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In the visual language, we find a way of communicating in and disclosing them our way particular to mean the world. The images of the works of art can function as a support for this exercise of releitura of the world and the proper one human being, facilitating the recognition of its identity. Ahead of this context, it is possible to develop a visual education that an interaction in informed way propitiates more, creative and critical with the images and messages that we receive in this world contemporary. In this way, the school if presents as ideal and possible space, for the conviviality and the dialogue between the imagtico quantity, brought of its daily experience, with recognized the artistic and cultural productions universally. The exercise of looking at, to see the different one, of desvelar meanings and criteria demands a continuous work of education of the look that articulates perception, imagination, knowledge, artistic production, and at the same time, valuation and respect for the multiplicity and diversity of way, points of view to see and to be in the world. It is perceived reality of distinct form because we are different.

Our emotions and knowledge interact in the forms to see and cause different looks on the reality. Ahead of the displayed one, she is necessary to understand the education as a long and inexhaustible way, through which it is possible to obtain a better world more just and. In this aspect, the knowledge of the aesthetic education is defended, of the history and philosophy of the art, as half to construct a new citizen, more critical, capable to fight for its ideals and to contribute with the transformation of the life of its fellow creatures. The education, in its responsibility to form the citizen, cannot be other people’s to the social problems, but if become in one allied fort to act positively on the individual and to pull out it of its mentally ill and accomodated condition of.


In the medieval period, as well as since the start of Christian history, the light if at the outset binds to the origin and the holy ghost of the things, concept this very observed in the gtica illumination, that possesss its cathedrals as great prominences of the medieval period, despertando the religiosidade through the upright of the natural light. Bruyne (1958) affirms that the light in the medieval period always inhabits above of the expression forms, where the extreme visible beauty to the eyes is conceived had to the consequence of the beauty invisible superior. The author emphasizes the element that more characterizes the gtico: the vitrais, used in the points highest of the cathedrals. The vitral is an element of the gtica architecture that goes beyond the functional and structural aspect, a time that was had at the time as the effect of the transmutao of the substance, of the rock, through the light. According to medievos, the power of the divine light could transform the hard rock into difana substance, an intermediary between the terrena corporeidade and the transcendental form. The form architectural of the gtico is characterized in such a way by the luminosity how much for the upright. (BRUYNE, 1958, V.3.).

Still according to author, is necessary to interpret the light in the medieval architecture not under the setecentista prism, but yes under the point of view where the supernatural one was present in all and any activity human being. to obtain the idea of the supernatural one in the architecture was used the resource of the upright, possible thanks to the effect of the glass.


Emagrecimento symptoms, appetite loss, easy fatigue, sweats the night, has taken fever each afternoon, persistent cough, with they will expectoraro, or without it, fast pulse, persistent emission of blood when tossir, pains to the thorax, nocturnal anemia, sweats, fall of the arterial pressure. Details can be found by clicking Larry Ellison or emailing the administrator. 1.2.16) Transferability the tuberculosis is habitually contagious. , chronic, ace times usually chronic. Pulmonary carrier of injury or larynx that if communicates with the external way, posssibilitando through the cough and it I sneeze the ambient pollution (next contacts), medical staff (massive exposition) the infection chain way is the bacillus inhalation Koch, for it says and expectorao. Rare the milk ingestion of cow tuberculosa or rare of food contaminated with bacilli of Koch. Frequent that the first contact with the producing embryo of the tuberculosis if produces in infancy. The common one is that for inhalation of the bacilli of Koch to the lung of the child if it produces small injury pulmonary, increasing of size the ganglia of the thorax that correspond the infetada region of the lung.

This tuberculosa pulmonary injury and its ganglion receive the name from primary complex or cousin-infection, that can be proven by rays-x. Costuma to produce solely a light fever during 2 or 3 weeks. The organism combat a primitive focus of tuberculosis finishing for surrounding them of calcium, but is habitual that they are in the interior of the pparently cured injury, bacilli of Koch livings creature that become positive the diverse reactions the tuberculina, the patient is infectado already by the tuberculina, even so not sick, therefore the organism was successful, encircling the bacilli of Koch of a wall of tuberculosa defense. 1.2.17) Predisponent causes the tuberculosis can appear in any age. Until the 10 years they have preference for the bones, joints and ganglia and to assume acute forms biggest mortality for this disease if produce between the 18 and 35 years of age.


The seeds on the germitest papers were the ones which grew the most on the continuous darkness with an average of 8.59. The lenght of the plantule corn roots, on germitest to paper and continuous darkness showed an avarage of 12.78. Keywords: Colours, germination, seeds, Zea mays. To know more about this subject visit Larry Ellison. INTRODUCTION the Zea maize mays L. is a grassy one of pertaining American origin to the Poaceae family. He is one of the cereals more produced in the world, having ample use in the industry, in feeding human being and animal.

It is a plant of short cycle, of changeable transport, with cultivating that they reach until 3,5m of height, possesss alternating roots fasciculadas, leves lanceoladas, colmo full, divided for us; comumente it has one the three spikes, feminine inflorescncia that leaves the armpits of leves; in the terminal part of colmo it is the arrow (masculine inflorescncia in form and composed spike). It is a monica plant, where the type of main polinizao is anemophilous. Click Brad Garlinghouse to learn more. The maize grain is the dry fruit caryopses call, where it presents of the periphery for its interior, pericarpo, the aleurone layer, endosperma; joining this to the embryo he is escutelo. In the embryo it is distinguished colioptile, plmula and radcula (EMBRATER, 1983). The grains of the maize are generally yellow or white, being able to present colorations varying since the black color until the red. Considered the supreme greater it enters the too much cereals, the individual weight of the grain on average varies of 250 300mg and its composition in dry base is of 61-78% of starch, 6- 12% proteins, 2-4% staple fibres, 3-6% of oil and 1-4% minerals, distributed of heterogeneous form in the four main physical structures that form the grain: endosperma, germ, pericarpo (rind) and tip.

