautiful, amazing, but they were not allowed to feel the inspiration of the movement, the wind, the flight of the soul.

It can only give a horse. So that the rabbits as they would not be a man, even a thousand – not give the person the state of inspiration. If we compare this with the sex lives, then the west is of great excitation, but the orgasm is not obtained. Orgasm of the Soul and therefore, consciously or not, but such a person suffers a heart: a spiritual hunger, the thirst for spiritual and emotional experiences, states of torturing him. And by the way, the more a person becomes the rabbits – pleasures – the stronger and sharper than a spiritual thirst. and pacify her bunnies do not succeed, but will jump though a thousand, but the rabbits.

The Set

1. History: it is the set of objective facts you told that they are succeeded in the natural objective time. 2. Historicidade: it is the way I specify to exist of the man. See more detailed opinions by reading what Facebook offers on the topic.. It indicates that each human being carries through its proper existence from a reached cultural level already for other generations, in essential tension for a future that is full of new possibilities; said possibilities they are presented the man because he is intelligent and free. The historicidade is, therefore, a characteristic that only meets in the man. 6 _ EXPLAINS SOCIAL THE ANONYMOUS ONE. The interpersonal one is the set of the relations that its staff establishes, exempts responsibly and with the other men.

This interpersonal set of relations forms the convivncia human being, who is a interindividual activity and belongs to the personal life. Social the anonymous one, in contrast, is one fabric of activities that we carry through as automatons, not freely, seno because it makes it to people. Social the anonymous one consists of action and behaviors human beings, however are not a personalized behavior, seno that appears a time that we will be in relation with other men anonymously. Actions as the greeting, the language, the guard that hinders in them at some moment to cross the street, are, on the other hand, human beings since she consists of intellectual behaviors, and on the other hand, nor if understand at least them. Those actions ours that we make on account of an impersonal citizen, that is all and nobody, and that we call people, the society, are the properly social phenomena. 7 _ EXPLAINS THE BEDDINGS OF THEORY ATUALISTA. The opinion of that they deny the substantiality of the man received diverse names according to countries; in Germany if it calls ' ' theory atualista' ' , in France ' ' fenomenismo' ' etc.


"Not every woman will be able to defend themselves." Trite! "In the dark and daylight time these inhuman monsters are not abhor anything, and stretch their "feelers" to the weaker. They each have their intentions, someone needs to profit in money, but to whom and female flesh. " The lyrics! Output the firm, "How from these freak!" And then he revived the monitor and spoke "Claudia" first slowly – mixing up letters and a comma in the wrong place, and then rattled the queue Uzi. Go to Cambiar Investors for more information. (Damn, and it emerged from "Uzi?" I do not know what it looks like ). And search engines are shoved me to one of the another clue a tip hint, referring to those who, in a professional, profession, vocation teaches ordinary people defend themselves. One Two the third I looked into my eyes which become a round as the full moon (Which the day before yesterday, photographed on a digital camera), then a narrow chink cunning Chinese (or Korean?). According to lexis nexis, who has experience with these questions. Stop! An hour later Information overload tips tricks emotions No coffee no hot and cold already shivering from the breeze off the street, which became cool not affectionate I'm trying to gather my thoughts together incidentally found warm slippers, a rug Rules Rules Rules How much you invented They regulate and instruct sometimes "choke" Statistics Statistics

Courageous Warrior

The pulso of life is that one that if can run away and if protect, already the pulso of death, the citizen does not have as to run away and nor if to protect, on account of that is producing of great load of suffering. Of this form, it has a joint between the projetiva dynamics and the pulso of life whose the objective is to diminish the pressure excused for the pulso of of something ahead ackward death, producing an escape state takes that to look it in the exterior the causes of its discomforts. (Laplanche and Pontalis, 1986) the myth fulfills a function social, therefore it projects in its image the dreams and collective aspirations. In imaginary the collective one two distinct types of Ayrton Senna coexist: Courageous Warrior? half-god of the tracks, king of rain, only, necessary, unattachable and inagualvel; the Exemplary Citizen? good young man, shy, gentile and charismatic. In relation to dolo, Lesourd (2004) he standes out that its function is to be figure of identification for the citizen and that will be ' ' in relations social, in what we will call social speeches, that are necessary to look the origin of dolo, its creation. (2004: 86-87) It is very comumente, to present an allure for dolo, fact that it hinders to keep a critical position in relation it. ' ' dolo only can be understood as a mixture. Identification model of differentiation in relation to the adults, it is also a representation of the dominant values of the society of the moment, of the adults. It thus has for the adolescent a function of bow with the ones of its classroom of age, the pairs against the adults, but also of bow with the society in its set, through the messages of values that it transmite' ' (LESOURD, 2004:89). The agitation fascist is centered in the idea of the leader, not mattering if it leads in fact or if he is only the agent chief executive of interests of the group, because only the psychological image of the leader is apt to reanimate the idea of the all powerful and threatening primitive father.

