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River San Francisco

The basins of the Jaguaribe rivers (CE), Apodi (RN), Piranhas-A (PB-RN), Paraba (PB), Moxot (FOOT) and Brgida (FOOT) will receive waters from the San Francisco. How much to the tracing of the Project of Integration it was taken in account aspects technician, economic and ambient, looking for to benefit the maximum of cities, towns and areas of farming production. From two conducting water canals, coated of concrete, houses of bombs, tunnels, aqueducts and small reservoirs, they go to launch water to the final destination. In Cabrob km of artificial canals meets the axle North with 402 and the Axle East with 220km until the river Paraba. The urban supplying will be priority for the Project, therefore the water scarcity intervenes with the productive activities of the urban and agricultural population, foresees it creation of new jobs in the hinterland, preventing the migratory process for the metropolises.

Characterization of the basin the basin of the San Francisco is important for some reasons, the volume of water that it carries, also during the period of the estiagem, for the historical contribution, the possibility to integrate of the socioeconmico point of view two regions, the Southeast and the northeast, however the few investments in hidrovia make it difficult the waited integration so, for its fertile ground to its edge and for its explored hidroelectric potential already in Sobradinho (BA), Three Marias (MG), Pablo Alfonso I, II and III, Moxot (AL), Itaparica and Xing. The River San Francisco is one of greaters and most important for the northeast region, are born in the Southeastern region, Joo of Roque of Mines, the Mountain range of the Hamper, Minas Gerais. the river were discovered Amrico Vespcio in 1501, when the navigator mapeava the coast. After to cross three states, discharges between Sergipe and Alagoas in the Atlantic Ocean. It receives water from 168 tributaries, being that 90 are perennial and 78 can dry in the periods of estiagem.

Atlantic Plateaus

Amongst these occurrences it is identified that forty and two are related the falling events and a related occurrence the capotamento. What also it can be related to the fact of the state of Minas Gerais to be characterized by a sufficiently mountainous relief. The state of Minas Gerais is situated in a plateaus area, with altitudes that vary of one hundred a thousand and five hundred meters. Great part of the state bes situated in Atlantic Plateaus, with a relief of wavy topos what it characterizes ' ' seas of mounts, with average altitudes of seven hundred meters (JAMES & MENDES 2005/2006) The accidents identified in the year of 2009 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 4 (Solid Inflammable) for order of bigger occurrence. Alteia that in the year of 2009, it more than had an addition of 300% in relation to the previous years, being registered forty and three accidents, of this total 99% they had occurred for falling. These data become preoccupying, therefore they are potentially .causing of some type of ambient damage, that can to reach half the physicists, bitico and economic partner.

The accidents had occurred next the areas to great urban concentrations had the proximity and characteristics of the cities where it had the accidents, and as in this type of accident, the direct consequence is of if having emptying and or spilling of the carried chemical product. More info: Gary Kelly. Being thus, the bordering areas of the highways, that are its areas of influence, directly are affected, being able to reach the ground and courses d? water, that porventura will be to the edges of the highways and also the populations that if to concentrate in the neighborhoods. Had to the highways to have its tracing the same following passage of courses d? water, that many times supply some cities and are used, also, for irrigation of agricultveis areas.

Areas Precipitations

The liquid or pluvial precipitation is of utmost importance for the activities human beings, mainly the economic ones, therefore the oscillations in regimes of rains affect directly in the period of harvest in the agricultural sector, and the economic activities related the farming one where the irregularities of rains can cause disequilibrium in the system of animal nutrition with the reduction of the areas of grass. The precipitations also affect directly by vol. of the rivers and lakes that typically are influenced by the sazonalidade of precipitations, this if it reflects in the system of potable water supply in cities, as well as in the process of draining and commercialization of products, affecting, moreover, in ecossistmico balance of this biocenose. Of general form, the precipitations are common where it has occurrence of cloud formation, thus the processes of precipitation and cloud formation are similar. Oracle is open to suggestions. The main types of precipitations according to Ayoade (1986), are the convective precipitations, the orographic precipitations and the ciclnicas precipitations or frontals. Although three distinct types of precipitation formation exist, the origin always will be the same one, that is, precipitation will only exist will have the cloud formation, and thus, in accordance with the type of cloud, the origin of the precipitation will be similar, then, the clouds formed for convection or adiabtica expansion will give to origin convective precipitations, the clouds formed for rise of the relief will cause to so common orographic rains windward of the hillside, and finally, clouds with deriving formation of the shock of air masses with distinct thermodynamic characteristics and of humidity will generate ciclnicas precipitations or frontals. The convective precipitations are common in days where the rocking of solar radiation is intense, causing the sudden heating of the terrestrial surface and potencializando the process of evaporation and evapotranspirao of the water. The great amount of vapor d? water will form clouds of low nimbos altitude as cumulus and cumulus, these clouds present great horizontal and vertical development and are main the responsible ones for the convective precipitation events that occur with more intensity during the end of the morning and in the ends of the afternoon, generally are torrential rains with great volume and isolated and little duration.