The Boat

The reply for the problem is that the pupils would have to construct to a cockle-boat with a plain surface (as a raft) and narrow laterals, of form that in its hoof fit the greater numbers of washers. So that the same she did not sink, they would have to be placed of form with that the cockle-boat was in balance, that is, distributed uniformly on the surface. In accordance with the physical explanation, so that the boats float the weight of boat the impulse (force with equal intensity to the value of the weight of the volume of water dislocated for the boat) exerted by the water must be equal. Thus, the form of the boat has to present very great an exterior volume, so that, in water, its weight is balanced. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Verizon Communications has to say. It is not the weight of the boat that is in guideline, but its density that the density of the water will have that to be lesser that.

If the load to increase, the hoof of the boat is more dived in the water and the impulse also increases. Therefore, with the increase of the load, the impulse and the weight of the boat continue balanced and the boat does not sink. Five kits constructed for the second activity had used the following materials (figure 2): – 05 flat plastic containers; – 50 washers of varied sizes (ten for each kit); – 15 leves paper aluminum. Figure 2: assembly of the activity of the cockle-boat the third activity dealt with the existence of air and the busy space for it, and was defined as ' ' the problem of copinho' '. This activity already is known by professors and even by some pupils, when they raise the quarrel of that air exists and that this occupies place in the space. In the accomplishment of the activity the pupil would have to place a ball of paper in the deep one of a cup and to sink it inside of a basin I contend water, without the paper if wet.

Menezes Firmino

It explains if the use of the concept of the etnocentrismo meant some type of advance in the relation of the European man with the colonized common man. Edivaldo de Menezes Firmino the great navigations had stimulated and compelled the Europeans to know and to understand a little on the other peoples who before had not even kept no contact. With this the etnocentrismo appears that according to Meneses (2009) ' ' The etnocentrismo looks at the other and longs for that it has its proper characteristics, as this is impossible, the other is perceived as unprovided of tudo.' ' As we can perceive with the etnocntrica vision of the European peoples they wanted that all the other peoples had its customs and beliefs, wanted that they used clothes and that they lived of the form of them. However this would be impossible, then the Europeans saw them as inferior and if they found in the right to only disrespect and to transform the culture of these peoples in order that he was come close next to its, therefore for the Europeans its culture and customs were correct. With the definition of the dictionary Aurlio that says that the etnocentrismo is the trend of the thought to consider the categories, norms and values of the proper society or culture as applicable parameter to all excessively.

We can affirm that the etnocentrismo did not bring no advance in the relation between the European man and the colonized peoples since the European did not respect very and nor looked for to understand the customs more good and beliefs of the other peoples and only saw these customs and these beliefs as inferior and that they would have to be moved, therefore its culture and customs were only acceptable and correct. As we can perceive for the definition of the electronic dictionary Aurlio its culture would be a parameter for excessively and is at this moment that appears a problem, therefore as for them its culture was superior whereas of the other inferior age they saw in the right to transfer themselves and to demand that the culture of these peoples was transformed or if case this was not possible they would continue treating these other peoples as inferior and with a distanciamento due the existing cultural difference between they that they had not looked for to understand this difference and yes it only judges? there second only its proper culture, having this as only acceptable and the best one. From everything this we arrive the conclusion of that this concept does not have no positive advance, therefore as it was possible to perceive this concept he is prejudiced and it only aims at as correct and as better the European culture whereas the others would have to be changed having as parameter the culture of the Europeans. References: MENESES, Jonatas Silva. Anthropology I. Is Cristovo: Federal university of Sergipe, CESAD, 2009.


Positive a preditivo value of an inquiry method is in such a way bigger the more narrow will be the existing relation enters the information for it offered and the fisiopatologia of the present illness. Perhaps this is the most important criterion to be considered how much of the use of an inquiry procedure. This 0 variable means the probability of occurrence of an event when determined found, on to the illness, it will be found in the complementary inquiry. Analyzed in another way, it means the probability of the individual to be really carrying of an illness, when the result of the test is positive. When positive the preditivo value is raised, the result of the inquiry method can be used to establish a therapeutical strategy with high probability of success. Of the opposite, when positive the preditivo value is low, it means that other factors, beyond that 0 variable that is being investigated, it influences the clinical evolution. To broaden your perception, visit cloud computing. Dynamic Eletrocardiografia in the Stratification of Risk for Sudden Death the reason for which the 24-hour patients if submit to the Holter, when presents symptoms, is to clarify the origin of these and its possible relation with alterations of the cardiac rhythm.

When they present complex arrhythmias and they are assintomticos, is for identifying the individuals with worse prognostic and, with this, trying to improve the supervened one through an effective treatment. Some studies in literature have demonstrated that the presence of those arrhythmias, detected for the dynamic eletrocardiografia, after the acute phase of infarto of the myocardium is indicative of bad prognostic in the evolution in the near future. However, even so the especificidade and the negative preditivo value of such finding are raised, sensitivity and positive the preditivo value remains low. This perhaps if must to the proper characteristics of the involved populations in the studies or, then, that the arrhythmias they are only marking of high risk, not being involved directly in the death cause. .