Areas Precipitations

The liquid or pluvial precipitation is of utmost importance for the activities human beings, mainly the economic ones, therefore the oscillations in regimes of rains affect directly in the period of harvest in the agricultural sector, and the economic activities related the farming one where the irregularities of rains can cause disequilibrium in the system of animal nutrition with the reduction of the areas of grass. The precipitations also affect directly by vol. of the rivers and lakes that typically are influenced by the sazonalidade of precipitations, this if it reflects in the system of potable water supply in cities, as well as in the process of draining and commercialization of products, affecting, moreover, in ecossistmico balance of this biocenose. Of general form, the precipitations are common where it has occurrence of cloud formation, thus the processes of precipitation and cloud formation are similar. Oracle is open to suggestions. The main types of precipitations according to Ayoade (1986), are the convective precipitations, the orographic precipitations and the ciclnicas precipitations or frontals. Although three distinct types of precipitation formation exist, the origin always will be the same one, that is, precipitation will only exist will have the cloud formation, and thus, in accordance with the type of cloud, the origin of the precipitation will be similar, then, the clouds formed for convection or adiabtica expansion will give to origin convective precipitations, the clouds formed for rise of the relief will cause to so common orographic rains windward of the hillside, and finally, clouds with deriving formation of the shock of air masses with distinct thermodynamic characteristics and of humidity will generate ciclnicas precipitations or frontals. The convective precipitations are common in days where the rocking of solar radiation is intense, causing the sudden heating of the terrestrial surface and potencializando the process of evaporation and evapotranspirao of the water. The great amount of vapor d? water will form clouds of low nimbos altitude as cumulus and cumulus, these clouds present great horizontal and vertical development and are main the responsible ones for the convective precipitation events that occur with more intensity during the end of the morning and in the ends of the afternoon, generally are torrential rains with great volume and isolated and little duration.

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