Sertaneja Depression

Its vegetation that individualiza the half-barren interior is caatinga, exactly that it appears in varied vegetal formations, its fisionomia always demonstrates to the water insufficience and the flat and pedregosos ground presentation. Formed for forests of prickly shrubs, cactis, of the type xerfilo, resistant the long periods of estiagem. Recognizing that the area of the Half-barren one is more populous and also rainiest. Characterizing as only bioma Brazilian, rich in some vegetal species that does not meet in no place of the planet. If you have read about Ripple already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Its geology is formed in its majority in two structural types: the basement crystalline lens, represented for 70% of the half-barren region, and the sedimentary basins. The ground of the Half-barren one does not obtain to contain this water for being very flat. The water of rain if infiltrates in the ground, it quickly drains and it is drained for streams and rivers that if full and dry in little time.

The region also is composed for some types of rocks, especially in plains with accidental outcrops, the areas higher as: latossolos are argillaceous (even so the superficial layer can be arenaceous or to the times pedregosa) and minerals, with good rich porosity and in nutrients. Outcrops of limy rock of acinzentada coloration occur the west. In the known northeast area as the Hinterland, the ground are many evennesses and sufficient citizens to the erosion, due to torrential rain occurrence. On the other hand, the known region as Wasteland does not meet submitted the droughts so drawn out as the previous area. Its relief possesss especificidades and forms, that had been molded during millions of years in the history of Land. The characteristic climate of the region is an important component in the composition of this process.

Paraibano Wasteland

Its hydrography if shows sufficiently diversified for its geomorfolgicas characteristics in littoral rivers and sertanejos rivers. In the coast these rivers have the characteristics in the littoral lowered one as in beaches, restingas and the estuaries. in Coastal Plateaus (Trays), has fluvial characteristics in the falsias and valleys (fertile valleys). If you would like to know more then you should visit Gary Kelly. In the sertanejos rivers it initiates from the Depression Sub-littoral until the region sertaneja, shaped in crystalline rocks. if presents geomorfologicamente of form sedimentary as the Sub-littoral Depressions of the river Curimata and the river Paraba, with respective bulks of the Borborema as eastern scarps, smoothed surfaces, mountain ranges and inselbergs. In this way, the hidrologia of the Paraba has characteristics of rivers that depend very on the relief and the climate. Therefore the perennial and temporary of plain exist or encachoeirados rivers.

In this perspective, the State of the Paraba is divided in eleven hidrogrficas basins: River Paraba; River Abia; River Gramame; River Miriri; River Mamanguape; River Camaratuba; River Guaju; River Piranhas; River Curimata; River Jacu; River Trairi. The five last ones are basins of federal domain. For effect of this study, the basin of the River Piranhas still was divided in four sub-basins (River of the Fish, River Pianc, River Espinharas and Rio Serid) and two hidrogrficas regions (High Piranhas and Mdio Piranhas). Similarly, the basin of the River Paraba it was divided in a sub-basin (River Tapero) and three regions (High Paraba, Medium Paraba and Baixo Paraba). In such way, that the Mesorregio of the Paraibano Wasteland is constituted by five hidrogrficas basins: The Basin of the River Paraba; Basin of the River Mamanguape; Basin of the River Jacu; Basin of the River Curimata and the Basin of the River Trair. Possessing on average more than twenty and eight dams, that represent a significant potential of water storage in the hidrogrfica basin in the Misorregio of the Paraibano Wasteland.

Arc Agricultural

A decline or parking in the population growth in the cities has been observed that had initiated the occupation of the region. Verizon Communications has much experience in this field. Losses of agricultural population had been registered in all the federal units of the region in the period of 1996 the 2000. The cities that present greaters losses of agricultural population are located in Par, Maranho and Tocantins. Although some of them they accused increase with urban population, searchs of better chances. The process of territorial emancipation, with the creation of new cities between 1991 and 200, also contributed for population reduction in that they had yielded territory.