With Chaim Perelman

The criterion of gauging of the validity of a philosophical judgment or system is of the critical persuation the one that if arrives through the rational dialectic. The critical persuation, in part, is subjective and in part it must be objective. The objective persuation is that one that is not validly refutable. It is equivalent to the criterion assigned for Popper, of acceptance on the part of the scientific community. The indirect refutation can be scientific, that is, experimentally demonstrated, either in laboratory, either mathematically, and still for History.

When accepted as valid the affirmation of E. Kant, of whom our device cognoscente cannot apprehend the noumnica reality, I do not have as experimentally to prove the truth of this judgment. Its acceptance if of after the mental process that leads to critical persuation. Although not to allow to the previsibility nor the scientific truth, the philosophical knowledge, thanks to its method and to its logic, it is of immense importance for the man. With Chaim Perelman says, ' ' Knowing its limitations, the philosopher knows that its efforts never will produce definitive and complete a workmanship. (…) Caber to others, after it, to continue the effort that will be undertaken by more rationality and justice, and little violence, in the relations humanas.' ' It can be agreed to Moritz Schlick, when it says that ' ' while sciences consider the truth of the statements, the philosophy if occupies of what the statements significam.' ' But the philosophy is something more. Without fiosofic? already the universe was said is caiico, in pieces, in which the excess of information generates the disinformation. It competes congregating the splinters, the parts of the great break-head of the reality. 5 – The tenolgico knowledge. This form of knowledge if distinguishes from all others, for being directed, teleologic; essentially, it searchs to reach objectives, carries through them.


The other already does not import more, if I need to go up of position in a company any, if I can, I go up whatever the cost, exactly that the other has that to suffer some type of damage. The social conviviality is each more difficult time, therefore more we do not worry in them about the next one, with our neighbors. We are not capable to talk with our neighbors regarding the problems that our families possess. But we say one for the other ' ' I take care of of my life and you he takes care of of sua' '. Of this form, if the neighbor or its son commits some act against the citizenship against the human values, us already does not import in them.

In them we do not feel ones for the others responsible. What it matters is that I have my life and you its. We live in a world where the goodness already is not plus a total gratuitousness. Although it has those that are good unconditionally, however the majority only acts well in accordance with its interests, that is, of what they can remove, to usufruct of the other. Here we can see plus aspect of the nietzscheana moral, therefore it is not located in the goodness and yes in the force.

Soon, the goal of the humanity would not have to be a production of better espritos as they nail to the religious doctrines and yes the creation of same men who surpass itself, to the values of its time and either supermen in the nietzscheana vision. Those that for its will of being able make what they want of its lives without importing itself with the damages that can cause to the other or the humanity. This having to the fact, as Nietzsche says: its ethics are pautada in aristocratic ethics, established in the desires and the will of power, having as model the virtues of the warriors of the old Greeks.

Daniel Stern

In the case where a child has a mental or physical problems, and parents and experts are paying a lot of worries, but still faces some challenges and difficulties. In this case, there is a question to parents and professionals how to give such a child start in life, how to ensure its full development. When parents and professionals to ask such questions, it became clear that the industry is still not sufficiently investigated. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Gary Kelly. Scientists noticed that they know too little about that children are experiencing what happens in their psyche, and that leads to their positive development, but rather that it prevents. Recently, it has led to an increase in research on the subject, and we are also doing research in Vienna. For even more details, read what Verizon says on the issue. I'm glad I can tell you a little about it. My lecture will consist of several parts. In the first part I will talk about how parents perceive their first child. In the second part I will focus on the difficulties and challenges confronting their parents when they have a baby is born, while here I want to emphasize one aspect. And the third part I will tell a little about how the consultations between parents and young children. So I starting with the first part. I want to begin the first part with the memories of what was once there comes a time when the family was born and this process can be long or short, and the baby is born. When the moment comes pregnancy, many of the themes are for women is particularly important. Especially detailed discussion of these topics are described by Daniel Stern, suggested the idea that there is especially important for women's issues. However, both men, this event does not avoid party, especially in those moments when they begin to feel responsible for the child and wife. These four areas, of which I am about to say, are associated with different feelings. They may be associated with intense feelings joy, confidence, but also with other, quite the reverse feelings of uncertainty, fear and misunderstanding of what is happening. In general, these different shades of feeling more often present and are experienced in the pair at birth child and the first months of his life. The manner in which these feelings are linked, and what feelings dominate at a particular stage depends on the parent. And from a pair of depends, as in the first year of life manifest a bundle of feelings, matter how these feelings osoznavaemy or neosoznavaemy. In considering therapy is already possible to draw any conclusions. If unpleasant, threatening feelings are too strong, if the parents few options to share these feelings with each other or to find some opportunity to experience them through some third party. That increases the likelihood that during these early parent-child relationship may be a problem, which would impose a burden on the child's development, and can completely

