Paraibano Wasteland

Its hydrography if shows sufficiently diversified for its geomorfolgicas characteristics in littoral rivers and sertanejos rivers. In the coast these rivers have the characteristics in the littoral lowered one as in beaches, restingas and the estuaries. in Coastal Plateaus (Trays), has fluvial characteristics in the falsias and valleys (fertile valleys). If you would like to know more then you should visit Gary Kelly. In the sertanejos rivers it initiates from the Depression Sub-littoral until the region sertaneja, shaped in crystalline rocks. if presents geomorfologicamente of form sedimentary as the Sub-littoral Depressions of the river Curimata and the river Paraba, with respective bulks of the Borborema as eastern scarps, smoothed surfaces, mountain ranges and inselbergs. In this way, the hidrologia of the Paraba has characteristics of rivers that depend very on the relief and the climate. Therefore the perennial and temporary of plain exist or encachoeirados rivers.

In this perspective, the State of the Paraba is divided in eleven hidrogrficas basins: River Paraba; River Abia; River Gramame; River Miriri; River Mamanguape; River Camaratuba; River Guaju; River Piranhas; River Curimata; River Jacu; River Trairi. The five last ones are basins of federal domain. For effect of this study, the basin of the River Piranhas still was divided in four sub-basins (River of the Fish, River Pianc, River Espinharas and Rio Serid) and two hidrogrficas regions (High Piranhas and Mdio Piranhas). Similarly, the basin of the River Paraba it was divided in a sub-basin (River Tapero) and three regions (High Paraba, Medium Paraba and Baixo Paraba). In such way, that the Mesorregio of the Paraibano Wasteland is constituted by five hidrogrficas basins: The Basin of the River Paraba; Basin of the River Mamanguape; Basin of the River Jacu; Basin of the River Curimata and the Basin of the River Trair. Possessing on average more than twenty and eight dams, that represent a significant potential of water storage in the hidrogrfica basin in the Misorregio of the Paraibano Wasteland.

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