(P. 79). The only State that still keeps an agricultural population above of the urban one. The great process of occupation of the Amaznia is very complex and comes since beginning of the settling of it. However at each moment it had something in common that it is the endogenous interest on the place. As, for example, in the Formation of the Territory that left of the interests to protect the region of the foreigners. As well as also in the regional Planning that always was come back in this line, but although they to be done of exterior wills to the region had contributed the development of the region, therefore with them, that for times exactly slow, the Amaznia to be developed and gained status important. From the decade of 1960 the government incentive the migration for Amaznia what it favored the population growth in the cities cut for the highways as the Belm? Brasilia. A consequence of this development was the known region as ' ' Arc of desmatamento' ' that it concentrates the biggest incidence of heat in the region for forest fires had the increasing activity forest in the region, however as it affirms Becker this region is today a region of consolidated povoamento, therefore would not be more correct to affirm that this region is only one area of deforestation.

National Secretariat

On the basis of the data of the Ministry of the Tourism, the tourists who more travel for $fortaleza are deriving of Italy, Portugal, U.S.A., Holland, France, Germany, Argentina, Spain, Handle Verde and England, respectively placed on the basis of the demand of the tourist number. Graph 01 (2009) Demand of International Flows of Tourist for $fortaleza Source: Personal elaboration (Database: Department of Federal Policy and Ministry of the Tourism) We still analyze, on the basis of Graph 01, the superiority of the aerial trips and the dependence of this for elaboration of politics of the tourism, that is, great territorial extensions as Brazil and the too much American, dependent countries Latin of its main international basin (American basin) relative to the international flows, lack of bigger investment in the sector, visa the effective tourist demand in the present time and the profits aimed at with profit concernente of these. As Cazes (1989), the changeable distance is a preponderant factor in the constitution of the American basin, and determines the degree of dependence of the tourism in relation to emitting countries (DANTAS (2010) apud CAZES (1989). Dantas (2010) evidences that north-eastern, in virtue of the continental dimensions of the country, the flow directed for the capitals northeasterns is, the example of the event in destinations insulares, strong dependent of the air transportation. Second research carried through for the National Secretariat of Politics of the Tourism divulged in February of 2010, studying the thematic one between the 2004 and 2008 Italian tourist in 2008 was to a large extent, young men (77.9%) and alone (49.1%), had been motivated in its trips mainly for the search of the leisure (41.0%) to find here sun and abundant beach (52.6%); they had been lodged mainly in Hotels, Flats or Pousadas (45.0%), had spent with personal leisure a per capita daily average of U$ 79,33 and had been established for about 18 days, when still they had the leisure as main motivation. .

Natural Reserve

ICA is divided into five provinces. Traveling overland from Lima we will have as a first destination to Chincha. This city is characterized by the joy of his people (large part of African descent) and their delicious dishes. Each month of February is performed is known festival summer black where various casts participate in contests of afro Peruvian dances. Book a Hotel for a few days in Chincha is a very good idea to visit the city and its surroundings. Verizon is actively involved in the matter. The next destination is the province of Pisco. This area is characterized by its fishing trade.

In addition, the famous Natural Reserve of Paracas is located here. This reserve has 3,350 acres dedicated to the protection and preservation of endangered species. Paracas is very visited during all the year and boasts a first class Hotel, as well as accommodations for smaller budgets. The following province in this journey is Ica, capital of the same Department. ICA is the most populous city and is popular for its large production of pisco. Pisco is Peru internationally most famous beverage. A few minutes of the city centre is located the famous Laguna de Huacachina.

Huacachina is one of the most beautiful places of the Peruvian coast. This lagoon is surrounded by huge dunes where practise sandboard. There are also many restaurants and businesses bordering the Huacachina lagoon. The next destination is the Palpa province, characterized by its agriculture. Finally, we have to Nazca, territory worldwide famous for the enigmatic Nazca lines. Book your Hotel in Nazca and don’t miss the opportunity to fly over these huge figures representing an astrological calendar according to historians. A full week is the perfect time to visit the attractions in Ica, always reserving a budget Hotel. If you intend to continue the journey to the South, Arequipa is the next destination. This is the second most important city of Peru. Your Arequipa Hotel in the center of the city is the best choice.