The Culture

' ' Implied in the project of Weber particularly in its sociology of the religion, some essencialistas certainties exist on the human beings, most important of which it is a vision of the man as homo-hermeneut, beings that require an existence significativa' ' (Idem) the scientist of the culture has conditions to analyze the behavior human being in society, leaving of the beginning of that all actor considered there on the basis of acts the directions and meanings that only exist while conjugated to its culture and image of world. However, it, scientist of the culture, know now that also its action, when makes science, pursues a understood direction culturally, made use as a value. Therefore, the meaning of the direction must be lead for inside of the scientific inquiry. The investigator has that to follow the significao of its proper explanativo act, as much how much the reason of it to be investigating that specific part in of the reality and not one another one (in way the infinite). The basic difference of Weber in relation the Nietzsche in this aspect consists of the following one: Nietzsche was in contact and direct confrontation with the naturalistic science that predominated in century XIX, in way that the way that it understood the relation of science with the direction concept sufficiently varied in relation the Weber science, for Nietzsche, acts incrivelmente more as a force that it dismisses sensible of what as creative of directions. It dissolves msticos, mythical, playful, poetical, metafricos the meanings, in a net and causalidades. ' ' The objective of science is to verwhelm mundo' ' , a time that it desvela and destroys all the illusions constituam that it. Science, with its explanatory objectives and value of truth cannot allude to a direction for the world and its phenomena, but only point what in such attempts if it establishes in an illusion.

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