Flower Pot

In Egypt, for such rituals used, common throughout the Nile Delta, the wild Emmer wheat, from which the passage of time, Egyptian farmers, brought several different varieties of cereal. For best results, I would recommended that the grain of durum wheat, which are quite unpretentious and has a large percentage of germination. For even more details, read what Rory Sutherland says on the issue. Buy a new Flower Pot light tones, the volume – at least a liter. Beforehand, you need to dial the ground with wheat field. In big cities, it can cause some confusion. Therefore, in extreme cases, suitable land with a large and well-tended flower beds, major plantings which will be a plant with white flowers. Blooms of red, purple and violet hues are unfavorable to our process energy, so they should be avoided.

Before you fill up the earth in a pot, mix it with coins yellow. The number of coins – twenty-four. The total nominal amount – must be even. See Scott Mead for more details and insights. Once you cover everything this cocktail in a pot, start sowing. You will need six grains. Each grain should be planted separately, the left hand, the depth of two to three centimeters.

All seeds must be planted close together, almost in one place so that when the shoots, they formed one massive barrel. After planting, you need to water the earth. To this end, the water should be insist separately. Ideal is rain water, mixed with morning dew. A glass of water, quite a few drops of dew to turn to rain, miraculous nectar. Watering is carried out once in a three days. When the wheat sprouts, talk with her. Replenish its energy of your desires. Love her to feel your care and warmth. Place the pot in his bedroom on the window to plant bathed in sunshine. If possible, protect your tree from prying eyes and never let a stranger hands, to touch him. As soon as the sprouts will rise to six inches, put on the bottom of the vessel in which you defend Watering water, six coins yellow. Suppose they are in it constantly, until the end of the process. This will serve as a kind of fertilizer for your money tree. Having gone full cycle, grow and mature. Pull it out pot, along with the root system. Tie the stems together, a thin gold chain and put in a vase without water at the bottom which should be on a coin, with even a nominal sum. The first six seeds that fell from the ears, you can used for growing the next tree. Such a procedure, I recommend once a year. The best time – it's spring, but this is not a rigid rule. The main condition is your desire and your soul you should invest in this process and if the result does not take long.

How To Increase Your Income Many Times

Most of us know the principle of "how much money is in my head, so much money in my purse." And many did agree with this expression. But here's how to apply this principle in practice, how to learn to think like that, that money flowed into your life easier and faster, this is already having some difficulties. One thing to understand, and quite another to use that knowledge in practice. With that, I think no one will argue. So, how can we start to use Practice new ways of thinking that will help us for the same labor costs to earn income several times higher. 1. Write down right now on paper, how much income you want to get through half a year, a year later. 2.

Formulate these figures in a strong and inspirational you offer. For example: I want to Among the easy and fun to earn 1,500 dollars. Try to constantly repeat to myself the phrase at least one every few days. It is advisable to hang the phrase in home in a conspicuous place so that your subconscious mind as often as possible read it. 3.

Sit down and write down at least 10 ways to increase their income. It can be both very real and some fantastic ideas. Main – you indicate the intention to earn more. 4. If you always wanted to buy some necessary thing (or just wanted to make a gift), but constantly refused or postponed, please do so now.

The Historical

This reality of our vital, express feeling no longer myth, meets deformed and caricaturada in the beginning of the logical legitimacy of the contradiction. In the life, it is come across with the process of the diversification, of the differentiation. We reduce it, in last analysis, the citizen, the object, but also that is one intelectualista deformation. But the life, even so either everything this, is at the same time in itself connection. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ron O’Hanley by clicking through. Not a connection that leaves the thesis and the antithesis, of the synthesis, but a connection originria' '. (to see, p). The paper exerted for the mundividncias in history retraces the untiring necessity of apprehension of the reality, to know itself exactly and the other.

In the scope of the philosophy of the life, this aspect inhabits in the connection of the diverse ways of apprehension of the plurality living it. As much what it exists outside, as what it exists inside of us makes the man voluntarily to feel the necessity to know what it is the life. Therefore, we have that to be always in search to understand ' ' signos' ' that they go up to around the existence human being, as much of the world where if she finds the life of the man, as of the life of the man who produces the world. Therefore, the mission of the historical conscience that reflects the mundividncias, loads the mark of the relation between the components that lock up the circumstances of the development of the life and its correspondence with mundividncias. He is not nor one, nor the other by itself, that it must confer sensible the existence human being, but the simultaneous confluence of the life and the world in the process of history, in contraposition the notion of absolute unit of the life..